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Close-Up Footage of Flotilla Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers

4 Responses

  1. enough with the violent comments. you don’t mean it literally i know – but not everyone reading it will think so. we are dealing with actual animals here. look at these crazies – they claim they want to bring supplies to gaza – why not follow proper protocol and bring it in by land after being properly inspected?? and the world condems israel – what else is new?! how DARE you protect your borders?! how DARE you demand to inspect a boat before it enters your country?! mind you, turkey is not at peace with israel! this is not an ally we’re talking about – and even if it was they would have every right and in fact a responsibility to inspect the cargo anyway! it’s like america wanting to inspect boats coming from iran! would ANYONE say they did wrong?! why couldn’t they just submit to the inspection? why make problems and attack the soldiers like barbarians?! complete and utter animals. no other way of putting it. let the world say what they want. the truth is plain and clear. they’re all a bunch of idiots. the arabs aren’t only our enemies – they’re enemies of the whole world and all of western civilization. what can i say, i guess they’ll have to learn it the hard way. meanwhile gd protects us as he has for thousands of years.

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