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SHOCKING VIDEO: Neturei Karta Radical Says Hamas Is NOT Terrorist Organization

Watch in the attached video, a Neturei Karta self-hating Jew, is asked a simple question.

Is Hamas a terrorist organization?

The answer needed a simple yes or no.

Yet this individual first refused to admit that Hamas is not a terrorist organization. Shockingly, he eventually says it straight out.

People are free to be anti-Zionist. But Hamas has murdered and maimed thousands upon thousands of Jews. To openly say that Hamas is not a terrorist organization is simply almost as shocking as when Neturei Karta in the past met with and embraced (literally kissed) world leaders who call for the destruction of Israel, such as former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

They have met with Iran’s Foreign Minister, to thank the world’s largest sponsor of Terror for “friendship” with Jews worldwide.

They met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan just days after he called Israel a “terror and apartheid state”.

Below are some photos of Neturei Karta as they protested at the Israel Day parade in Manhattan on Sunday.

It’s interesting to note, that they are holding signs which read “anti-Zionism is NOT anti-semitism”, yet there does not seem to be a bigger anti-semite at the Israeli Day Parade then the man dressed in Jewish clothing who said that Hamas – who murdered and maimed thousands of Jews – is not a terrorist organization.

Individuals such as these should be banned from entering Israel on the grounds of collaborating with terrorist organizations, and arrested in the United States for supporting terrorists.

Some might ask why YWN would insult our viewers by giving these anti Semites a platform and attention. In most any other case, we might agree, but we feel it is important for all the world to know that the organized Orthodox Jewish world consider these misfits to be dangerous and a cause of much hatred & confusion. With rising antisemitism all across the globe putting Jews in harm’s way, let it be crystal clear for all to know, these impostors speak for noone. They masquerade as defenders of authentic Torah Judaism and nothing could be further from the truth. They represent nobody speak for noone and are shunned by all Jews, from right to left and everyone in the middle. They sit with the enemies of the Jewish people & give aid and comfort to those who incite violence & harm to our people. No longer can they find safe refuge in any community. They must be called out for the self haters that they are.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

33 Responses

  1. So if Hamas is not a terror organization then you guys are! Chazal refer to you mishoogene people as Rodef! May you merit to do tishuva.

  2. can’t even put a sentence together. Almost seems drugged. I think he should visit Gaza via a tunnel.

  3. This post is pathetic.
    Crazy man says crazy things… nobody thinks they are normal, that it would be deserving of a news headline. Really???

  4. SHOCKING VIDEO: A Crazy Group is Saying the Same Stupid Things That They’ve Been Saying for Decades!!! Run!! Hurry!!! Watch the video now!!! You must!! It’s crazy!!! They said it again!!!!!

  5. Not supprised. I saw in their website that they were angry that Sheikh Ahmed Yassin was gunned down by an Israeli helicopter right after Friday prayers on his wheelchair

  6. Once you go around reaching for everything you can, you start to wonder how much of that Obama stash via Iran is being funneled.
    But, if we found out, what is the appropriate response since I guess these are Jews?

  7. Don’t those Neturei Karta have an issue with being so close to those women who are dressed inappropriately? Or does protesting against Israel come before halacha?

  8. Unfortunately, there are commenters on YWN as well as Coffee Room participants who agree 100% with what this “person” states.


  9. We are not in the position to interrupt their food stamps and other entitlements. But we are a community that is against intermarriage. These resho’im are not behaving like Yidden, and one deserves to question their ancestry, whether they are Yidden, or just consumed missionaries. I would appreciate in posts like this to know names and identities so that we can guide the Chevra Kadishas to make sure their carcasses are not buried in a Jewish cemetery, and so that we can be adequately informed so that we do not intermarry.

  10. Rav Aharon Kotler zal had a very different outlook! In mishnas rav Aharon chapter 2 he said even when one Jew is in danger every Jew must feel their pain as if they are One. And surely if the Jewish community of Israel is in danger especially after the massive destruction to our people in the holocaust we must all share their pain and pray and study torah on their behalf. Imagine what would be said of evil traitors dressed as religous jews joining with the mortal enemies of israel giving them encouragement!

  11. How is the YWN any better?
    No reasonable argument brought, just attaching labels.
    No reference to any halacha decision, nothing – just empty exalted screaming.
    They making big conclusions from speech of person who does not really speak English. Shame to this journalist.

  12. Yeshiva World, why are we giving a forum to these Reshaim? All the attention that they’re getting is exactly what they’re looking for.

  13. Why do you pay attention to them?

    Everyone knows they are evil crazy people who LOVE getting attention this way.

    Don’t give it to them!!!

  14. They should be taken out back and “taught a lesson” they will not soon forget. Stop being יהודי גלות and take a stand.

  15. in the bottom 2 pictures there is a non-hassidic fellow there.
    are there non-hasidics in the NETUREIKAR?

  16. Lubobs were there putting on Tefilin with hundreds of Yidden. I wish one of them went over to the NK guys to ask them if they put on Tefilin yet today? 🤣

  17. Why do people shower their love on a State whose avowed goal is to eliminate Torah from Artzeinu Hakedoshah and have millions of Jews doing every aveirah in the book but we shower hatred on those who dare to speak up?

  18. Yussel:

    One does not need to subscribe to Zionism or love it to recognize Hamas as a terrorist group that is passionate and obsessed with the spilling of Jewish blood. One can have whatever shittos one wants about the medina, but supporting terrorists will never be acceptable to anyone that follows the Torah. Lastly, the State of Israel is not dedicated to expunging Torah from Klal Yisroel. They are indifferent to it, which is a huge problem. And the rejection from the frum world has irritated enough of them to be anti-frum. But your horror fantasy about the Zionists is simply a bad dream. I’m not going to sing praises for the medina. But I will not recognize those that support terrorists as deserving of life.

    I repeat my wish, that all these articles about the resho’im of NK should publicize their names so that we can all instruct our families to not intermarry with them, and that we place their carcasses in non-Jewish cemeteries. No descendant of the Avos who is a halachic Jew has the despicable midos to support our sworn enemies. These vermin are tacitly terrorists themselves, and we daven for their disappearance daily.

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