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Simcha Felder’s Going After NYC Pigeons

fp.jpgCouncilman Simcha Felder, (D-Brooklyn), is reportedly going to announce a bill that would make it illegal to feed pigeons and that would create a “pigeon czar” to be held accountable for all the city’s pigeon-related complaints.

In addition, Felder will recommend natural hawk habitation in the City and replacement of pigeon eggs with dummy eggs – and pigeon birth control.

“The people of New York are sick and tired of dodging pigeons and their droppings as they walk around the city,” Felder said. “The sidewalks, parks, streets and bridges for our city are littered with evidence that something needs to be done.”

Felder, who represents the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Ditmas Park, Borough Park, Midwood, Bensonhurst and Kensington, began crafting the legislation after receiving complaints that the elevated D and F train stations in his district were bombarded with pigeon droppings, said Felder’s spokesman, Eric Kuo.

(Source: AM NY)

10 Responses

  1. Hey what about feeding them Friday Parshas Beshlach?????? When it’s a traditional custom to feed them. Will there be an exception to the law????

  2. ha ha ha this guy is funny…
    he doesn’t have anything better to do ?
    like mabey going after double and triple parking.

  3. Give credit where due. The pigeons ARE a major nuisance, and carry lots of germs. And there are loads of them in Simcha’s neighborhood. I for one, DO appreciate action being taken on this issue.

  4. Just what we need another salary for taxpayers to cover. Does every little project have to cost so much money and manpower. The pigeons have been there for years. Let’s stick to the important stuff.

  5. All you critics are welcome to come to McDonald between 18th And Webster and view the pigeon scene, but dont walk beneath the tracks or you’ll get a little surprise on your wig, hat, streimel or carriage. It is DISGUSTING.

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