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  • in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152504

    eb – now the picture of you in my head has changed for the second time! I hope it isn’t going to change a third time!

    in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152503

    eb – again you shocked me! I really don’t mean this in an offensive way, but – I thought you were about my age (give or take two years)!!! I can’t believe you are so much older than me! lol next thing you know, you’re gonna be admitting that you’re a grandmother (please don’t do that to me!!)

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194292

    SIDI – thanx!!! I happen to be a HUGE fan of all Shmuel Kunda and The Purim Story!! I love them and could listen to them all day! I know the MMM, but was never a fan. Also, I’m very surprised that with all the kids tape threads, there is no thread about R’ Fishel Shechter’s World of Middos and My Name Is Emes. I used to be able to repeat those WORD FOR WORD as well! Am I the only HUGE fan?!

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194291

    Randomex – yes, your lyrics are off in places, but it’s OK I forgive you 😉 you probably haven’t listened to those tapes in ages! About the name game, interesting, I don’t know the original song (or, to be more precise, my father doesn’t know it, therefore I don’t know it 😉 )

    in reply to: Common Sayings That Irritate Me #1148945

    “pull up your socks” is an expression meaning “you had better improve” The first time my mother said that to me when I was little, I was very confused, because I didn’t wear socks…but I pulled up my tights anyway, until she explained what she meant 🙂

    in reply to: Country Yossi versus Abie Rottenberg versus? #1113488

    I love teardrop and memories, the old man one – yes they both make me cry (particularly a video of the latter sung by MBD and Avraham Fried at an Ohel concert – stunning and really really sad) that’s why I like them. A lot of songs these days are devoid of any emotion whatsoever. Anybody can stick some words to a tune and boom you got a song. Abie’s songs are full of emotion, and reflect deep ideas and feelings.

    in reply to: Common Sayings That Irritate Me #1148943

    “Pull up your socks” like, why not “tuck in your shirt”?

    in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152493

    LOL mods!! Yes, that is the perfect subtitle, as PAA mentioned, sums me up in one sentence 😀 yes I don’t have a clue what’s flying when it comes to subtitles, so wishing for clarity is def true lol

    in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152492

    And yes, I’m an official member of the RFC (Randomex Fan Club) 😀

    in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152491

    yet another subtitle I don’t get….sigh. I guess I will just have to accept the fact that I will never understand subtitles (including my own). eb- yes, I am hoping……I’m sure they exist lol (I mean, I hope they do…)

    in reply to: Country Yossi versus Abie Rottenberg versus? #1113486

    I don’t really know, but I thought it was called “What Will Become of All the Memories” (if you’re referring to the song about the old man). Memories is an MBD song…..I think. I don’t know it so well

    in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152488

    omg I totally thought you were a he….idk why maybe that’s how you come across lol although, I must admit, I have thought a few times that it’s really unusual for a boy to express such deep and personal feelings 😉 I thought maybe you were just a sensitive boy….you’re a she that is too funny!


    LOL! yeah I also heard “Hashem Melech”….at the doctor! (not a Jewish one) I was like….hey, wait a minute!

    in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152485

    Is that what you want as your subtitle? “You’d never guess why I chose this username”?

    in reply to: Country Yossi versus Abie Rottenberg versus? #1113483

    I also LOOOOVE the song Together, it’s a STUNNING song. I’m pretty sure Abie composed it and wrote lyrics. I think MBD and Yeedle sing it together….?

    in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152482


    in reply to: Changed usernames #1214687

    oooh. Thank you, SIDI and streekgeek!

    in reply to: Country Yossi versus Abie Rottenberg versus? #1113480

    Ninth Man 1 is DEFINITELY better!!!!

    in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152481

    “Handle with care”? It’s OK. I like my st 🙂

    That was meant to be a reference to people “talking over your head”

    in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152480

    PAA – apparently….ummmmm……. I don’t know if I agree with the mod who did mine….but it’s cute, if slightly offensive 🙂

    In what way is it offensive?

    in reply to: NeutiquamErro's favorite thread with an obscure title #1147279

    PAA – What you said about someone being killed isn’t true – they saved Buckbeak, remember? I guess it’s just something we can’t understand…

    in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152477

    I said ‘please’…..

    I’m thinking . . .

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194288

    Och so annoying randomex, now I can’t get ‘True Blue Friend’ outta my head!!!

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194287

    Also, thanx I really appreciate your dedication:)

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194286

    No way, best of K&T is either the sheim game, emor me’at, hashovas aveida or everything has a place 😀 sheim game is most fun, but the others have the best lyrics (only when T sings them though) btw, its REALLY good this is all anonymous, coz I’m supposed to have outgrown this stuff, like, ten years ago lol:D


    Randomex – I know names of most copies and one or two lines of them (e.g. Blind Man in the Bleachers, Alee Oop (spelling?!), Simon Says etc.)- coz whenever I sing a copied song, my father starts singing the original (lol – that’s what happens when you have a father who grew up in the sixties/seventies) I don’t know most of them myself. I know Runaround Sue and The Witch Doctor though, among others. I looooooooved the former idk why but I found it funny, especially the end 🙂

    in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152475

    I don’t – coz I don’t get it! Why ‘clap along’ so random! Can I have a better subtitle, please mods? (Meaning: Something I will actually UNDERSTAND, preferably!)

    in reply to: Country Yossi versus Abie Rottenberg versus? #1113476

    Randomex – Put that way, I have to say – CY does touching better than AR does funny. (In saying that, though, ‘I Went With All Of My Kids To a Store’ (from MMM) and ‘Yeshivishe Reid’ are VERY funny!)I don’t know most of the songs you mentioned, however, I don’t think Phantom is a moving song, since he ‘talks’ the song – it is more like a story than a song, and I don’t find it particularly emotional. Rebbe which you quoted from K&T is a stunning song, I love it! Also Kayli is gorgeous 🙂 Deaf man makes me cry also stunning.

    in reply to: Where to draw the line #1033950

    lol!! Randomex – me to a ‘T’ 😀 😀

    in reply to: Changed usernames #1214684

    Will someone PUH-LEEZE enlighten me as to what URL stands for!

    in reply to: NeutiquamErro's favorite thread with an obscure title #1147276

    yes – I NEVER understood it. I mean, how come people don’t just turn back time, so that people don’t get killed? Even if they are rare, McGonagall was able to get one for a student….surely it wasn’t the ONLY timeturner in the entire world! Or why didn’t Voldemort think to turn back time, when he realized Harry had discovered his horcruxes? He could have changed them to different objects…..or, Dumbledore could have never brought Riddle to Hogwarts….etc etc….

    in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152473

    Also eftachbchinor should have a st saying something about how he only posts threads that will start lengthy discussions about abstract ideas 🙂

    in reply to: #1 on your shidduch list #1187495

    crazybrit – what, coz you can’t improve your middos?

    in reply to: #1 on your shidduch list #1187496

    crazybrit – what, coz you can’t improve your middos?

    in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152472

    huh? I dont get it….why clap along? (I generally do not get people’s subtitles, if you haven’t noticed 🙂 )

    in reply to: Things people in the CR find offensive #1038589

    haifagirl – I don’t agree. Obviously it depends on the situation (a twenty-year-old should not introduce herself to a middle aged person as “Miss”, for example), however, if somebody introduces themselves as Mr/Mrs/Miss etc, that is evidently how they wish to be addressed, and it is usually appropriate. I have only heard older people introducing themselves to younger people in this fashion.

    in reply to: Country Yossi versus Abie Rottenberg versus? #1113473

    I think you have it totally wrong – Country Yossi is the funny one, AR is the touching one! (See: My Little Yingele and Seven Little Kids (not sure what the song is actually called) plus all the Kivi and Tuki songs; see: Neshomele, Mama Rochel and Teardrop) Never heard of Lenny Solomon…Gershon Veroba I’d say is most similar to CY, I wouldn’t compare him to AR though

    in reply to: PLEASE HELP! #1033901

    Was the name Roni given at this person’s bris? <Letakein Girl>

    Aside from the nickname, I’m pretty sure ‘Roni’ (the full name) is a girl’s name…..but I stand to be corrected 🙂

    in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152469

    Hey randomex! when did your st change?? And btw – I don’t get this one any more than the last….explanation? (Also, the best subtitle is DEFINITELY shnitzy:) )


    A boy named Sue is waaaay better! In general, I like the original version way better, with the exception of My Little Yingele 🙂 love that song!!

    in reply to: NeutiquamErro's favorite thread with an obscure title #1147274

    And Hogsmeade would be Lakewood (place filled only with wizards/Jews, and Roshei Yeshivos (Aberforth))

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194283

    pretty much 🙂

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194282

    And last thing, also to Randomex – the chicken song is “Chicken Soup” (Country Yossi and the Shteeble Hoppers 4) See, I do know some old songs 🙂 but as far as country yossi goes, I prefer kivi and tuki – I can tell you the lyrics to any of their songs lol 😀

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194281

    Also, Randomex, (you are going to regret ever helping me in the first place, since now I direct all my questions to you :P)how do you get a subtitle? And when it says “Inactive” or “blocked” is that a joke or serious?

    in reply to: Couplets, haikus and any short poems by weird people #1209841

    There once was a poster, notasheep by name,

    Who could have had wealth, glory and fame,

    Had she sold her poetry

    Instead of posting it for free,

    Which is truly a terrible shame.

    in reply to: How do you translate your Hebrew name? #1034340

    Randomex – about your previous post (and since you seem to know your way around the CR better than most:) ) how can i access a profile if it says “user not found” and what does this mean? Also, I know I might come across as slow – and for the record, I am usually great at figuring out abbreviations, so this is quite embarrassing – but what does URL stand for?

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194277

    Randomex – question: are you very particular about punctuation by any chance? You keep capitalizing my username 🙂 just write cozimjewish it makes your life easier 🙂

    in reply to: SEMINARY PICKS #1054246

    smile101 – yes I’m also interested in those places. Good luck finding someone nice enough to actually help out on the CR though 🙂 I doubt anyone who actually knows will answer. Also, keep in mind that CR is mostly people’s (often mistaken) opinions, so it’s also good to ask someone you know who went to the sems you mentioned. If you find out anything, lmk!!! 🙂 I’m also looking for info….Hatzlacha!

    in reply to: Where to draw the line #1033948

    Yes – I have the same question!!! Can someone PLEASE answer this regarding girls, as well???

    in reply to: #1 on your shidduch list #1187492

    eb – congrats on starting a post that popa deemed worthy of answering 😀 that’s Big Stuff! It actually is an interesting and important question (though I’m not in shidduchim yet, THANK G-D!!!)

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