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  • doomsday

    Yserbius: @2cents was absolutely correct when s/he said that there’s no study that shows a link [between autism and vaccines]

    Yserbius, you lack reading comprehension. There are many many studies showing a link between autism and
    vaccine. There are also CDC studies that state that those studies are incorrect, but that does not mean the studies do not exist – which is what 2cents implied. You will notice that 2cents does not deny that she lied, because she did.


    Vaccinator: Read my lips!!! There are NO studies linking vaccines to autism!

    Folks, ProVaxxers are either Stupid or Deliberately Lying. I think it’s both.
    Just Google “157 Research Papers Supportingthe Vaccine/Autism Link”.
    What the ProVaxxers really means is that there is No Study Showing a Link between Autism and Vaccines
    that the CDC will admit is valid. But I have already proven that CDC Lies.
    There could be a Million Studies showing a Link between Autism and Vaccines and CDC will
    say the Studies are all Wrong, and continue to deny that Vaccines can cause Autism!

    in reply to: My Inner Thoughts On Vaccine Politics #1634893

    People are blaming Outbreaks on Unvaccinated when it could be the VACCINATED who are causing the outbreaks! Per Vaccine Inserts, Newly Vaccinated children can shed the virus and should be kept away
    from immune-suppressed people for six weeks.
    There is also an article in Science Magazine entitled Measles Outbreak traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient!
    So stop blaming outbreaks on Unvaccinated when it could be the Vaccinated causing the outbreak!


    More Proof that ProVaxxers on this thread Shamelessly Lie
    Yserbius12: You asked me 3 times:


    And I answered several times with an unequivocal NO.

    Folks, google: 24 published studies linking autism to vaccines.
    And yet 2SCENTS lies that there are NO studies linking autism to vaccines.
    And Yserbius lied 4-5 times that 2scents did NOT lie when she said there are No studies linking autism
    to vaccines.
    These ProVaxxers are shameless!


    Proof that the ProVaxxers on this Thread are Lying to Cover Up Dangers of Vaccines:

    One of the Biggest Lies of CDC and ProVaxxers is that Injury or Death from Vaccines is extremely rare. But the Department of Health, which includes the CDC, wrote in a Report titled Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System” which is online. Pg. 6 says:

    Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.

    The CDC says that 30,000 vaccine adverse events are reported per year. This includes 168 DEATHS. But Dept. of Health says that Fewer then 1% of Vaccine Adverse Events Are Reported! That means there are Over THREE MILLION Vaccine Adverse Events per year, including 16,800 DEATHS!

    I exposed the biggest Lie of the CDC and ProVaxxers (that vaccine injuries are rare)
    The ProVaxxers on this thread went crazy, attacking me as a Liar! Folks, my statement that there are over 3,000,000 vaccine adverse events including 16,800 deaths per year is based on information from the CDC and the Dept of Health itself! And I gave a Direct Quote from the Report!

    Benignuman Lied! that unreported adverse events are for Minor things like a Rash. But the above quote says that even SERIOUS adverse events are only reported 1-13%.

    Benignuman expects You to believe that even though Only 1-13% of Serious DRUG adverse events are reported, nearly all serious VACCINE adverse events Are Reported!!!
    Benignuman actually thinks You are stupid enough to believe that statement!!! Isn’t that insulting to you?


    Truthishidden: ITo Doing my best:
    Please explain how they came to the conclusion that autism causes brain swelling and not the other way around?
    As I see it people with autism have brain swelling, how can they tell which came first?

    Children with autism develop encephalitis (Brain Swelling) AFTER vaccination and the Brain Swelling causes
    Autism. Doing My Best doesn’t have Reading Comprehension. S/he misinterpreted this sentence:
    β€œbrains affected by autism share a pattern of ramped-up immune responses and related inflammation.”
    to mean that Autism Causes Brain Inflamation, when it is the other way around!
    All that sentence means is that People with Autism have Brain Inflammation.


    “In June 2009, an American senate investigation revealed that drug companies, including those that make drugs he advocates for childhood bipolar disorder, had paid Biederman $1.6 million in β€œconsulting” and β€œspeaking” fees between 2000 and 2007”.
    Dr. Joseph Biederman was a researcher who made Fraudulent Studies for Pharmaceutical Companies.
    In addition to being paid the stand fee as a researcher, the Pharmaceutical Companies also paid
    Biederman $1.6 MILLION in “consulting” and “speaking” fees. In other words Biederman got a $1.6 Million
    BRIBE from Pharmaceutical Companies as a reward for making Fraudulent Studies for them!

    We live in a very corrupt world and anyone who has blind trust in government or corporations is a fool!


    Meno: 1% of adverse effects are reported, -168 Deaths are reported, -That means in reality there are 16,800 deaths? That’s extremely faulty logic. It would be reasonable to assume that a much higher percentage of severe adverse effects are reported than mild adverse effects.
    Here is the quote from the Department of Health and Human Resources:
    Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.
    Per the Department of Health, even SERIOUS events (including death) are only reported 1-13% of the time!
    So, are you going to admit you were wrong, Meno?


    Yserbius: Still waiting on an apology when you called me a liar.
    At 1 pm today I replied to you:
    Yserbius: I did not lie….. nor did I refuse to answer your question.
    Doomsday: Please answer me: What was the question I asked you three times?
    If you do not respond – that is proof that you are lying!

    It is now 1 am and you still did not respond. So that is proof that you are a Liar!
    If you want to prove you are Not a Liar, then all you have to do is answer this:
    What was the question I asked you three times?


    2Scents: Yes, I know for a Fact that doctors are rarely reporting deaths from Vaccines to VAERS because
    the Depart of Health and Human Services said so in their report:
    “Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.”


    Doingmybest: If you read carefully, as seen in this sentence β€œbrains affected by autism share a pattern of ramped-up immune responses and related inflammation.” this study by an extremely respected orginization says that autism causes brain swelling and not the other way around as Doomsday tried to claim. This was a clear lie on Doomsdays part.
    No, it was NOT a Lie on my part but a lack of Reading Comprehension on Your part! The sentence β€œbrains affected by autism share a pattern of ramped-up immune responses and related inflammation.” means that Children with Autism Have Brain Inflammation. It does Notmean that Autism Causedthe Brain Inflammation.
    Vaccine Court has given awards to Children who got Encephalitis (Brain Inflammation) after getting Vaccinated. The EncephalitisCaused the Autism. The Autism did NOT cause the Brain Inflammation!
    Doingmybest, you owe me an Apology for calling me a Liar because you lack Reading Comprehension!


    Doingmybest: If you read carefully, as seen in this sentence β€œbrains affected by autism share a pattern of ramped-up immune responses and related inflammation.” this study by an extremely respected orginization says that autism causes brain swelling and not the other way around as Doomsday tried to claim.
    This was a clear lie on Doomsdays part.

    I know you are doing your best, but you really need to learn reading comprehension. The sentence
    “β€œbrains affected by autism share a pattern of ramped-up immune responses and related inflammation.”
    means that Autistic children have brain inflamation. It does not mean that autism caused the brain inflammation!
    Many children won awards in Vaccine Court because they developed Encephalitis (brain inflammation) after Vaccination. And the Brain Inflammation caused these children to become Autistic. So FIRST comes the Brain Inflammation and THEN comes the Autism!
    Please apologize for calling me a Liar, because you lack Reading Comprehension!


    β€œIt is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”
    This is the statement of the Editor of the Most Respected Medical Journal in the Country! This proves that there isan epidemic of fraudulent medical studies!
    It is very easy to create a study that gets the results the person who is paying for the study wants. Of course all the studies paid for by the CDC say Vaccines don’t cause Autism. But there are 150 studies not paid for by CDC that do show a link between Vaccines and Autism!
    In the history of the world, there was Never a study that reached a conclusion that harmed the company paying for the study! Scientists are not Holy Men. They can be just as corrupt as the government or corporation that hires them!
    I have posted the Fraud committed by the CDC Danish Study and no ProVaxxer has been able to refute that CDC committed Fraud to deny the link between Autism and Vaccines!


    Health: regarding why CDC won’t do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed study:
    “All they have to do is get the Anti-vaxxers to volunteer to be part of the study. It’s unethical to force people who want the vax to be part of the study. ”
    We don’t need any vaxxed people to be part of the study. We already know that the autism rate in the
    general population is 1:59. So all we need to do is study what is the Autism Rate among the Unvaxxed.
    So your answer is nonsense! The reason the CDC refuses to do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed study is because
    the CDC knows it will prove that Vaccines cause Autism and many other diseases!


    Benign: I looked up the 2010 report you cited. It was talking about doctors reporting adverse events, however minor, on the VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system) and was urging doctors to use to properly report adverse events. That report is not talking about injury or death claims against the vaccine compensation board. And it never claims that only 1% of serious injury or death cases are reported by doctors. Your extrapolation is completely unwarranted. If there is dishonesty in this conversation it isn’t coming from me.

    If there is dishonesty it is coming from you! I read through the report twice. Please tell me the page number where it urged doctors to report adverse events however minor! I never said the report was about injury or death claims, so why are you implying that I did? And the report explicitly says that even serious events ,which means death or permanent injury, are only reported 1-13% so you are a Big Liar!!!
    Here is the direct quote from the report, Page 6:
    Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
    Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.

    So Benignuman, are you going to admit that you Lied???


    2scents: Conclusions and Relevance: In this large sample of privately insured children with older siblings, receipt of the MMR vaccine was not associated with increased risk of ASD, regardless of whether older siblings had ASD. These findings indicate no harmful association between MMR vaccine receipt and ASD even among children already at higher risk for ASD.
    The study says the autism rate was similar whether or not the younger sibling got the MMR vaccine.
    But the report did not say that the younger siblings who did not get the MMR vaccine and developed Autism
    were UnVaccinated. So the study was just comparing Vaccinated children who got theMMR to Vaccinated Children who didn’t get MMR. All vaccines pose an Autism Risk, not just the MMR.


    Yserbius, you are responding to the wrong study. The Fraudulent Study I am referring to is called
    “Danish Thimerosal-Autism Study” and it was published in Pediatrics.


    Yserbius: I did address your claim of fraudulent CDC studies.
    No, you did not. You did not refer to the correct study. It is the Danish Thimerosal-Autism Study published in Pediatric.
    Also, you still did not answer me: What was the question that I asked you to answer – three times???
    If you do not tell me the Question I asked you, it is proof that you lied!


    Meno: 1% of adverse effects are reported, -168 Deaths are reported, -That means in reality there are 16,800 deaths?
    That’s extremely faulty logic. It would be reasonable to assume that a much higher percentage of severe adverse effects are reported than mild adverse effects.
    So now that I’ve caught you repeatedly pushing a faulty argument it must be that YOU ARE A LIAR!!!

    If the Department of Health and Human Resources says that fewer then 1% of adverse events, then it is correct logic to say that 168 reported deaths = 16,800 actual deaths.
    You say that a serious event like a death is more likely to be reported. However there are numerous accounts of parents whose child died and the doctors insist that the death was not caused by vaccines but was
    a “coincidence”. These doctors are not reporting these deaths to VAERS because they deny it could have
    been a reaction to the vaccine. Therefore, only a fraction of deaths following vaccines are reported.


    Vaccinator: I’m glad that you are quoting HHS statistics as being truth. So if you implicitly trust HHS, then you certainly will trust CDC which is part of HHS! HaHa! I GOT YOU!!!

    I don’t trust CDC or HHS but you ProVaxxers do – so I use quotes from CDC and HHS own website that
    proves that CDC and Vaccine Industry LIES!

    Since you trust HHS website, then do you admit that vaccines cause 3 Million Injuries
    and 16,800 Deaths every year? Please answer!


    Vaccinator: doomsday, it has been proven by REAL science beyond a shadow of a doubt that vaccines do not cause autism
    More Lies! Just found a website that has 150 Research Papers showing link between vaccines and autism.
    And Vaccinator, you never responded to my proof that CDC publishes fraudulent studies!
    I guess that means you can’t refute the proof of CDC’s fraud, right?


    Meno: It must be terrible to live your life with the assumption that everyone is lying to you

    I do not assume provaxxers are lying, I proved it!


    Benign: When someone suffers serious long-term injury or death from a vaccine, they are almost certainly going to bring a claim to the vaccine compensation program</em?
    1.When children are injured or killed after vaccination, the doctors lie and say that it was a “coincidence”
    2. Most parents never heard of Vaccine Court.
    3. There statute of limitations is much shorter then in real court so by that even if parents learn about
    vaccine court it is too late and Vaccine Court refuses to hear their claim.
    4. Parents have to pay thousands out of pocket and it can take up to 10 years for their case to finished.
    This is too time consuming, stressful and expensive for many parents.
    Does that refute your claim, Benignuman?


    <strong?ProVaxxers, Do you believe in evolution?</strong? If you don’t then you are “Anti Science” because virtually all Scientists say that evolution is a fact!
    Do you believe a man is a woman if he says so? If you don’t then you are “Anti Science” because most Scientists say that if a man says he is woman then he really is a woman!

    Folks, scientists are paid by the government and scientists are controlled by the government.
    Scientists will say whatever the government wants them to say and will make studies to “prove”
    whatever the government wants them to “prove”.

    The same for doctors. Any doctor who says vaccines are dangerous will lose his/her license.
    So there is no point in asking your doctor if vaccines are dangerous. The doctor will say whatever
    the government orders the doctor to say.


    Vaccinator CDC has never published a fake study.
    Vaccinator, refute the proof of fraud labeled 1. 2. and 3. below!
    How CDC makes Fraudulent Studies to β€œprove” thimerosal-vaccines don’t cause autism (it does!):
    β€œThe Danish Study” compared the number of newly recorded autism cases before 1992 when thimerosal containing vaccines were used to newly recorded cases of Autism after 1992, when thimerosal was removed. The study showed that the number of newly recorded cases increased after thimerosal was removed and stated this proved that thimerosal does not cause autism.
    Here is the Fraud:
    1. Before 1992, the Fake researchers only counted autistic children in Hospitals. After 1992, the Fake researchers included autistic children who were outpatients! There are 10x as many outpatient autistic children as there are in Hospitals!!!

    It is the equivalent of doing a study on β€œDivorce Rates in North America” and counting Mexico and Canada divorces before 1992, then adding in the United States divorces for after 1992, and claiming that divorce rates went up after 1992.
    2. after 1992The Danish Government Changed the Definition of Autism to a more inclusive one. Of course the number of children diagnosed with Autism increased!
    3. Deletion of Data – the Fake Researchers the entire year of data 2001 for seven year old children from its final published report. This is blatant Fraud!
    Additionally, all the researchers were employees or closely connected to Vaccine Manufacturers. One researcher, Poul Thorson, was indicted on 22 counts of Fraud and fled USA and is on the Most Wanted Criminals List. These are the β€œHoly Researchers” employed by the CDC!
    Folks, after seeing how the CDC hires Criminals to produce Fake Studies to Lie to the public that Vaccines don’t cause Autism (it does), how can you trust them?


    benignumah: My point stands, serious injury due to vaccines is vanishingly rare.

    This is more proof that you Lie. I answered you that per the Department Of Health and Human Resources
    fewer then 1% of all vaccine adverse advents are reported. Therefore there are over 3 Million Vaccine Injuries per year and 1,680 Vaccine Deaths. Yet you still repeat the Lie that serious injury from vaccines is rare. Shame!

    Please use <em> and </em> for italics. Thanks


    Yberius: The data from the studies is still valid and so is the data on dozens of other studies that show no link between immunization and autism.
    Thank you for admitting that a CDC Researcher is a Fraud.
    Now, Please refute the proof of fraud labeled 1. 2. and 3. below!
    How CDC makes Fraudulent Studies to β€œprove” thimerosal-vaccines don’t cause autism (it does!):
    β€œThe Danish Study” compared the number of newly recorded autism cases before 1992 when thimerosal containing vaccines were used to newly recorded cases of Autism after 1992, when thimerosal was removed. The study showed that the number of newly recorded cases increased after thimerosal was removed and stated this proved that thimerosal does not cause autism.
    Here is the Fraud:
    1. Before 1992, the Fake researchers only counted autistic children in Hospitals. After 1992, the Fake researchers included autistic children who were outpatients! There are 10x as many outpatient autistic children as there are in Hospitals!!!

    It is the equivalent of doing a study on β€œDivorce Rates in North America” and counting Mexico and Canada divorces before 1992, then adding in the United States divorces for after 1992, and claiming that divorce rates went up after 1992.
    2. The Danish Government Changed the Definition of AutismΒ to a more inclusive one. Of course the number of children diagnosed with Autism increased!
    3. Deletion of Data – the Fake Researchers the entire year of data 2001 for seven year old children from its final published report. This is blatant Fraud!
    Additionally, all the researchers were employees or closely connected to Vaccine Manufacturers. One researcher, Poul Thorson, was indicted on 22 counts of FraudΒ and fled USA and is on the Most Wanted Criminals List. These are the β€œHoly Researchers” employed by the CDC!
    Folks, after seeing how the CDC hires Criminals to produce Fake Studies to LieΒ to the public that Vaccines don’t cause Autism (it does), how can you trust them?



    Yserbius: I did not lie….. nor did I refuse to answer your question.

    Doomsday: Please answer me: What was the question I asked you three times?
    If you do not respond – that is proof that you are lying!


    Provaxxers, when are you going to respond to my proof that CDC publishes Fake Studies?
    like the infamous “Danish Study” which I posted details of how the CDC study committed


    Benignuman: Doomsday, I don’t know where you are getting the β€œfewer than 1% of adverse events are reported”

    Doomsday: Benignuman, why do you LIE when I stated this is from Pg. 6 of a report from the
    Department of Health and Human Services entitled: Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse
    Event Reporting System , and that this report is on the internet?

    Folks, Do you notice that I keep catching the Vaccine Industry Defenders in LIE after LIE?
    Still trust the Vaccine Industry?


    2Scents: Why have you not acknowledged and apologized for the studies you have posted yet when some have shown you that the actual content and conclusions are contrary to what you have posted, you don’t acknowledge this.

    Doomsday: Just because the CDC hires Fraudulent Researchers to stay those studies are wrong doesn’t make it so! I have proved that CDC produces FAKE STUDIES in my Post regarding CDCs “Danish Studies”.
    Why hasn’t 2Scents admitted that CDC made a FAKE STUDY???

    2Scents: This includes falsely posting about what is written on the MMR vaccine insert.

    Doomsday: I have NEVER stated I am quoting an MMR vaccine insert! When will 2Scents stop lying?

    2Scents: Is your strategy just to overwhelm people with lies and exhaust them?

    Doomsday: No. That is the ProVaxxer strategy. But I am able to quickly refute all the Provaxxer LIES.

    2Scents: Is there one thing that would convince you to drop the theory?

    Doomsday: Yes. If the CDC would do a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Retrospective Study. For Decades the Tobacco Industry LIED that smoking does NOT cause cancer and hired Scientists to chant “Correlation does not
    prove Causation” – EXACTLY what Vaccine Industry & CDC is doing! It was a Smoker vs Non-Smoker Study that PROVED that Smoking causes Cancer, heart disease, stroke and emphasyma!
    There have been Vaxxed vx Unvaxxed studies that show that Unvaccinated children are far healthier
    then vaccinated children. The CDC LIES and says there are no such studies – just like 2Scents LIES that there are no studies linking Autism to Vaccines. The CDC REFUSES to do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study.
    2Scents – explain to my WHY CDC refuses to do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study?


    Ubiquitin responded to someone who said that they asked a Gadol about vaccinating and the Gadol said
    Not to Vaccinate. Ubiquitin responded that A BIGGER Gadol said Everyone must Vaccinate.
    There is No POPE by Jews. Every Jew is allowed to Choose their own Rov and Follow their Psak!


    Folks, Proof Pro-Vaxxers LIE!
    Folks, 2Cents, LIED that there are NO studies linking Autism to Vaccines, except for Wakefield’s.
    A 2 minute google search showed website: 24 Published Studies Linking Autism to Vaccines.
    I posted that 2Scents LIED when s/he stated that there are NO studies linking Autism to Vaccines.
    2cents did not respond which is tacitly acknowledging s/he LIED.
    Yserbius123 responded by saying it is impossible to analyze all the studies.
    I told Yserbius that is NOT my point. I asked Yserbius again “Did 2scents LIE when s/he stated that
    there are NO Studies linking Autism to Vaccines?
    Again, Yserbius did not answer this question but said s/he found a website that those 24 studies are no good.
    Proof that Yserbius is deliberately lying by refusing to answer my question, but
    Yserbius wants audience to think that s/he did answer that 2scents did not lie, so Yserbius is also Lying to Cover-Up for 2cents Lie!

    Please use the </strong> end-tag. Otherwise your entire post comes out bold. Thank you


    2Scents: What would explain the autism detected in a child that had not received vaccines, since the rate of autism is the same.

    Doomsday: Show me the source that says the rate of autism in unvaccinated is 1:59. I have seen doctors
    report that autism is very rare among unvaccinated.
    Also, When are you going to admit that you were wrong when you said there are NO studies linking
    autism to vaccines (except for Wakefield)? A 2 minute google search proved you are wrong!


    Interjection: Why does doomsday keep responding to his/herself?

    Doomsday: I post the Name of the person I am responding to and a quote. Learn To Read!
    Interjection, Why do ProVaxxers keep Lying?


    Humdiddledum: I created an account just so that I could post this comment.
    Doomsday – yasher koach, thank you for persevering against all the baseless hate over here.

    Doomsday: Thank you for your chizuk. Stay strong! In the end, The Truth Will Come Out!


    Doingmybest: “Pls answer this. What exactly needs to be proven to you in order for you to agree?”

    Doomsday: Why won’t the CDC do a vaxxed vs unvaxxed study? (retrospective).
    There actually have been several such studies and they all show that unvaccinated children are far
    healthier then vaccinated children. But the CDC lies and says there has never been a vaxxed-unvaxxed study. And the CDC refuses to do such a study! Why do you suppose that is???

    For Decades, the Tobacco Industry LIED and DENIED that smoking causes cancer!
    Tobacco Industry hired scientists to chant “correlation does not prove causation”.
    It was a Smoker vs Non-Smoker study that finally ended the debate and PROVED smoking causes cancer.
    Now we know why CDC and Vaccine Industry will never do this study. Because it will prove that
    vaccines cause autism and many other diseases – an entire generation destroyed!


    benignuman: You are ignoring the statistics I provided showing that even claims of injury from childhood vaccines are extraordinarily unlikely. It is far, far, far more likely that a child will be injured by the disease than by the vaccine.

    Doomsday: Per Department of Health and Human Services “fewer then 1% of adverse events are reported”
    So if 30,000 adverse events are reported, that means there were really 3 Million adverse events!
    168 deaths per year reported is really 16,800 deaths.

    How can you ignore that the rise in autism (1:59), diabetes (1:400), cancer, allergies(1:13), epilepsy (1:250), adhd (1:10), learning disabilities (1:6)??? Since CDC has tripled the vaccine schedule we have the
    SICKEST children in the history of the United States!!! How can you ignore all that???


    Benignuman: “The Measles Virus. At least 1 in a 500 (1/1000 concurrently, and 1/1000 later) children that get measles will develop encephalitis. That is far, far, far more likely than the 1 in 500,000 (at most) that will get encephalitis from the vaccine.”
    Doomsday: Per the Mayo Clinic Website:
    “Encephalitis often causes only mild flu-like signs and symptoms β€” such as a fever or headache β€” or no symptoms at all.”
    Since the symptoms of encephalitis are so mild, and babies/toddlers are non verbal and can’t state their symptoms, the majority of autism induced encephalitis that are un-diagnosed.
    Even when children are diagnosed with encephalitis after vaccination, the doctors all deny that it was caused by vaccines and say it’s a “coincidence” so most vaccine caused encephalitis is unreported.
    Per Dept of Health and Human Services “fewer then 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported”.

    Per Mayo Clinic Website, Encephalitis is caused by a virus – and some vaccines contain Live viruses. Or Encephalitis can be caused by a faulty immune system response that causes the body to start attacking its own brain tissue (an autoimmune response).
    Some vaccines contain live viruses. ALL vaccines provoke an immune response which could trigger the
    immune system to attack it’s own brain tissue (autoimmune response). Babies and children get both live virus vaccines and other vaccines containing mercury and aluminum all at the same time!
    And Babies and Children are more vulnerable to encephalitis and CDC mandates that they be bombarded with vaccines when they are at the highest risk of getting encephalitis! Is it any wonder that autism went from
    1:10,000 to 1:59 – with the increases correlating to the increases in the vaccine schedule???
    Allergies and other Autoimmune Diseases are skyrocketing – and vaccines hyperstimulate the immune system!
    Furthermore, all autistic children present with the result of encephalitis: BRAIN DAMAGE.
    Autistic children usually have other signs of inflammation and autoimmune disease including
    allergies and inflammatory bowel disease.
    Benignuman, did I answer your question?


    Doingmybest, What lie do you claim Vaccinator “caught” me?


    Doing My Best: 1. “This says that encephalitis does NOT cause autism as !Doomsday seems to be claiming,”
    Please show me the line that says encephalitis does not cause autism. You’re lying.

    2. “That means that when the other 3,500 people died, the cause of death could easily have been written down as a complication of Measles. For example pneumonia.”
    Wrong. Because the Law requires that all cases of Measles be reported to National Agency, this Measles death
    would have to be reported so there were 1,000 measles deaths, not 3,500. And you can list more then one cause of death on the certificate.

    3. “fewer then 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported”
    “you know what the other 99% are? I would say a rash or slight reaction”
    Wrong again! Many parents reported then when their child developed high fever, seizures and then
    regressed into autism – or dropped Dead! the doctors insisted it was a “coincidence” and had nothing to do
    with the vaccine the child received hours before. Do you think the doctor who vaccinated the child is going
    to admit that he/she is responsible for the injury or death? Nope. They just say it’s a “coincidence”


    TruthisHidden: Thank you doomsday for bringing this important information.

    Doomsday: You’re Welcome. Thank you for your support.


    Vaccinator: It’s real clear why these anti-vaxxers are so strident and frequent in their comments: the only time that ever happens is when someone is insecure in their beliefs and/or feel guilty about what they’re doing.

    Doomsday: I’m sorry I make you feel so insecure.
    I hope you feel guilty about spreading disinformation, but I doubt you have a conscience.


    Vaccinator: Guess what?! I just did research and discovered that the increase in autism over the past twenty years is directly correlated with the marked increase in avocado consumption!
    Yep, you heard it here first: AVOCADOS CAUSE AUTISM!!

    Doomsday: And how many people developed high fevers and seizures within hours of eating
    avocados and then regressed into autism or dropped dead?
    Are Avocados full of neurotoxins like mercury and aluminum? Do Avocados contain live viruses?
    Are there THOUSANDS of people stating that they or their children became autistic after eating avocados?
    Are there dozens of Published Peer Reviewed Studies stating that avocados cause Autism?

    Writing in caps is the equivalent of yelling and you need to stop yelling. It is rude, and it is not helping you make your point. It is only irritating posters and making you look a bit unhinged. PLEASE STOP YELLING OR WE WILL START DELETING YOUR POSTS!!

    I hope that was clear


    How CDC makes FRAUDULENT STUDIES to “prove” thimerosal-vaccines don’t cause autism (it does!):
    β€œThe Danish Study” compared the number of newly recorded autism cases before 1992 when thimerosal containing vaccines were used to newly recorded cases of Autism after 1992, when thimerosal was removed. The study showed that the number of newly recorded cases increased after thimerosal was removed and stated this proved that thimerosal does not cause autism.
    Here is the Fraud:
    1. Before 1992, the Fake researchers only counted autistic children in HOSPITALS. After 1992, the Fake researchers INCLUDED autistic children who were outpatients! There are 10x as many outpatient autistic children as there are in Institutions!!!

    It is the equivalent of doing a study on “Divorce Rates in North America” and counting Mexico and Canada divorces before 1992, then adding in the United States divorces for after 1992, and claiming that divorce rates went up after 1992.
    2. The Danish Government CHANGED THE DEFINITION OF AUTISM to a more inclusive one. Of course the number of children diagnosed with Autism increased!
    3. Deletion of Data – the Fake Researchers the entire year of data 2001 for seven year old children from its final published report. This is blatant Fraud!
    Additionally, all the researchers were employees or closely connected to Vaccine Manufacturers. One researcher, Poul Thorson, was indicted on 22 counts of FRAUD and fled USA and is on the Most Wanted Criminals List. These are the β€œHoly Researchers” employed by the CDC!
    Folks, after seeing how the CDC hires CRIMINALS to produce FAKE STUDIES to LIE to the public that Vaccines don’t cause Autism (it does), how can you trust them?


    Vaccinator, I didn’t accuse CDC & Merck of Lying I PROVED IT!
    CDC & Merck claim that measles kill 1:1,000. Yet per CDC’s own website data, measles killed 1:10,000.
    So CDC and Merck are claiming that Measles is 10x deadlier then it is – according to CDC’s OWN website!


    Yserbius123, is what 2scents stated that there is NO STUDY linking autism to vaccines, except Andrew
    Wakefield’s TRUE or FALSE? I DARE YOU to answer this question!

    (Hint: I showed you where you can find 24 Peer Reviewed Published Studies linking autism to vaccines).


    2Scents: What is not appreciated, is you calling made up facts as evidence.

    Doomsday: Here are my Facts again. Tell me which Facts you DISPUTE and provide EVIDENCE!
    1. Mayo Clinic: β€œEncephalitis (en-sef-uh-LIE-tis) is inflammation of the brain. There are several causes, but the most common is viral infection.”
    Some vaccines contain LIVE viruses. Other Vaccines contain known neurotoxins including mercury & aluminum. Children get multiple vaccines at once so they are getting both LIVE viruses & neurotoxins at once!
    2. Brain Inflamation a hallmark of autism, John Hopkins Analysis shows.
    3. Encephalitis and AUTISM are listed as adverse events on vaccine inserts. Also SIDS. These inserts are not shown to parents as required by law so all doctors are committing malpractice upon advise of CDC.
    4. Vaccine Court has paid out Millions to children who got encephalitis following vaccination.
    These compensated children who got encephalitis have Autism!
    5. Vaccine Court’s name is National Vaccine Injury Compensation – proof that vaccines cause injury!


    2Scents: There is no study that was able to link autism to vaccines, other than the now known fraudulent study by Andrew Wakefield.

    Doomsday: Folks, this is one of the most common ProVaxer Lies!
    Google “24 Published Studies Showing Vaccines Cause Autism” for Proof that ProVaxers are LYING to you!


    Vaccinator: “If anyone is reading this stuff, you’ll notice that 90% of the posts are written by the same handful of people. β€œDoomsday’s” comments can all just be ignored because they are totally nonsensical. If you’re going to spend your time reading this stuff, just ignore doomsday-that’ll save you about 50% of the time!”

    Doomsday: Folks, remember in the Wizard of Oz when the FAKER proclaimed
    “Pay No Attention to The Man Behind The Curtain!!!”

    When ProVax Liars tell you NOT to pay attention to someone – that means pay CLOSE ATTENTION.
    I’m Making the ProVax Liars nervous so they start telling everyone don’t read my posts!

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