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  • in reply to: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem #1636605

    There is a Jewish Religious reason not to vaccinate. If a parent after many hours of research,
    knows that vaccines are very dangerous, the parent has an obligation to protect their child’s life.
    “Unishmarten es Nafshosechem”

    in reply to: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem #1636604

    I am just guessing here, but I think the gadol they are referring to is Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetsky, Shlitah.

    I did have my children vaccinated. When I first heard about anti-vaxxers I thought they were paranoid.
    But then I saw my nephew regress into autism after receiving 7 vaccines in one day.

    And I have been doing research for a couple of years now. And I learned about CDC corruption.
    And debating provaccers who lie further strengthens my position. Like ProVaxxers who go around
    lying there are NO studies linking vaccines to autism except for “Wakefield’s Fraudulent Study.”
    Regardless of whether or not you accept those studies it is an absolute LIE to say There aren’t any
    studies showing a link between Autism and Vaccines. And that’s just one example.

    in reply to: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem #1636468

    There are Gedolim who recognize the Dangers of Vaccines and advise NOT to vaccinate, if asked.
    It goes under the Mitzvah of “uneshmartem es nafshoseichem” (guard your life).

    in reply to: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem #1636461

    RebYid: Doomsday, what would you say in the opposite case, where parents seek for their children to be removed from life support?

    I am OK with Government being on the side of Protecting Life – but not with demanding Death.
    I am also OK with in situations where it is a question if the child is really living it is the Parent’s Decision.

    in reply to: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem #1636360

    Provaxxers, does it concern you at all that Mandatory Vaccinations are a violation of
    the Geneva Convention and Nuremberg Laws?

    in reply to: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem #1636250

    Ubiquitin: “Many People object to vaccinations on RELIGIOUS GROUNDS.”
    Are these religious grounds Jewish ones?

    Are you asking why should Orthodox Jews care if the Government violates the Religious Rights of others?
    Because if they don’t have Religious Rights, WE don’t have Religious Rights!

    in reply to: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem #1636236

    Ubiquiton: Ahhhh!!!! Bris milah! run for the hills the government is controlling health decisions we all know that means bris milah is next!!!!!!

    Riiiiight. It’s CRAZY to think a Control Freak Government would ban Bris Milah.
    Because that’s NEVER EVER happened, right Ubiquiton? And the Democrat Socialists are Sooo respectful of
    Religious Rights – they didn’t persecute Christians who refused to service a Homosexual Wedding, Right?

    in reply to: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem #1636164

    The only study I heard Anti-Vaxxers ask for is a RETROSPECTIVE Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study.
    Congress requested from the CDC a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study, but the CDC refuses.
    There are no ethical issues with a RETROSPECTIVE study, so why does the CDC refuse?
    Because it would reveal that the CDC LIED – that vaccines DO cause Autism and many other sicknesses.
    There already have been several Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed studies and they show that Unvaccinated Children
    are Far Healthier with much less Autism, Allergies, Asthma, Ear Infections, ADHD etc.

    in reply to: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem #1636135

    Ubiquiton: “Since CDC TRIPLED the Vaccine Schedule around 1990 we have SICKEST Children in History of USA:”
    OVer the same time period. The number of anti-vaxxers (pro-diseasers) have skyrocketed as well!
    I jut proved that the mere existence of anti-vaxxers leads to Asthma, autism, ADHd, mental illness, diabetes, SIDS

    Yes. When after the CDC TRIPLED the Vaccine Schedule and the rate of autism when from 1:10,000 to 1:50, and Cancer, Diabetes and many other diseases skyrocketed, the number of Anti-Vaxxers skyrocketed as well.
    Because we are not so stupid as to ignore what is happening right in front of our eyes. And we spent hours doing research, listening to Doctor Whistle Blowers, and uncovering CDC fraud.

    Throughout history the MAJORITY of People have been Sheep who will Blindly obey Authority.
    And the truly intelligent people are in the Minority – that is why the government can defeat them – with
    the support of the brainwashed sheep!

    in reply to: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem #1636131

    Ubiquiton: ” who does get to make medical decisions for our children? The Parents or The Government?”
    when there are two sides to the issue then parents. IF their are no two sides then the government.

    Remember Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans from the UK? The UK Government decided “it was in the best interest” of these babies TO BE MURDERED! They refused to allow the Peasants, I mean PARENTS, to take THEIR baby to another country for treatment – at their own expense! The UK ignored the International Outcry and STARVED these Babies to death!

    In another case, 5 year old Ayasha King had cancer. After One Round of Chemo, he went into remission. When the Cancer returned, UK Doctors refused further treatment and told Parents that Ayasha Must DIE!
    Parents requested a New Treatment called Proton Beam Therapy. UK didn’t have it AND REFUSED to allow the Peasants, I mean Parents to take THEIR Child to another country for treatment – at their own expense.
    The Kings “kidnapped” THEIR child and got 5 year old Ayasha Proton Beam Therapy in Spain. AYASHA IS NOW CURED! The UK had Ayasha’s Parents ARRESTED for daring to SAVE THEIR CHILD’s Life – against the
    Governments Orders!

    1. Ubiquiton, was the government right in refusing to allow the Gards, the Evans and the Kings
    to make Medical Decisions for THEIR child at their own expense? Were there “No two sides” in these

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1636035

    2Scents: if the patient has a negative outcome and the doctor did not follow recommended and prudent evidence-based and accepted treatment they will be at risk for a malpractice lawsuit.

    You just confirmed that Doctor’s CANNOT use their own experience and judgment but must
    follow what a centralized government beaurocracy orders (CDC).

    in reply to: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem #1635982

    Vaccinator: No, you don’t have the right to decide what you do with the bodies of your children.

    Vaccinator, who does get to make medical decisions for our children? The Parents or The Government?

    in reply to: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem #1635980

    Vaccinator:It it IDIOTIC to attribute the things you mention to vaccines! Correlation is Not Causality
    Folks, For DECADES the Tobacco Industry screamed it is Idiotic to say that Smoking Caused Cancer!
    The Tobacco Industry Hired Scientists to chant Correlation is Not Causality
    But it was a SMOKER vs NON-SMOKER Study that PROVED the Tobacco Industry was Lying!
    and that Smoking DOES Cause Cancer! And Heart Disease! And Stroke! And Emphasyma!
    The Vaccine Industry is doing an exact copy of what the Tobacco Industry did –
    And we know the Tobacco Industry LIED! and had to pay out Billions $$$ in Law Suits.

    Why does the CDC refuse to do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study? It WOULD Prove once and for all
    if Vaccines cause Autism (and ADHD, Allergies, Asthma, DIabetes…) or NOT! Just Like the
    Smoker vs Non-Smoker study proved Conclusively that Smoking causes Cancer.
    And that is why CDC is refusing to do the study. CDC knows Vaccines do More Harm then good!

    in reply to: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem #1635927

    Ubiquiten: do yo ubeleive the government should be allowed to force parents to provide antibiotics to a child wit ha treatable infection, that would otherwise be fatal?
    What about food, do you believe the government should be allowed to force parents to provide food to their children?
    Yes, I believe the government has the right to protect children from IMMINENT Danger of Death or
    Permanent Danger. That is the Law we have today. Nobody can say that an Unvaccinated Child is in
    any immediate Danger. There have been studies comparing Vaccinated Children to Unvaccinated Children and the Unvaccinated are Far Healthier – Far Less Autism, Allergies, Asthma, Ear Infections, ADHD, Speech Delay, etc.

    Since CDC TRIPLED the Vaccine Schedule around 1990 we have SICKEST Children in History of USA:
    1:6 children are learning disabled
    1:6 children are allergic
    1:13 children have asthma
    1:15 children have ADHD
    1:5 teens had episode of mental illness
    1:8 children have IBS
    1:59 children have autism
    1:100 children have epilepsy
    1:250 children have tourettes syndrome
    1:400 children have diabetes
    1:775 babies die of SIDS
    1:1,000 children have Celiac Disease
    1:5,560 children have CANCER
    168 Deaths following vaccines reported to VAERS every year. ZERO deaths from Measles (in USA).

    in reply to: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem #1635915

    Re Bris Milah: What if GOvernment declares Bris Milah to be Child Abuse? There is already a campaign against Bris Milah (and Shechitah on grounds of cruelty to animals).

    Re: Outlawing teaching Torah – The Democrat Socialists are already persecuting Christians who refuse to service Homosexual Businesses. In England if Yeshivas don’t teach Evolution and To’eiva they are threatened to be shut down. You are Naive if you don’t see that this Violating of Religious Rights is not already happening in USA.

    Re: Religious Exemption – there are christians who claim religious exemptions – perhaps because aborted babies are used in the manufacture. And the Torah tells us “Ushmartem es Nafshechem”. Those who
    did hours of Research and know the dangers of vaccines have an obligation to protect their children.
    And there are Gedolim who agree.

    As for Danger to Public Health, per the Vaccine Inserts, the Newly Vaccinated may shed the disease for up to
    six weeks and should avoid the immunocompromised.
    The John Hopkins Patient Guide warns immuno-compromised to avoid Newly Vaccinated children but it
    does not say to avoid the Unvaccinated.
    Why doesn’t the Government demand that schools/daycare ban the Newly Vaccinated when it is a fact that
    they can spread diseases?
    The Government does NOT care about the Public Health (they want open borders to let in 3rd Worlders with their 3rd Word Disease). The Government wants the POWER to be able to Force Us to do WHATEVER they
    order. “For our own good” of course!

    Even if you are 1,000% for Vaccines, if you care about Parental Rights, Religious RIghts and Freedom,
    you should support Medical Freedom – The Right of People not be subjected to Medical “treatment” against their will. This is violation of Constitution, Nuremberg Laws and Geneva Convention – and is opening the door for Government to take away ALL rights “because Government knows what is best for the Peasants”.

    in reply to: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem #1635860

    Poilke: keep in mind that calls of restricting a parent’s right to make medical decisions for their child can lead us all down a slippery slope. Once the precedent is set, what is to keep the government from deciding if metzitza bepeh or Milah in general endangers a child or deciding R”L that the state can pull a plug or force treatments on a child that can render him or her sterile?
    Yasher Koach Poilke! I was going to make that point, but you beat me to it!
    Provaxxers: If government has the right to decide what is “the best interests of the child” and NOT the Parents, then Government Can and WILL outlaw Bris Milah! That is exactly how the Soviet Union did it and US Socialists are copying the Marxist Handbook on how to Strip away ALL Rights from the Citizens!
    The Government can also decide that the Torah is full of “Hate” “Homophobic” “Racist” “Sexist” and it is not in “the best interest of the child” to allow children to learn Torah! That is how the Soviets did it and if you Provaxxers will not stand up for the right of Medical Freedom, You will cause Torah to be outlawed, Ch”V!

    In the UK, The Socialist Government recently decided it was in the “best interest” of two babies to be starved to death! (Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans) And they would not allow the Parents to to leave the country with their children to get Medical Care elsewhere – even at their own expense. Do you want to bring that Tyranny to USA? Because taking away Medical Freedom is all about establishing that Citizens of the Country have No Rights, Period. It is the Government who knows better then us and can FORCE us to do anything “for our own good”.
    The Government will start murdering the sick, the handicapped and the elderly – just like the Nazis who started out with “euthanizing” those who were “suffering” – and we know where that led!

    Many People object to vaccinations on RELIGIOUS GROUNDS. If They Lose THEIR Religious Rights,
    then We Lose OUR Religious Rights!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635748

    Poilke: keep in mind that calls of restricting a parent’s right to make medical decisions for their child can lead us all down a slippery slope. Once the precedent is set, what is to keep the government from deciding if metzitza bepeh or Milah in general endangers a child or deciding R”L that the state can pull a plug or force treatments on a child that can render him or her sterile?
    Yasher Koach Poilke! I was going to make that point, but you beat me to it!
    Provaxxers: If government has the right to decide what is “the best interests of the child” and NOT the Parents, then Government Can and WILL outlaw Bris Milah! That is exactly how the Soviet Union did it and US Socialists are copying the Marxist Handbook on how to Strip away ALL Rights from the Citizens!
    The Government can also decide that the Torah is full of “Hate” “Homophobic” “Racist” “Sexist” and it is not in “the best interest of the child” to allow children to learn Torah! That is how the Soviets did it and if you Provaxxers will not stand up for the right of Medical Freedom, You will cause Torah to be outlawed, Ch”V!

    In the UK, The Socialist Government recently decided it was in the “best interest” of two babies to be starved to death! (Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans) And they would not allow the Parents to to leave the country with their children to get Medical Care elsewhere – even at their own expense. Do you want to bring that Tyranny to USA? Because taking away Medical Freedom is all about establishing that Citizens of the Country have No Rights, Period. It is the Government who knows better then us and can FORCE us to do anything “for our own good”.
    The Government will start murdering the sick, the handicapped and the elderly – just like the Nazis who started out with “euthanizing” those who were “suffering” – and we know where that led!

    Many People object to vaccinations on RELIGIOUS GROUNDS. If They Lose THEIR Religious Rights,
    then We Lose OUR Religious Rights!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635733

    Vaccinating Children.
    My children are grown and were BH born right before the CDC started tripling the vaccine schedule.
    But if I had children today I would not vaccinate. There is at least one godol who advises those who ask
    him Not to Vaccinate. The reason anti-vax Gedolim won’t go public is the same reason why anti-vax Doctors
    don’t go public – because the government will destroy anyone who comes out against Vaccines, like they
    did to Dr. Wakefield, Judy Mikovits, Dr. Jack Wolfson, Dr. Bob Sears. There are also a large number of
    Naturapath doctors who have mysteriously died recently who have uncovered dangers of vaccines.
    We are living in an increasingly fascist country and speaking the Truth is very dangerous.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635589

    Yserbius, You don’t agree with me. Do I exist? This is a Yes or No question.
    I DARE you to answer!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635595

    Molecular biologist Judy A. Mikovits, PhD, was made bankrupt and thrown in prison for blowing the whistle on the deadly nature of human vaccines.
    In a series of video interviews, Dr. Mikovits says that in 2009 she had been intensively studying autism and related neurological diseases.
    She soon realized that these protein and viral contaminants were being introduced into the human population via contaminated vaccines.
    “Twenty-five million Americans are infected with the viruses that came out of the lab… into the humans via contaminated blood and vaccines.”
    In response to this discovery, she was fired from her job, indicted, prosecuted, jailed and ordered to retract her research and publicly claim she “made it all up.” She refused to cover up the scientific evidence and was targeted and punished by the “vaccine deep state” establishment. She was actually thrown in prison. “Just dragged out of my house in shackles… I refused to denounce the data… we have the data… they basically said tell everybody you made it all up and you can go home. If you don’t, we’ll destroy you. And they did.”

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635594

    Provaxxers, You never addressed the Blatant Fraud in the CDC “Danish Study”. (Yserbius, you did not respond to my study. You looked at a Different Study “A Population-Based Study of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccination and Autism”)
    “The Danish Study” compared the number of newly recorded autism cases before 1992 when thimerosal containing vaccines were used to newly recorded cases of Autism after 1992, when thimerosal was removed. The study showed that the number of newly recorded cases increased after thimerosal was removed and stated this proved that thimerosal does not cause autism.
    Here is the Fraud:
    1. Before 1992, the Fake researchers only counted autistic children in Hospitals. After 1992, the Fake researchers included autistic children who were outpatients! There are 10x as many outpatient autistic children as there are in Hospitals!!!

    It is the equivalent of doing a study on “Divorce Rates in North America” and counting Mexico and Canada divorces before 1992, then adding in the United States divorces for after 1992, and claiming that divorce rates went up after 1992.
    2. After 1992The Danish Government Changed the Definition of Autism to a more inclusive one. Of course the number of children diagnosed with Autism increased!
    3. Deletion of Data – the Fake Researchers the entire year of data 2001 for seven year old children from its final published report. This is blatant Fraud!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635560

    Thank you for admitting that a CDC Researcher, Paol Thorson, is a Fraud, Yserbius.
    Now, Please refute the proof of fraud labeled 1. 2. and 3. below!
    How CDC makes Fraudulent Studies to “prove” thimerosal-vaccines don’t cause autism (it does!):
    “The Danish Study” compared the number of newly recorded autism cases before 1992 when thimerosal containing vaccines were used to newly recorded cases of Autism after 1992, when thimerosal was removed. The study showed that the number of newly recorded cases increased after thimerosal was removed and stated this proved that thimerosal does not cause autism.
    Here is the Fraud:
    1. Before 1992, the Fake researchers only counted autistic children in Hospitals. After 1992, the Fake researchers included autistic children who were outpatients! There are 10 times as many outpatient autistic children as there are in Hospitals!!!

    It is the equivalent of doing a study on “Divorce Rates in North America” and counting Mexico and Canada divorces before 1992, then adding in the United States divorces for after 1992, and claiming that divorce rates went up after 1992.
    2. After 1992The Danish Government Changed the Definition of Autism to a more inclusive one. Of course the number of children diagnosed with Autism increased!
    3. Deletion of Data – the Fake Researchers the entire year of data 2001 for seven year old children from its final published report. This is blatant Fraud!
    Additionally, all the researchers were employees or closely connected to Vaccine Manufacturers. One researcher, Poul Thorson, was indicted on 22 counts of Fraud and fled USA and is on the Most Wanted Criminals List. These are the “Holy Researchers” employed by the CDC!
    Folks, after seeing how the CDC hires Criminals to produce Fake Studies to Lie to the public that Vaccines don’t cause Autism (it does), how can you trust them?

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635557

    Yserbius: I have shown you in previous comments that although you claim 24 studies show a link between vaccines and autism, those studies show no such thing. True or false?
    I don’t have the time to study 24 research papers. There is another site that says there are
    157 research papers showing a link between vaccines and autism – I didn’t study those papers either.
    The point is, It is a LIE to say there are NO studies showing a link between autism and vaccines
    when there ARE over 157 such studies.
    Just because YOU don’t agree with those studies, does not mean they are Not there.
    And if you continue to say so, you’re just proving you are a Liar.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635550

    Doomday: You did lie when you said there are no studies showing link between autism and vaccines.

    Yserbius: Um, no. I addressed this in at least 7 different comments. Please re-read everything I wrote again before you go back to your childish insults and hands over your ears.

    Folks, there ARE 157 studies linking autism to vaccines. You can google it and see for yourself.
    The ProVaxxers on this Thread LIE that there are NO studies linking autism to vaccines because……
    THEY don’t agree the studies are valid! These ProVaxxers are so Stupid and they don’t understand that
    just because they don’t agree with 150 Studies, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. They are shameless liars!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635543

    Health, was this study comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated children?
    I want a Yes or No answer, please. Second request.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635541

    Vaccinator: You say that there are 150 doctors who have come out against vaccines. Out of 1.1 MILLION doctors in the US, that would be – hmmm, let’s see – 150/1.1 million=0.014%of doctors – yep, less than 1/50 of 1% of doctors!
    I said there are 150 doctors who have come out PUBLICLY against Vaccines. There are many MORE who are anti-vaccine but are afraid to speak out. 13% of doctors will not follow the CDC Vaccination schedule. 13% of 1.1 Million = 143,000 doctors who won’t follow CDC vaccine schedule for THEIR children.
    143,000 doctors who don’t agree with CDC vaccine schedule is not so few, Vaccinator!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635511

    Yserbius: First it was CDC lies and when that was proven false.
    Doomsday: CDC DID LIE when CDC said measles kills 1:1000 when it is closer to 1:10,000 – according to CDC’s own website!
    Nobody refuted the Fake CDC study where I gave 3 examples of how CDC falsified data.
    Yserbius: then they moved on to “You guys are liars”
    Doomday: You did lie when you said there are no studies showing link between autism and vaccines.
    Just because you don’t believe those studies does not mean they don’t exist – that is a Lie.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635512

    Health: A kid in Jerusalem died from the Measles so far
    The child in died of Measles was sick before she got Measles.
    And 168 deaths reported every year following Measles. And only 1-13% of Serious Adverse Events are Reported.
    And there are ZERO deaths per year from Measles in the United States.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635519

    Vaccinator: Oh, and by the way, Doomsey, NO doctor EVER saw with his/her own eyes children dropping dead or regressing into autism after vaccination. None.
    Folks, do you see how these ProVaxxers Lie? There are thousands of children who died within hours of getting vaccinated. There are Hundreds of Thousands of children who regressed into autism after being vaccinated.
    and there are DOCTORS who WITNESSED it! And those Doctors Know Vaccines are dangerous but
    if they don’t continue vaccinating they will lose their license!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635520

    Still waiting for an answer on why CDC refused to do a RETROSPECTIVE vaxxed vs unvaxxed study.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635471

    Vaccinator: Doctors do not follow orders…Now, they may be afraid to not vaccinate because they know it is VERY, VERY BAD medicine and when kids catch vaccine-preventable diseases, they would be – correctly sued because not vaccinating is unquestionable malpractice.
    So if a doctor believes that vaccines do more harm then good because the Doctor saw with his/her own eyes children dropping dead or regressing into autism after vaccination, the Doctor MUST continue to vaccinate his patients anyway or he/she can be sued for Malpractice! So you are wrong again, Vaccinator. Doctors are NOT allowed to use their own judgment but must “FOLLOW ORDERS” – at least when it comes to Vaccination!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635443

    Health: From JAMA 2015:
    “In the largest-ever study of its kind, researchers again found that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine did not increase risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This proved true even among children already considered at high risk for the disorder.
    In all, the researchers analyzed the health records of 95,727 children, including more than 15,000 children unvaccinated at age 2 and more than 8,000 still unvaccinated at age 5. Nearly 2,000 of these children were considered at risk for autism because they were born into families that already had a child with the disorder.”

    What exactly does this study prove?

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635439

    People who get the Flu Vaccine are more likely to die of the Flu then People who didn’t get the vaccine and
    got the Flu!!!

    Many people have died of the flu after receiving the flu vaccine. It also appears that, contrary to CDC claims, rather than making flu symptoms less severe when the vaccination causes the flu, the shot may well make them more severe, and more lethal. So not only can the flu shot directly cause the flu, as Dr. Oz and Piers Morgan demonstrated on national television to millions of people, it can also make the flu more lethal.
    Law Firm of Matthews and Associates

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635410

    Millhouse: No, it doesn’t. As many people have pointed out, that statement is about drugs, not vaccines.
    Millhouse, if 1-13% of SERIOUS adverse drug reactions are not reported, why do you dispute it isn’t the
    same for vaccines? People are allowed to sue for Malpractice for Drug Injuries but they are not allowed to
    for Vaccine Injuries.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635423

    Give me a study comparing vaccinated vs. un-vaccinated children comparing, for starters rates of:
    Learning disabilities
    Diabetes Type 1 and 2
    Rates of death and disabilities from the illnesses preventable by vaccines.

    Millhouse: Add a few more conditions to this laundry list and I can almost guarantee that you will find a statistically significant correlation for at least one of them, purely by chance.

    Millhouse, what if a vaxxed vs unvaxxed shows ALL these diseases are FAR MORE common in vaccinated children then unvaccinated? Would you FINALLY admit that vaccines cause harm?
    (since there WERE vaxxed vs unvaxxed studies showing vaccinated are much sicker then Unvaxxed
    I know the answer).

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635426

    Eli Y: Eli Y: Oh really? Would not a scientist have to compare this number with how many died from the vaccine?
    Millhouse: That would be zero.

    Millhouse is Lying. See this quote from a Law firm that the Flu Vaccine has the MOST DEATHS reported to VAERS!
    “The flu shot is responsible for more reports of adverse vaccine events, and more deaths, reported to the VAERS database, than any other vaccine. The Vaccine Adverse Events Reports database is chock full of people who have been killed or injured by the flu vaccine.” Mathew & Associates, Law Firm

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635378

    Vaccinator: “So, Dooms, you’re outnumbered (like 600,000 to 1) and no one will believe you.”

    There are 150 doctors and scientists who PUBLICLY question the safety of vaccines. There are many
    more doctors and scientists who question vaccines but they are afraid to say it publicly because they
    do not want to have their medical license taken away. Any Doctor who refuses to vaccinate will lose his/her
    license, so you are not getting the Doctor’s opinion on whether to vaccinate, doctors are just “following orders” Any Doctor who even questions the safety of vaccines risks their license. Same for scientists.
    There is an organization called PhysiciansforInformedConsent who oppose Mandatory Vaccines.
    WebMed reports that Younger Doctors are More skeptical of safety of Vaccines then older doctors.
    13% of Pediatricians reject the CDC vaccine schedule for their own children!
    Also, AntiVaxxers are mainly White, College Educated, High Income Families. Why do you suppose
    the Most Educated and Successful Parents are more likely to be opposed to vaccines?
    These College Educated parents spent many hours doing research before making their decision.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635380

    I still have not heard an explanation on why CDC refuses to do a RETROSPECTIVE study comparing
    vaccinated children to unvaccinated children. Congress requested that the CDC do this study, but
    CDC adamantly refuses. Why is the CDC afraid to do this study?

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635370

    Health, Did the study you cited compare vaccinated children to unvaccinated children?
    Please just answer YES or NO. Thank you.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635251

    Health: From JAMA 2015:
    “In the largest-ever study of its kind, researchers again found that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine did not increase risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This proved true even among children already considered at high risk for the disorder.
    In all, the researchers analyzed the health records of 95,727 children, including more than 15,000 children unvaccinated at age 2 and more than 8,000 still unvaccinated at age 5. Nearly 2,000 of these children were considered at risk for autism because they were born into families that already had a child with the disorder.”

    Health, did this study compare the autism rate between vaccinated and unvaccinated?

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635250

    2scents: There is no study that was able to link autism to vaccines, other than the now known fraudulent study by Andrew Wakefield.
    Vaccinator: So those who say there are no studies (meaning of course no studies with any validity) are absolutely correct.
    More proof that 2scents lied! 2scents claims that Andrew Wakefield’s is the ONLY invalid study study linking
    autism to vaccines.
    There are over 150 studies linking autism to vaccines – and even if you claim they are all invalid – it is still a Lie
    to say that Andrew Wakefield is the ONLY invalid study linking autism to vaccines!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635229

    Provaxxers, if correlation is meaningless, how come most scientists use correlation as proof that Man is
    causing Global Warming? Scientists say that Global Warming correlates with increase in CO2 – and that correlation is Proof! And most scientists agree with this proof!
    So how can the CDC or any other scientist say that the correlation between autism going from 1:10,000 in 1970s to 1:50 today – which correlates to CDC TRIPLING the Vaccine schedule – does not mean anything?
    You can’t say correlation is Proof with Global Warming but correlations is Not Proof with Vaccines!
    Scientists are paid by government or corporations and will say whatever the government / corporations
    hiring them want them to say!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635207

    Vaccinator: We already told you before, it’s avocados and green jelly beans that cause autism because they are much more closely correlated with autism than are vaccines.
    I already answered you, but YOU refused to answer my questions! I will ask you AGAIN:
    1. How many reports of people getting high fevers and seizures within eating avocados or green jelly beans?
    2. How many reports of people saying they developed autism as a result of eating avocados or green jelly beans?
    3. How many reports of people who say their child dropped dead within hours of eating avocados or green jelly beans?
    4. Do avocados or green jelly beans contain known neurotoxins like mercury and aluminum? or Live Viruses?
    5. Are there dozens of studies linking avocados or green jelly beans to autism?
    Vaccinator, if you refuse to answer these questions, it proves you are a Fraud!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635169

    Folks, if the CDC would conduct a study on unvaccinated children and it would show that 2% of
    unvaccinated have autism (1:50), that would restore people’s trust in vaccines. So why won’t the CDC
    do such a study? Congress has requested that CDC do this study, but CDC REFUSES!
    Because CDC knows that such a study that autism is very rare among unvaccinated children! There have been several studies on unvaccinated children showing that unvaccinated children have far, far, far LOWER rates
    of autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma, speech delay, dyslexia (learning disability), ear infections, diabetes.
    THAT is why CDC refuses to a vaxxed vs unvaxxed study – and that is why you cannot trust the CDC!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1635133

    Vaccinator: you would understand why CDC wouldn’t do your retrospective study—because scientifically, retrospective studies don’t prove anything.
    Another Lie! If retrospective studies are not scientific evidence, then why do scientists do retrospective studies???
    The CDC conducts retrospective studies and uses them as evidence, so how can you claim retrospective studies are not scientifically valid???

    in reply to: My Inner Thoughts On Vaccine Politics #1634987

    W3DCB: How can there be viral shedding from a dead vaccine? Why do you anti-vaccine people speak falsehood?
    You are wrong. Some vaccines, like the measles vaccine, contain LIVE viruses. And the Vaccine Inserts say that
    that the newly vaccinated should stay away from immune-suppressed for 6 weeks because of viral shedding.
    And you should apologize for calling me a Liar.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1634981

    Vaccinator: So those who say there are no studies (meaning of course no studies with any validity) are absolutely correct.
    Sorry, you can’t invent new meanings for words, in order to justify your lies.
    It is a LIE to say there are no studies linking autism and vaccines, just because the CDC rejects the validity
    of the studies.
    Folks, do you see how provaxxers try to justify their lies to cover up for the CDC?
    They say there are NO studies showing a link between vaccines and autism when there are 157 studies
    showing a link between autism and vaccines.
    And when you prove they lied, they say – well since we say all those studies are no good, we are allowed to
    say they don’t exist! Absolutely Shameless!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1634974

    The Fact that the CDC refuses to do a RETROSPECTIVE study comparing vaxxed to unvaxxed is proof CDC knows vaccines cause autism (and many other diseases). There is no ethical issue in doing a Retrospective study.
    CDC Lies that there never was a retrospective vaxxed vs unvaxxed but there have been several and they
    show that unvaxxed children are much healthier with far less autism, allergies, asthma, ear infections and diabetes!
    Health, the unvaxxed are willing to participate in a retrospective study, why is CDC refusing to do the study?

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1634943

    Yserbius: @2cents did not lie, [that there are no studies showing a link between autism and vaccines

    Just because you or the cdc do not agree with the 157 research papers showing a
    link between autism and vaccines, does not mean the research papers do not exist.
    Are you really incapable of understanding the above statement???
    You don’t agree with me. Does that mean I don’t exist?
    Folks, how can you believe anything ProVaxxers say, if they are that dumb!?!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1634927

    Doingmybest: You keep saying that vaccines cause autism to rise. So then why haven’t autism rates stopped rising 20 years ago?
    Your question reveals that you are unaware that CDC is constantly increasing the number of vaccines and introducing new ones.
    I990 31 doses
    2010 68 doses
    2016 74 doses
    Some of the newer vaccines include varicella (1996), rotavirus (1998), HepA (2000)Pneumoccal (2001)

    So in the past 20 years CDC has both increased the number of doses and added new vaccines.
    That is why the Autism rate keeps rising.Does that answer your question, Doingmybest?

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