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  • in reply to: Ungodly Hour? #636338

    Moish do you analyze each person who posts? Ok its past my bedtime, good morning all

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1126666

    thanks moish I’m not insulted…

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1172146

    nothing, it was a joke, chill

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082025

    teen and maybe hes related to Joseph… and Moish how would you know if girls get confused between males and females… drumroll please, we are about to announce a big secret on the CR…

    as for the question, it wasnt really a question, I just wanted you to tell me honestly that you would think (-and maybe do something) about what I said before…

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1172144

    basically your life story… jk

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1126663

    yeah but something tells me the question wasnt directed at me…

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082021

    I wanted a yes but I wanted an honest yes, a fake one wont help me…

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1172143

    we got it we got it… some of us at this end also text…

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1172141

    Mod42- I was trying to take away any identifying details… i didnt hear it with fish actually but theres always a first time…

    Moish is that the lawyer gene at work?

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082018

    teen lol sorry for putting a damper on anyones enthusiasm for this thread… Moish you kinda left me in the lurch over here… I am desperatly awaiting your positive reply

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1172136

    just to keep this thread going…

    this might be a repeat, if it is, sorry…

    Yankel, approaching 25, had never been on a date before. One day his rosh yeshiva told him that it was time to find himself a wife, and he had already set him up with a girl for that evening.

    Yankel: I’ve never spoken to girls before, what should I talk about?

    R”Y oh anything, family, food…

    that night on the date…

    Yankel: do you have any brothers?

    girl: no

    Yankel: do you like fish?

    girl: no

    Yankel: if you had a brother, would he like fish?

    I know it wasn’t one of the best… sorry 🙁

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082016

    fine I’m not one to take away credit where credit is due… jk!!!!! (btw, was that your sig?)

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082014

    all forgiven mr. Moish man… just please keep somewhere in the recesses of your mind what I told you… and if you had answers there wouldn’t be any purpose to life. nor would you have choice…

    sorry asdf

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082011

    btw moish, just to establish a fact, im a she

    asdf this is when I’m sharpest, not to say I’m ever not sharp or anything…

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082008

    yeah, I was trying to establish the fact that you do want to change, even if you may not realize it. and btw, its not that the questions are unrealistic, they are, you’re probably just not at the point yet where you realize that it is. just one thing, one day, hopefully soon, something will happen to differentiate your life right now from the time as you say when you’re 30, Shomer Shabbos and married with a kid(s) and this “change” might not hit you in the face, so please remember this cyber-ville conversation and look for it becuase I think enough of you wants to change to actually do something, its just that you have a very strong opposing side, (which will hopefully lose strength as you get older) but if you’re not looking out for it, you’re stuck because no ones dropping a pail of water on you with any signs in life, and there is no one in this world, as wonderful as they may be, that can change you, aside from yourself.

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082003

    OK you’re playing it safe, and I can’t say I blame you. Let me try again, what would make you want to change, what do you respect that may come out and make a difference?

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082001

    Ok, as long as we got that clear now one more question

    what do you think would happen that would cause you to change? I assume you’re planning on something to break your “schedule” so why would it as long as you’re taking everything as it comes along?

    BTW, I am apologozing again, I do not intent to challenge you here, thats just the way its coming out. sorry :/

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1081996

    I know this is coming on as a very challenging type question but its not really.

    so you’re aware that you’re in a (kind-of) jam here. why would you feel a greater need to get a sibling out of it than yourself? (BTW, I’m not talking about a child here where I think the situation would be completely different you’re not a parent and neither am I)

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1081994


    I’m not going to ask you if you’re happy but I want to know if you’re comfortable in the situation you’re in right now, as in if right now if someone told you your younger brother was also 16, and in the exact same situation as you. Would you do anything to stop him? Or would you let him continue?

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1081929

    areivim and ames: you verbalized exactly what I’ve been thinking/feeling.

    moish: your conversation with ICOT (regarding the edited comment) proves that deep down you DO care, even though you may not realize it just yet. and regardless of your feelings and impressions now, you will not remain 16 for the rest of your life, and maybe not today, but I do believe that one day, you will return on your own, not because of any sort of force or because of someones convincing, but because you yourself realize how special it is to have a relationship with HKB”H and how much happiness it adds to your daily life.

    in reply to: The Weather #655789


    nighty night sweet dreams, hope you remembered to say krias shema.

    in reply to: The Weather #655785

    Moish-LOL! literally

    anonymisss- It drives me crazy when teachers will say they walk down the streets of wherever it is and see so many people who are not dressed the way theyre “supposed to be” (not ever directed at me) everythings relative, everything starts from the inside sometimes I want to get up and tell them that the basis of chinuch is how to be a good person, its not the point about how you dress (I mean that over here-please dont take out of context) and they are most certainly not showing how to be one- im with you 100% on this

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1171960

    “if at first you dont succeed, skydiving is not for you”

    in reply to: The Weather #655780

    good ames, now youre getting it!

    Moish-I was just being nice there, but watch it dont get on my bad side or you’ll have to fear the big bad I in middle of a name…

    no you have no say, there I said it, its official, happy now?

    in reply to: The Weather #655770


    who asked you? this was between me and ames

    in reply to: The Weather #655769

    sorry i meant in the beginning of the post

    in reply to: The Weather #655768

    Moish, aka Mo-ish -you know, i think im enjoying this…-

    gee whiz, anyone ever tell you youre sweet?

    and BTW, in my defense, there was a “sort of” warning/disclaimer in the beginning of the thread…

    in reply to: The Weather #655757

    ames, I have a (very, very) farfetched proposition for you…

    this is the CR, and we’re very chilled out and all, so why not revise Mo, to Mo-Man (if hes really 16 as he is saying, just think that a 16 year old female could be known as a young lady, so hes a young man [does anyone apprieciate my extensive biological knowledge?] We are all frum jews, so next lets switch to hebrew, now lets call him Mo-Ish, now lets remove the hyphen (sp?) thereby bringing us back to where we started from, Moish now when anyone says Moish, they’ll be reffering to him by his real name and you’ll just be calling him Mo-Man… so how did I do?

    in reply to: Shlomo Carelbach #895712

    Itzik I literally LOLed!(BTW, how is is spelled in the past tense?)

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1171950


    thanks for your replys, in good spirit, I too, will help contribute to this noble and worthy cause

    I felt suicidal last night, so I called a suicide hotline. I reached a call center in Pakistan. They got all excited and asked me if I could drive a truck.

    in reply to: Best Threads for Newcomers to Read #633621

    welcome coke not pepsi! one revision to your name, youre in the CR, now you should be “coffee not coke and not pepsi” unless we officially change the coffee in the CR to coke…

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1171941

    what bothers me is buying something manufactured by a heimish company and having half of it in spanish.

    speak three languages, youre trilingual. two languages, youre bilingual, one language, youre American.

    could we go back on topic now?

    mod72 did i pass inspection this time?

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1081706

    No, i am not a Rabbi but tefilla is an avoda sheb’lev and i cant imagine why as long as your dressed in a normal fashion (no pun intended) and your wearing a head covering of some sort, G-d wouldn’t want to hear from you as is, and if the purpose of the hat is for extra awareness of His being over you, well whats the davening for then? I understand for the amud maybe but just to daven…?!?!

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1171917

    and BTW, asdf and co thanks for defending me, you missed a good one 🙁

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1171916

    mod72- i didnt know that it was actually deleted, posts get lost (or anyway go to the place where all good -?- posts go to die) sometimes and when they’re reposted they go through… i thought it was worth a try… oh well better luck next time i guess 🙁

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1171913

    ok, here goes for the second time…

    ***DELETED*** If it was deleted by a moderator previously, there is no need to re-submit for another moderator to delete it. YW Moderator-72

    in reply to: Suggestions to Improve YWN #1225002

    how about music on the homepage as soon as you log on, on friday we (you just became a we…) could have its time to say Good Shabbos…

    btw Joseph, going back a little while, could you repeat in english how to use the search engine to find a specific thread?

    in reply to: Screen Names #1175613

    squeak you did good there i was trying to think of sonething, but it escaped me for the moment… thanks for sticking up… yes mod72 that was for you

    in reply to: Random Questions #1078804

    squeak did you ever get us your prize? or were you nominated for a mod in which we will likely never know of your prize…

    in reply to: Screen Names #1175610

    mod72,i know, i know it wasnt one of my best… take it or leave it -btw that was a rhetorical question

    in reply to: Screen Names #1175607

    mod72 your so sweet its just oozing out… now its time to replenish the supply though… JK, have a great Shabbos

    OUCH!!! have a womderful Shabbos also. YW Moderator-72

    in reply to: Tips Only! #882378

    mods would you kindly let me post my address to do a checks payable to:?

    We do not recommend posting personal information on the YWN Coffee Room.

    –YW Moderator-99

    in reply to: Ashkenaz, Sephardic, Chassidish, You Name It! #631896

    mazal77 that was a great answer- no matter what “sect” you consider yourself to be a part of, you are a jew just like the rest of us and essentially brothers and sisters, after all, we share a father… aside from sefardic and ashkenazic which is dependent on ancestry everythings relative as to what you consider yourself today does heimishe mean chassidish, yeshivish, or used in the denomination of homey or chilled out… anyone want to do an official YWN dictionary?

    in reply to: Mods, Who Are Your Favorite Posters? #831842

    why me of course, thats like a rhetorical question btw, maybe joseph and feivel in cahoots?

    in reply to: Welcome YW Moderator-55 #631766


    good point i pick totally random names to remember and why are you so insistent thats it a her maybe youre a dif mod and know who mod55 is? and btw do you memorize all the members or do you just have a photographic memory (yeah, i know we all have a photographic memory, some just dont have film)


    i apologize and no offense or anything just means youre not posting enough… and if what joseph said had any basis, how did you get picked, i have some free time on my hands, jk

    in reply to: Suggestions to Improve YWN #1224947

    how about a CR search to look for a specific thread or user (find all posts from that user)?

    in reply to: Have any computer tips? #996633

    oh and one more thing-get programs ro run quicker (i do understand they are completely seperate areas)

    in reply to: Have any computer tips? #996632

    ICOT thanks for your informative replies i want to speed up file downloads-like email attachments and moving quicker in between sites. thanks again

    in reply to: Welcome YW Moderator-55 #631757

    i have no clue how the mods get their #’s but there is/was a frequenter of the CR by the name yanky55 (i think that was his name-im more inclined to remember names like joseph which just stick naturally) any similarities?

    in reply to: Have any computer tips? #996628

    ICOT firstly, i was in a rush and i saw the thread i figured id get my question in and the olam could answer it while i was seeing to other world affairs. Ok so basically the story is i have XP which has gotten (will get iy”H) much use/downloading and i was wondering if there was any experimented method that would speed up downloading, going to different web pages and just getting it to work like opening a program etc -until it actually starts the “brain chugging” just a computer thats almost always constantly in use… btw, if youre ever looking for a supplemental income (just out of whim, not out of necessity, ever) try the FBI or maybe the CIA you have a natural something in that area and hey just say the word for my SS#

    P.S. just looking for something like Verizon DSL offers a tip for slow computers to shut the modem for 15 seconds and then restart it… anything like that

    P.P.S. anyone have any comments/reviews on vista

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