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  • in reply to: song i am trying to figure out somethinkg like vechol bereh lecha sidra #1206065

    Bumping so the OP sees the response.

    in reply to: Have we argued enough about Chanukah? #1206040


    in reply to: My Own Mini CR… #1204300

    Good idea! Know how that might be possible? I just came from a thread where just about every post made me want to throw up a little more…

    Also +1 to golfer’s post. Are you assessing people?

    in reply to: Chessed? Or Just a Waste of Time? #1204233

    Is it a chessed if you give someone a ride when they could have called a cab? Personally, I don’t see why the fact that they could have paid someone else should take away from what that you did. In fact, even if they had paid you, it still would have enhanced the bar mitzvah.

    in reply to: Going to Israel this week! #1206522

    Based on my limited experience, your phone will probably not work in Israel because service will be coming from a different carrier. However, if you let your regular carrier know, you will also be subject to any fees for calls/texts long distance. If you are ok with Whatsapp only, then you probably wouldn’t need to do that,

    in reply to: Going to Israel this week! #1206511

    You can try TravelCell. I think they ship.

    Have a great time!

    in reply to: A gadol on his own #1197949

    The story as I remember it (based on the book, not the article) was that the Rebbetzin wasn’t feeling well and asked Rav Chaim to make tea. He brought a kettle to the sink and opened a sefer while it was filling up. After a while, the Rebbetzin heard running water and went to the kitchen to find an overflowing sink and Rav Chaim completely immersed in his learning.

    in reply to: Good pasta sauce #1197288

    I don’t use it that often but I find that most of them are a similar thin tomato sauce. I used to like Hunts but I haven’t tried it in a while.

    in reply to: Good pasta sauce #1197286

    Did you try any canned sauce? Thats usually pretty thin with no large pieces.

    in reply to: Shabbos tissues #1196859

    Aspen and Alpine are both fine in terms of that.

    Not always. Sometimes several are connected lightly at the ends, depending on the box, and on a rare occasion the glue from the box attaches a stack of tissues. I think Alpine has a special box designated for Shabbos use. Kleenex brand seems to be completely detached.

    in reply to: Make sure before marrying #1196109

    This thread is pretty boring. It stayed on topic and everyone is agreeing with one other. Where can I send a complaint?


    in reply to: Shiurim in Brooklyn #1195723

    I’m not at Ohr Naava enough to tell you how many singles attend regularly but they definitely have events and programs geared for singles. You can check their schedule on their website and sign up for emails. I’m not sure about Sundays but generally Miss Chevi Garfinkel speaks on mondays and Rabbi Wallerstein on Wednesdays, with some exception here and there. The FJJ (available online) has a listing of shiurim.

    in reply to: Turkey Dinner Tonight? #1195767

    May she have a refuah shelaima quickly and easily.

    in reply to: Turkey Dinner Tonight? #1195764

    CTL, can I ask how Mrs. CTL is doing?

    in reply to: Shidduchim and overweight girls #1196171

    I hear that. I was suggesting it in case you feel she is getting a mix of both yes and no, but obviously you know the details better than I do. If it makes you feel any better, my friend (tall and slim) who did all the right things and went to all the right places tells me she doesn’t find shadchanim helpful either. Slim, heavy I suspect they are just totally overwhelmed with panicked parents.

    One suggestion I’ve heard from a shadchan (as well as a mother of marrieds), is to choose references with name recognition, though obviously that doesn’t always work.

    Much hatzlacha in finding the right one simply!

    in reply to: Shidduchim and overweight girls #1196164


    If memory serves me, in both cases, I think it was pretty similar as they were singles who felt they were having trouble getting (the right) yesses, (and not the type you would expect to be having difficulty), though one was a friend repeating her personal experience as far as the psak she got and I was less involved in the details. I cant imagine that a person would be required to continue using potentially problematic references but absolutely, it would have to be done in the right way. I was comfortable suggesting it based on what I was told firsthand, but they can check with a Rav before acting on anything. Thanks for bringing it up.

    in reply to: Shidduchim and overweight girls #1196162

    Just ask a sheilah first as to whether it’s allowed in terms of hilchos loshon hora. I recently read in Sefer Chofetz Chaim that something like that may be assur. (I don’t remember if that was the exact scenario, but I think it was either that or something similar).

    They are welcome to ask their own shaila, and I actually meant to add that disclaimer. Personally, I know one Rav who I think actually suggested it (and may even do it himself) and another Rav who said it was ok. Thanks for the reminder.

    in reply to: Shidduchim and overweight girls #1196155


    I do not know the particulars of the situation but have you ever considered having a friend call your daughters references for a “test” call? While unpleasant, it is better than the alternative…

    Also have you tried reaching out to shadchanim from out of town/overseas?

    in reply to: Testing testing 123 #1193219

    Lf, The person I was trying to reach got my message but thank you for the attentive response!

    Lightbrite, I guess thats a variation of what happened. That has actually happened several times though and I got a kick out of reading it as you wrote it. Btw, I really enjoy your posts, and a belated welcome 🙂

    in reply to: Testing testing 123 #1193216

    No big deal here. I was having difficulty reaching someone and I wanted to let them know – which accomplished B’H. Sorry, some of my posts weren’t worded well (or at all), because I did them in a rush.

    Lf, am I missing something other than a joke in response?

    in reply to: Testing testing 123 #1193213

    Sorry, I didn’t do a great job of it in the OP. Amen, thanks!

    Anyway, person who’s attention I’m trying to attract: I’m trying to attract your attention…

    in reply to: Testing testing 123 #1193210

    It was started because I was trying to get the attention of a specific person (who has not yet responded). Not sure how clear I made that in the OP.

    in reply to: Testing testing 123 #1193205

    Wrong meivin I guess

    in reply to: Reaching out to the loner #1207580

    I remember walking into a wedding with a friend, the one who was popular, confident, got all the right jobs in school, and of course a top name in shidduchim when she told me “I hate these social events. People think I love them but I don’t.” Maybe you can ask for the pickles/soda, compliment someone in a nice top, or come up with another ice breaker scenario you can keep up your sleeve, and then discuss how you know the chosson/kallah. You are definitely not alone though.

    Btw, you write very well.

    in reply to: What happened to the CR? #1189054

    Welcome back minyan gal!!!!

    in reply to: What happened to the CR? #1189051


    in reply to: How can I contact Shlomo Rechnitz? #1187911

    I’m pretty sure that email address is for the shadchan who was interviewed in the article, not Mr. Rechnitz.

    Do you know anyone in Los Angeles that might be able to connect you?

    Also, I agree with what zahavasdad said and it’s certainly worth trying.

    in reply to: 2013 All Star Game #1188268

    Bumping for Goq.

    in reply to: I Almost Forgot That I'm Funny! #1187624

    We didnt forget! You’re welcome to start anytime you like! And I don’t want to encourage anyone to stay here when they have decided otherwise, but we would be very happy to have you around for more than two weeks.

    in reply to: handling humbleness #1187618

    Depending on who it is, you’re a great teacher, you taught me well etc.

    in reply to: How do I find emunah? #1188355

    If you are looking for a connection, you can look out for two or three things in your day that happened specifically to you. They can be anything from making a light or finding something you needed to meeting an old friend, winning a prize, getting a raise etc. In my experience, the more you do it, the more you will notice these things.

    Also, just try talking to G-d in your own words. You can talk about your day, or that you get to work on time or something which is more concerning to you. As you do it, you will start to become more comfortable and find yourself looking forward to it.

    in reply to: A compliment for an ad here #1186806

    Can you tell us what impressed you about it for those of us who didn’t see it?

    For a real answer, you would probably be best off contacting the number/website in the ad.

    in reply to: Welcome Back Wagon #1186333


    Welcome back eclipse!!!

    in reply to: What happened to the CR? #1189045

    *rolls out red carpet*

    Hi eclipse!!!!!

    I was thinking about you when I read the thread you started, though I didnt realize it was you… Welcome back!!!

    in reply to: Romance – a gentile attitude #1187783

    When judging any two people, do you claim to be privy to every single detail which they can be judged on?

    I can’t think of any constructive purpose to deciding who is a greater gadol (with exception for piskei Halacha- not the discussion here). We choose people and specific traits to emulate. When comparing two people, by default, one of them will be considered lower which seems very inappropriate with regard to people of a certain stature. (Lashon hara possibly?) Furthermore, even when we are judged, we are not compared to a gadol, we are only compared with our own potential.

    There is a great line that anyone can count the number of seeds in an apple, but only Hashem can count the number of apples in a seed. This discussion feels like children (WADR) choosing apples by number of seeds.

    In a nutshell, IMO it seems disrespectful for the schoolchildren to be discussing who is a better teacher, and doing it in front of the Principal. I guess it’s a sensitivity.

    in reply to: Romance – a gentile attitude #1187777

    I never said there is no such thing as a gadol. I said that only Hashem can judge the level of a persons gadlus, as far as who is greater.

    in reply to: Romance – a gentile attitude #1187771

    I agree with benignuman and wanted to make the same point myself. Its not about which gadol is greater, it’s about the fact that only Hashem has the ability to judge people (gadol or not) correctly and its inappropriate for us to think that we can make that determination. Also it seems a bit disrespectful to be judging people who reached higher levels than we have.

    in reply to: Finding Massage from a Male Masseuse #1185679

    I think you mean misogynist which is defined as a person who is anti women.

    in reply to: How to Find an Apartment to Join in Brooklyn? #1184275

    That’s great! And that’s good to know about the group, even if it isn’t too accessible to the general public. Thanks for the update!

    in reply to: Nafsheinu Mental Health organization? #1190152

    Have you looked into any options in Israel that may be covered by insurance?

    in reply to: 12 STEP!!! HELPPPP #1184132

    I’m not familiar with the specific rules of 12 steps. Would joining via phone or internet violate a 12 step standard? If not, you can probably find one outside of your area, but either way keep in mind that religion/religious discussion will probably come up.

    As for your questions:

    In order for the other members of the group to discuss you, they would be opening up about their own attendance, which IMO makes it less likely to happen.

    Whether the potential negative outweighs the potential positive is a decision that needs to be made between you and your therapist and anyone else who knows the situation in more detail.

    From whatever you’ve posted here, you seem to be an intelligent, mature person and dedicated to growth. Hatzlacha in making the right decision and reaching your goal, whatever you decide.

    in reply to: Nafsheinu Mental Health organization? #1190150

    TOL, I meant if any of those organizations could help directly or connect you with someone who could help financially.

    in reply to: Nafsheinu Mental Health organization? #1190146

    I’m not sure if this will help, but just in case.

    Help- Frum Therapist Needed– Organization?

    Much Hatzlacha

    in reply to: Lev Tahor – what now? #1184404

    There was no other way to make your point without the phrase lazy bums?

    in reply to: Stop and Say Tehillim please #1183714

    Just completed

    in reply to: Stop and Say Tehillim please #1183712

    I will bli neder say chaf alef through and including lamed, hopefully within the next day or so.

    Refuah shelaima. Please update us with good news.

    in reply to: ??? ???? ?? ??? for kallah #1179843

    It bothers me a bit considering that chosson and kallah are not yet husband and wife. Also, I’m not married but I can see where something like that would be even more meaningful for a one or six month anniversary and you can appreciate each other in present tense, not only future.

    Mazal tov!

    in reply to: Apologies by happygirlygirl #1179821

    I was wondering that myself. Hope everything is ok, HGG.

    in reply to: Why Brooklyn Bais Yaakovs Need Unity Now #1178799

    So no one is responsible for taking in these girls, but the author is affiliated with a school so it’s his responsibility to take them in?

    The whole thread is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

    in reply to: What happened to the CR? #1189033

    I’m here, just trying to stay out of traffic (literally). Perhaps when that cocoa room gets started, we can make separate sections for the different kinds of ice coffee too…

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