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  • in reply to: Israel LAnguages #2117369

    Avira”The few Jews who lived in eretz yisroel over the years did not speak hebrew, since it wasn’t invented yet.”

    -ok i guess the Torah is just a translation from Yiddish and Ladino, thanks for the info. Yes there is no reason to accommodate Arab speakers in Israel. Same as Medina Saudi Arabia doesnt have signs in whatever jewish language you want to choose for the Jews who lived there for over 1000 years. Germany doesnt have signs in Yiddish either. Rome doesnt have signs in Yiddish for the Jews they took captive to their. But yes accommodating the Arabs is a great idea this way it can encourage them to stay and bring more arabs to live in Israel why not.

    in reply to: Israel LAnguages #2117327

    ujm how can ivrit be a new language? You can say the accent is different but the Torah is written in Hebrew is it not? Books that Tzdikkim wrote are in Hebrew. How is it a new language?

    in reply to: Israel LAnguages #2117279

    Avirah Jews also lived in Israel before 1948 and spoke Hebrew why are you feeding us the Palestinian narrative? It wasn’t just European Jews who came to Israel there were Jews living there all the years. And it was occupied by many nations before so if we go by your theory why don’t we also see signs written in the Roman language Latin, or Persian or any other occupying nation. English writing isn’t because of Brits it’s because it’s universal language. With canada it only became fully independent in 1982 which is very recent, and they still have some ties to Queens Elizabeth and she is depicted on their currency. Whether they choose to keep french or not later on idk. Who are you helping by arab signs? The Palestinians? Any Arab born in Israel knows Hebrew. Israel was never an Arab land the closest was that Arab empires occupied the land but it wasn’t considered an Arabic land. According to you it was . Jews knew Hebrew, Aramaic is closer to Hebrew than Yiddish.

    in reply to: Israel LAnguages #2117138

    Canada bad example many places were connected to french due to occupying. Second of all its not making the Arabs less angry they are always the same. If anything it will make them less angry once Israel shows them there is no 2 states because then their hopes will be lost and they will lose all confidence just as they did when Trump showed them there will likely be no 2 states. The arabs thrive on weakness and are in check when shown strength.

    alwayask”By giving people directions, you make sure they don’t drive around dangerously looking for the destination, don’t learn ivrit to understand direction, and don’t get aggravated by lack of directions and respect.”

    -well ,maybe nobody should learn english in the US and just have 70 languages on the signage so that nobody gets aggravated? How do the directions stop people from driving dangerously I dont see the relation. Also people can use GPS without need for signs.

    in reply to: Israel LAnguages #2117127

    It doesnt work because it gives the impression of 2 States. What other countries have a foreign language on their signage other than English? Street signs have it as well why would that be necessary at all? It should be Only hebrew and english for tourists and the like. If anything its better without the Arabic so they can feel less welcome in Jewish areas and stay in their own territories. What advantage does it give to have arabic writing on signs? I can only see disadvantages to it.

    in reply to: Israel LAnguages #2116531

    Ujm, why not just Aramaic? Capture all 3 languages in 1.

    in reply to: Israel LAnguages #2116469

    Yankelle Arabic is on all road signs not just Arabic areas. It doesnt upset me but it just makes it seem like it truly is a country of 2 peoples aka a double state.

    in reply to: Israel LAnguages #2116262

    no Avirah I didnt mean it this way-“I also don’t like the American nationalistic, xenophobic attitude of “this is America! Learn English you foreigner!” ”

    I meant it seems like recognizing a people who claim its their land. What do you mean it was founded on Arabic land so makes sense to accommodate them? It was founded on Canaanite idol worshipping land. Maybe we should also build more mosques, teach Arabic in schools and give the Arabs some more land to accommodate them a bit better?

    “Asserting Jewish dominance just leads to Jews dying from terrorist attacks”
    -actually the opposite, the stronger you are the weaker they get. Arabs are afraid of strength but thrive on others weakness. Its a known nature attributed to them. Not recognizing them at all lowers all their might. Not to be politcial but its why in the 4 years of Trump Israel was silent and peaceful and the palestinians were unheard of since they lost all confidence once he declared a 1 state solution option. Suddenly when Biden came around they sprang up like hounds “wanting to discuss peace”.

    “It’s one of the things that conservative goyim are mistaken about. It’s not a torah idea; we are told to love foreigners if they are keeping our beliefs and ideals, whether they are a ger toshav or especially if they’re a ger tzedek.”

    -You are mixing different cases. It also said that if enemies are left after conquering the land they will be like a thorn ion your eyes. That part we are seeing. Where is it encouraged to have enemies living in the land and to respect them? Did that apply to the Plishtim as well? They kept heir beliefs and ideals too. The Arabs seem to be keeping the ideals and beliefs of killing Jews quite strictly.

    ujm”P.S. During the times of the Beis Hamikdash, there were signs in foreign languages giving the Goyim instructions.”

    -Ive seen that sign in Greek or something, but again they have the signs written in English, why the need for Arabic too, why not Russian for the Russian population? If its for safety reasons ( the Arabic) then i guess that makes sense although I think its more to make them comfortable and show what a good Democracy Israel is. I feel its more important for Jews to beware of Arab areas than the other way around if anything.

    in reply to: Ancient religions to Judaism #2115070

    is there any issue holding an american express card due to their logo?

    in reply to: Ancient religions to Judaism #2115068

    Alwaysask-“On the other hand, why would one need yoga other than sound fashionable? You can walk for exercise and meditate before davening.”

    – i mean there are different types of exercise to target different health issues. Just like there are different medicines. I just heard its helped people idk.

    in reply to: Ancient religions to Judaism #2114885

    No Shimon the question is why would they have certain customs or wisdoms that Jews have if they theoretically are an older religion, unless of course those wisdoms only came to light once Torah was available

    in reply to: Ancient religions to Judaism #2114762

    Ujm is it A”Z if you dont say the mantras? why is it different then stretching or exercising?

    in reply to: Ancient religions to Judaism #2114752

    The name starting with H actually mean from/across the river which a what Hebrew means and could explain the roots it was taken from. Apparently some add an S to the beginning of the name claiming that’s the authentic name

    in reply to: Ancient religions to Judaism #2114675

    @leiby its interesting that they have 2 names of their leader/deities that are basically derived from Avraham and Sara. I heard a Rabbi once speak of certain similarities in names stating that some come from the sons of Hagar, and that the Brahman religion is really just a stem from Abrahamic religion thats why name is so similar. Minus the idols of course.

    But you have to admit the custom of Chuppa and the 7 circles are strikingly similar customs. Also isnt it only an Ashkenaz minhag? I heard Rabbi G. Locks mention that a group of Jews during those times traveled to India and possibly the Hindus learned their customs. Another thing is their names, some could be modern but i’ve seen ariella, shaina, rena and many very Jewish names. Could it be that part of the Hindu population were actually one of the lost Shevatim originally? The fact that Hindus and Jews basically never fought each other and possibly even traded for spices and colored curtains for Beis Hamikdash( I heard) makes it seem that there is something that caused them to be neutral. Yes I agree Hinduism itself isnt as old as the world claims it changed many times and branched off the Sabeans or something like that I think the Rambam mentions if anyone can find the text that would be great. Since Judaism doesnt copy other religions it makes sense that possibly certain customs that are similar to Judaism had been picked up by them once the Torah was already available.

    I’ve seen the name Vashti , did Vashti have any indian roots?

    in reply to: Ancient religions to Judaism #2114711

    DovidBT-“Even if there’s “proof” they did, that could be part of the stuff Hashem does to test our faith, like dinosaur fossils.”

    I dont buy that. fossils there are excuses since there was a flood and also possibly the world was created in an advanced age/form. But why would there be wisdom that Judaism believes in that preceded the religion? I never read those books and not sure what they are about aside for the general topics like spells or other “religious wisdoms” which I dont know whats similar to Judaism and whats not.

    in reply to: Ancient religions to Judaism #2114666

    ujm”Dovid: Yoga is pure Avoda Zora.”

    -why is it Avoda Zara if you dont say the mantras? How is it different than physical exercise, stretching, or meditating? It helps a lot of people health wise where other things dont.

    in reply to: Ancient religions to Judaism #2114594

    DovidBT”The oldest documents are apparently the Vedas, which were supposedly written 1500–1200 BCE.”

    -isnt that before Torah was written?

    in reply to: Ancient religions to Judaism #2114587

    “ujm-Why would you have such doubts to think otherwise, given that there’s no documented record of Hindus practicing the various similar practices to Judaism, prior to Matan Torah?”

    -There aren’t?

    in reply to: Oak of Mamre and other Torah Sites #2113686

    smerel”Explicit posuk that Ahron was buried in Har Hahor in what is now Jordan. Where in Jordan is Har Hahor is not clearly known but the MUSLIM tradition that he was buried where he is believed to by some to have been buried is over 700 years old. ”

    but 700 years leaves a big gap from 3000 years ago. On what basis did they determine that its the authentic site?


    thats some miraculous hot tea to stay hot for 24 hours

    in reply to: Oak of Mamre and other Torah Sites #2112346

    Smerel I also heard someone mention Mordecai went to Israel and was part of Sanhedrin or something. Idk if before or after. But again there is a claim that they are buried in Israel.

    As far as the ark there have been a few discoveries I think underground and also one that is in form of stone outlining an ark in turkey but I think it was cited that it was built as a remembrance of the ark. You can see pictures and videos of it.

    Btw what’s with the Beis Hamikdash Should built in Brazil? Huge structure.

    in reply to: Oak of Mamre and other Torah Sites #2112334

    Yungerman there is a site in Israel that claims to be burial place of Mordecai and Ester somewhere in the Galil I think.

    in reply to: Oak of Mamre and other Torah Sites #2112298

    Isn’t there also a site of Mordecai and Ester in Israel? So which one is it Iran or Israel?

    And the Oak of Mamre is that really the tree of Avraham Avinu? A little Google research revealed that some tzadikkim had people point it out to them on location.

    in reply to: Oak of Mamre and other Torah Sites #2112246

    Ujm doubting what? If you mean everything ive mentioned, there is conflicting information

    in reply to: 1914/1939 2.0 #2112183

    Dont things always end with the Jews?

    in reply to: Oak of Mamre and other Torah Sites #2112182

    Lot’s wife? Gilgal? Shlomo Hamelech beams marking the Yam Suf crossing? Noach Teva in Turkey? Kever David? Are the ones we know as presently, authentic?

    in reply to: Target:DNA #2112150

    Whys is it ridiculous? They found a way to target the elderly with COVID-19 didnt they? They could have targeted kids just as well if they had wanted. Targeting based on susceptibility really isnt fantasy at all. And why is targeting based on DNA impossible? What about based on blood tests? Does blood also not reveal anything about a person and about their susceptibilities? This method of Bioweapons is already here.

    in reply to: Target:DNA #2112005

    Again it’s not just about targeted killing. Of course they can target individuals they can also send a missile into someone’s house or just raze their home with a tank. The point of DNA specific diseases is that they would be able to eliminate anyone they want without it being obvious, would just look “natural”.

    in reply to: Target:DNA #2111374

    alwaysask”Why would someone with achievements run for any office?”

    -Power. Also what achievements? Stealing the Microsoft idea from someone, claiming it as their own and not even perfect it? Or was it the sterilizing of Indian and African children through vaccines? Or was it the warnings of future pandemics worse than CoVid which he conveniently happens to know is coming?

    Yserbius, IM sure that targeting DNA is possible why wouldnt it be? If they have the persons DNA they can know the vulnerabilities and susceptibilities of that individual since it reveals a lot. If they cant do it yet, which i doubt, surely in the near future they can. Technological abilities are evolving fast. Also the theme of the last 007 movie was all about this bio-weapon, it must mean something seeing the patterns of movies/media and reality.

    Secondly I wasnt talking about the Covid vaccines sterile effects. It was some other vaccine that Gates experimented with in India and Africa. Can the Covid vaccine cause that as well..I dont know. What we do know is that it interferes with biological cycles of many individuals, and we are still too early in the phases to know what the full effects might be in the future.

    You doubt the possibility of DNA targeting, we already see that COVID was targeting mostly individuals over a certain age. That already proves demographic targeting, if not DNA targeting. So I imagine they can target DNA as well.

    in reply to: Inflation Bonanza~! #2111160

    why would you heat your pool during the summer?

    in reply to: Inflation Bonanza~! #2111139

    its a very good idea and a sure way to balance the demand over supply issue.

    in reply to: Inflation Bonanza~! #2111034

    Maybe just boycott/avoid many products for a while that arent absolutely necessary even items such eggs, and in turn increase the supply over the demand maybe then things can even out slowly. The problem is people feel they need to have everything no matter the price, oh well pizza used to be $3 now its $5 but gotta have my pizza what can you do! Tray of eggs previously $1 now $5.50, oh well gotta live with the times you know! And then we all suffer.

    in reply to: Target:DNA #2110801

    Alwaysask-Gates for President!

    in reply to: Target:DNA #2110634

    alwaysask”In retrospect, if some of his recommendations were acted upon, a lot of lives would have been saved from COVID.”

    Yup i completely agree, if only more people would have worn the useless (against virus) “surgical” masks, which even water pours through so definitely a microscopic virus wouldnt go through it, everyone would have been saved.

    Oh ya Bill Gates is quite the humanitarian hero, so much that he was kicked out of India and Africa for sterilizing children via vaccines. Although I stand with Gates, I mean he was only trying to fulfill his vision of a depopulated world…

    in reply to: Target:DNA #2110440

    Sure alwaysask, you can review the info in the book “The real Anthony Fauci”, you can also do research on the guys history,You can look up Gates talks all the years about future pandemics, the need for depopulation, depopulation through vaccination etc. Also you can see the youtube videos of the Fauci Congressional Hearings where Rand Paul accuses him of having a hand in the pandemic via the lab and he reacts by squirming and stuttering.

    Yes a mock pandemic so precise to what came a month later is not a coincidence at all. Just like having a fire training for a specific building and a day later it burns down, or a nyc nuke drill and then they get nuked. Interesting.

    in reply to: Target:DNA #2110142

    Alwaysask, putting what Russia and china say aside, fauci and gates are very very wicked people with a dark history. Fauci and Gates have been funding the lab in Wuhan and fauci has visited. They definitely knew what was going on and what was going to happen in the near future. Fauci has even been accused in hearings by Rand Paul for having a hand in the virus. Gates organized a mock pandemic in October 2019 called “event 201” for a respiratory virus in which all the videos were posted to YouTube, you can check if they are still there. They knew exactly what was coming. Or was it all just one big coincidence?
    Blaming this purely on China is the best cover up for anyone since it’s believable.

    in reply to: Target:DNA #2109751

    They dropping like flies in China so I doubt their immunity is better. Also I don’t think it was China’s doing, don’t forget about Fauci and Gates.

    in reply to: Target:DNA #2109594

    Amil”I think that sonic and ultrasonic weapons are the way to go if you want to disable a population or enemy army.”

    -not talking of disabling a population or army, talking about eliminating specific individuals at will and without being obvious

    in reply to: Target:DNA #2109584

    Because the technology, collection of data on people, fear inducing population control tactics, and ideas werent as readily available as they are now. There were rumors about this since COVID especially how they sent the COVID tests to DNA databases and refused to give a reason why. Recently in a 007 James Bond film the antagonist was unleashing weaponized chemicals targeting only specific individuals according to the DNA samples he obtained. And we all know Hollywood and the media’s use of “entertainment” to foreshadow and make it easier for us to accept what’s to come.

    Also in 2016 there was a little known animated movie called “Hedgehogs”, it was a kids movie where if you just youtube clips of it you would be shocked how it is on par with everything we went through regarding COVID. It was a movie based on Hedgehogs having a disease which affected humans and became a worldwide pandemic, everyone was wearing those blue surgical masks and were in lockdown, and only removed their masks once there was a vaccine and they were all “saved” and could go back to normal life. If that wasnt targeted for kids to get used to masking and social distancing for 2020, I dont know what else that movie was for because it definitely wasnt entertaining.

    Guess what the virus was in that movie…Respiratory! Covid anyone?

    Link for the mods

    in reply to: Inflation Bonanza~! #2109524

    Reb Eliezer, the supply might even be there, this inflation could be a manipulation

    in reply to: Inflation Bonanza~! #2109261

    huju your wrongwriter jokes are getting old come up with something new

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2109260

    How do we know a day is 24 hours. Isnt time as we know it today a new concept? Who decided an hour should be the hour we know of today? Why are there 24 hours in a day and not less or more?

    in reply to: Inflation Bonanza~! #2109034

    Gadol what did I say wrong. Now eggs are $5 in 2022. I said I’m 2008 with recession and all it wasn’t the case.

    in reply to: Inflation Bonanza~! #2108856

    in 2008 i dont remember things being sold for pennies? I just remember that people werent really hiring for jobs but nothing about inflation or things being sold for pennies.

    in reply to: Inflation Bonanza~! #2108525

    So, $5 for a tray of eggs is the new normal price up from $1.29?

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2108016

    Guys i know the sun is closer to earth is summer and farther in winter i didnt ask why its hot in summer and cold in winter. I asked what makes some summers hotter and some winters colder.

    in reply to: Libraries, What are they good for? #2107952

    I dont like how they bring drag queens to read books to kids, or how they push the LGBTQ+RNDHSBYSDJ whole thing on everyone. Why cant libraries be neutral? Who decided that they have to be extreme liberal centers?

    in reply to: Libraries, What are they good for? #2107419

    ujm-“How prevalent are residences in your area that lack air conditioning?”

    You know Air conditioners arent free to operate right?

    in reply to: Libraries, What are they good for? #2107308

    Libraries are great for free AC, although some of these Queens libraries have gotten a bit cheap on it. Used to feel like a freezer in there

    in reply to: Libraries, What are they good for? #2107215

    I would think Atlas is one of the exceptions to being better in book format. Online map is so much easier to navigate and zooming in and out is very helpful.

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