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@skrioka- I agree, it could be that hes already lost to be honest since he messed up too much. For 2016 he had to bluff his way to the presidency and it worked since it was new, fresh and entertaining. The bullying also made him dominate everyone else. But now the times are different, he doesnt need to use that tactic and in fact needs to NOT use that same old tactic. He has to be more presidential this time around and it seemed for a while that he was cool and collective such as the Biden debate. But suddenly he lost it all. The press conference he gave seemed desperate and he looks like a defeated man. His only hope is that Kamalla can mess it up for herself as well.
rightwriterParticipantThe reason I think Kamala has a chance to win is because America is pretty much divided 50/50 as it is, with Biden most of the left weren’t going to vote. Now that Kamala is in they will likely vote her in since their hatred for Trump is higher than their hatred towards her dumbness.
rightwriterParticipantIsn’t solar eclipse bad for the einam yehudim?
rightwriterParticipantApparently there is a site in Israel that claims to be Mordechai and Ester in Yaar Baaram or something like that.
rightwriterParticipantcorrupt and non-fool is a dangerous combination
June 16, 2023 5:00 pm at 5:00 pm in reply to: Chrstians claiming Rabbi wrote note naming Moshiach #2200508rightwriterParticipantreb yid “ש”ו as is written in the Gomorrah is not a name its an acronym for ימח שמוו וזכרו it never was a name they took it as a name.”
Wasn’t there at least 1 rav yeshu in the Talmud? Hw can it be an acronym then
rightwriterParticipantujm”Okay. The original vote split Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state, with Jerusalem being an international zone. In that case, Israel only has permission to control the original Jewish zone and not the Jerusalem zone or the Arab zone.
-ya but Israel won it n a DEFENSIVE war. They didnt go out and try to conquer it. If they gained control in a war they didnt start, why give it back?
rightwriterParticipantBehaving like Jews instead of being strong? Jews were very strong under the Kingdoms of Israel. Who said the definiton of a Jew has to be weak? And no matter what, Israel is under Jewish control currently, at this point the only option is to persevere and go with it. You wouldnt be happy to see its destruction would you?
There is still room for Geulah, Israel is not a kingdom, it isnt religious state, and there arent the final borders. In fact even the modern state Israel doesnt have its full borders such as West Bank and Gaza with the occupiers currently there.
Also you can see we got Israel with a catch, the invaders that are constantly pestering around making life unsettling.rightwriterParticipantAvira Calf and winning not one but 3 large scale wars is very different. The Golden Calf due to thinking Moshe Rabbeinu was gone was a test. What exactly is a nisayon about winning 3 unwinnable wars, in 3 different time periods? What do you suggest that they just be like” Ok guys that was a good run, thanks for the sport, this is a test so we decided to hand back the country to the Ottomans/British or whoever”?
rightwriterParticipantAvira you are mistaken, there was no Navi performing miracles during these wars, it was Hashem Himself. There are many stories by Israeli soldiers that were in impossible situations such as being a lone tank against a line of Arab tanks when those Arabs suddenly retreated and Israelis didn’t understand why. So the miracles were open miracles from Shamayim.
And you state Moshiach hasn’t arrived for 73 years. But also hadn’t arrived in 2000 years. So what’s the difference.
February 6, 2023 5:28 pm at 5:28 pm in reply to: Brainstorming an Alternate Term for Boyfriend/Chassan and Girlfriend/Kallah #2163084rightwriterParticipantcall it your shidduch as in going on a shidduch
rightwriterParticipantCan anyone explain the origins of the word hi and its definiton?
rightwriterParticipantAfter the fact and bottom line, is it better that we have Israel right now or worse? Aside for what Zionists plans were in the beginning we are now in a time where there is also an Orthodox influence there. So what is the verdict?
rightwriterParticipant@1 that what wouldn’t happen? Israel
rightwriterParticipantStop with the insults everyone, its one thing to use the coffee room as training to improve your arguments or to practice conveying your points clearly and effectively. But there is no need to do so with insults and definitely not with personal insults. It doesnt make your point any clearer and in fact it just digresses from the topic and becomes a contest of who can insult the other more and with more “cleverness”. Try to refrain from this type of speech/writing. Its childish and less respectable not to mention hurtful to others, yes even if they dont know you and you dont know them.
rightwriterParticipantAvirah, Ive come across that few times, do you know the source for that quote?
rightwriterParticipantwhat would be the difference who controls it? They all have issue with Israel. And maybe not obliterate but cause significant damage that they wouldnt keep attacking. But I guess it would only work if Israel could recapture the land which practically speaking wont be possible anymore.
rightwriterParticipantbut another thing to note is that if palis had a state they likely would ally with the arab world so a awar would mean a war with like 20 countries aside for the non muslim allies.
rightwriterParticipantlebanon was mostly guerilla warfare with Hezbollah. And Gaza isnt officially a country its just a territory so there is no comparison. But if they were a country, there would be a different war style engagement.
rightwriterParticipantcan anyone give attention to the question, if pali got their own state, and continued to attack Israel, would that give Israel a valid excuse to obliterate their land since it would mean war? Would it be better for Israel to give them a country in that case?
rightwriterParticipantSo back to the question, if Palestinians had an official state and kept fighting Israel, would Israel be able to just destroy them after the first rocket launch or attack on Israel? Since they would be an official country and then any attack would be considered war?
rightwriterParticipantAvira are you justifying the Arab hatred towards the Jews with rational reasoning? You are saying they were right in welcoming the Holocaust into Israel?
rightwriterParticipantnomesorah, Actually i was talking of the common Jew to have this attitude of not shrinking away when seeing a swastika, which is an instinct that rightfully so happens to us, but we can change it. As far as ADL and all, they are hypocrites and only lash out when convenient to them and usually for crying wolf type of events. It makes us look weak. As far as the NBA player who shared the video, ya it was wrong and he tried being tough standing up to everyone, but really the video was unwatchable by many and making it a bigger deal made sure that now everyone was going to watch it. Also if its sold on Amzaon then they are the ones who should have been attacked and they refused to remove it anyway. Penalizing the player and making him pay a fee makes us look whiny, weak and playing in to the same anti Jewish tropes that these low lives spew to begin with.
rightwriterParticipantGadol, a lot of times they try to get a reaction which they know they will get out of us. Besides the nations do not sympathize with the Jews they sympathize, or at the very least are neutral with the enemies of the Jewish people
December 4, 2022 12:46 pm at 12:46 pm in reply to: 2 Arabs arrested over another (HitlerYouth type) TikTok attack #2144594rightwriterParticipantWe live in our own land and are strong. These youths should have had their skulls cracked. What an embarrassment to us.
rightwriterParticipantLeah not everyone is super rich in america and living the high life while forgetting their Judaism. For some its just not practical to live in Israel especially financial wise or even mentality wise. Its a whole different system. Besides there are some non Jews who are more respectful to religious Jews and Judaism than secular Jews in Israel who are anti religion. Not everything is all cushy and comfy as you make it seem to be. Maybe if you live in Jerusalem or other religious areas its easy to escape into that bubble, but other areas are not so great to be in.
rightwriterParticipantAleaysask, that’s not the discussion here. Of course there are so many who observe. I’m not trying to look at those who do not. I just feel that as a nation we would be stronger if these basic laws were a little more strict. Not advocating for laws to be implemented In ones home. As it stands most areas do not operate public transportation on Shabbos so the idea isn’t that out of reach. I mean Muslim countries have much worse laws. But they respect their beliefs by implementing them. Only Jews need to be different? I’m just putting out the idea that it would be much more respectful to ourselves to have basic Shabbos and especially kashrus laws. Why can’t there be a law that no chazir can be sold or seafood and basar vechalav? If many have accepted that busses don’t operate on Shabbos and neither do flights, then why would this be such an issue?
rightwriterParticipantagain not forcing everyone to be frum, the idea was to not have stores open and transportation running on Shabbos, as well as no non-kosher food allowed to be sold in stores or served in restaurants. The liberals there who love cheeseburgers and shrimp and chazir can get it when they travel outside Israel.
rightwriterParticipantDaMoshe-thats exactly what i was saying
rightwriterParticipantlakewhutהקול קול יעקב ביד וידים ביד עשיו. ”
-We dont go out proactively in physical assault but we are commanded to defend ourselves. הבא להרגך השכם להורגו. I dont know why mods made me type this a second time. They must have thought Im trying to change meanings of pesukim. All over Torah/Nach we defended ourselves by prayer yes, but also with physical force. We are in a physical realm after all.
rightwriterParticipant“You guys can argue all you want but everyone knows that the IDF changed the perception of the world vis a vis the “weak Jew”. And that does not negate the fact that Hashem runs the world. ”
Yabia, thats the IDF, nobody is looking at a Jew in Brooklyn and thinking IDF. Lets be honest.
My point is maybe we can change that by stopping our weak physical mentality that a Jew needs to just sit all day until they are a wheezing hunchback from deficient sunlight and physical fitness, instead of eating right and getting some exercise done in order to keep healthy and strong.
Im not suggesting that anyone abandon Yeshiva for the Gym Chas VeShalom, rather I’m suggesting that we incorporate some physical exercise to keep healthy and strong and also maybe to know how to stand up for ourselves mentally and physically. Enough of being easy targets.
rightwriterParticipantakuperma, the nations dont see us as wimps as a whole since they know our history and our spiritual connection, but physically as individuals you see what easy targets we are , mostly.
rightwriterParticipantaluperma-“Do you some basis, other than zionist and Nazi propaganda, to believe that Jews are wimps?”
-well the world usually views us as that which is why you see so many physical attacks on Jews as an easy target with no consequence since at most they will run away or shout. Im not blaming anyone I’m just wondering why we are taught to be that way
rightwriterParticipantlakewhut-strength did seem to be an attribute with half of the Shevatim.
rightwriterParticipantwho said you have to wear players sneakers? Cant you just get sneakers that arent based on a person? Besides even is Stoudemire makes shoes, its going to be made by a brand anyway such as adidas or whatever which have Nazi origins.
rightwriterParticipanthow is every nation Eisav? You also have Yishmael.
rightwriterParticipant“It’s a lot easier to shift blame than to fix oneself ”
-you are right coffee addict, just like Dave Chapelle said on his SNL anti Jew rant, “I know Jews have been through a lot, but please, dont try to blame black Americans for what has happened to you”.What should we fix? The low lives in Hollywood or those who conduct other bad things in which we dont involve ourselves in? Besides, should Jews be apologetic for being successful? Are they forcing anyone to work for them?
rightwriterParticipantis חם part of eisav?
November 17, 2022 12:30 pm at 12:30 pm in reply to: Silencing the Psychotic Medication Debate #2139346rightwriterParticipantAre pills a good idea or not? What are alternatives ?
rightwriterParticipantUjm, accomplishments dont matter at this point. Plenty will vote for her since they just love Obama no matter what and are hypnotized by his and her talking points and manipulative tactics. Also as we can see the left will vote for anyone but the republican candidates. I mean what did Biden accomplish? Hochul? Fetterman? Or any of the other democratic candidates who always seem to win no matter what they do.
rightwriterParticipantSam you dont seem to understand the world we are living in. The media, social media, and political agendas of the left have managed to push their views on most of the world influencing them with leftist and liberal views. Michelle Obama is female, black, and an Obama. They will have an opportunity to make history with these categories and people buy into that, aside for the fact that so many love the Obamas. It can be very dangerous to Republicans and make it almost impossible to win especially for Trump.
rightwriterParticipantcold is great. so refreshing! Brisk air helps with mood, instantly breaks you out of depression as its good for the mind. Invigorating! Love it
rightwriterParticipantI mean less barbaric as a whole. When you look at some of the punishments invented by Rome and others its spine chilling
rightwriterParticipantAvirah, yes im sure if you go with the big brands they have priority on the newest and fastest towers than their subcarriers, but is it really worth paying 3 times the price, being on a contract, and dealing with constant hidden and additional fees on the bill almost every month? Count me out.
rightwriterParticipantCommon saychel “One person junk is another person’s treasure”
-that is true and I believe in that as well but now we are going into more of a recycling or reuse of resources. But why is so much junk produced in the first place? People are consumers of everything and more and more useless litter is produced. Amazon is full of Sellers from China selling things that are low quality and made to stop working after a short period of time. The clutter we have in this world is beyond belief since its so much cheaper to make everything than it ever was.
If you read a few books about minimalism or watch some videos, it discusses how having only the things you need and about how it makes a person so much more productive, clear-minded and life so much better. Really when you think about it all the useless junk and clutter we collect just weighs us down. It increases our worrying about our possessions, many of which we wouldnt know are gone if we were to get rid of them. Has anyone looked into this concept or try it and notice a difference. Part of the problem nowadays is the marketing, consumer culture, and trying to keep up or outshine everyone else simply because the marketing companies told us it would.
Pirkei Avos tells us the one who is rich is the one satisfied/happy with their share. How do we apply this to our times? Also is it fair to say that if we choose to live a simple life (in terms of materialism) we are looked down upon by others as if we simply cant afford say a brand new lease, or the latest iphone, huge house etc.? Many will just dismiss your simple living or satisfactory materialism by saying you are just using it as an excuse because you are bitter. Its also brought up (Pirkei Avos?) that you should not dress to fancy due to haughtiness but on the other hand you need not dress in rags due to others poentially disrespecting you or looking down upon you since a person needs to have self respect and dignity. So maybe there is something to having to own certain things or dress a certain way (for others) in order to not be looked down upon?
rightwriterParticipantSince when do we judge a politicians capabilities based on their personal life? Who cares about their personal life are you electing them to be your Rabbi? They are politicians, almost all politicians by definition are corrupt or eventually become corrupt at some point. So if the guy didn’t marry the person you wanted him to marry it means he is disqualified and you’d rather be afraid to leave your house due to crime than give him a chance to make your life better? It’s bizarre thinking. All these media clips or scoops are just dirt they dig up on people who they don’t want to see getting elected. Personal life has nothing to do with politicians doing their job. It’s just an added bonus if they are good people.
rightwriterParticipantalwaysask, i googled it and could not find that page. Maybe they brought it back but it was taken down for a while during the vaccine Blitzkreig. Also there is a link about upcoming vaccines and info which leads to the WHO but then says page not found. I dont see the 10-15 years it just says vaccine licensing can take 10 years or more. Regardless, if they took down the info even temporarily to deceive people that is corruption. And if they are going against their own policies that vaccines take over 10 years thats also corruption. And whos to say they wont alter their policies? If they can hide the information at will nothing can stop them from putting out whatever info suits their agenda. Also historyofvacccines is not the CDC
rightwriterParticipantKuvult, regardless of that many Jews in America did change their names for many reasons especially business. In Ellis Island im sure many names were changed by authorities whether by choice or not in order to be a bit more Americanized or for whatever other reasons such as mishearing or misreading certain names.