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  • in reply to: Libraries, What are they good for? #2107064

    I agree, I am pro library but wondering with all the advancements towards the everything digital, and with the new generation growing up on screens will physical items and locations such as books and libraries ever go away.

    , digital?

    in reply to: I got a tesla (model Y) #2106865

    I went ahead and got 2 Teslas, that way I can save double on gas.

    in reply to: Nuclear NYC #2106348

    Well useless in terms of it’s the same outcome as just trying to ignore the bomb as it hits hoping it won’t bother you.

    in reply to: Nuclear NYC #2106186

    YoshevBer-“On top of all that, NYC possesses no major military installations or nuclear storage or arsenals.
    (NJ does)

    Countries like Russia don’t want to waste their weapons on measly body counts. They want to win, and to do that, they must destroy what threatens them most.”

    -Body count probably is a factor, secondly aside for that, completely destroying big cities like NYC would be of great significance and greatly damage a country from ever recovering. If big cities werent important then threats to NYC and London wouldnt exist, im sure England doesnt hide their nukes under the London streets.

    “Even if Russia would target NYC, it’s important to remember that the United States has a vast and comprehensive Nuclear Defense Strategy that includes interception missiles and early warning networks that would effectively defend a mass populated city like NYC or Los Angeles.”

    -Not sure if you are aware but Russia has weapons such as Hypersonic missiles and others which the U.S has no match or defense for. Also trying to take down a barrage of nukes from Russia and who knows what other countries(China, Iran, North Korea etc.) at the same time would prove pretty challenging and have similar consequences.

    in reply to: Nuclear NYC #2106132

    Right akuperma, im sure Russia isnt capable of hitting any target, and im sure they only have 1 nuke. But hey, Get inside, Stay inside, and Stay tuned.

    in reply to: Trendy Fads #2104890

    Avirah, depends what rocks, some are worth a lot starting from Turquoise all the way to Diamonds…

    in reply to: Trendy Fads #2104178

    What does trump or Biden have to do with Funko pop and Pokemon cards? Give it a rest, wow people are just consumed by politics as if it’s their favorite baseball team.

    in reply to: Trendy Fads #2103866

    @coffee, pogs were so frustrating! Aside for collecting the plastic shiny pog, I was never able to flip any. Im glad those things are gone. I dont think magic cards ever picked up as a “trendy fad” outbreak.

    Beanie Babies were great, you now have Funko Pop which are pretty neat but definitely a waste of money for those who have hundreds of them at like $12 a pop. Good luck collecting them all when they release 5 new ones a day on average.

    in reply to: Trendy Fads #2103864

    Participant- “yo-yos were good and made sense
    plus string candy”

    – especially since you could “walk the dog” and go “around the world” without even leaving the comfort or discomfort of your own home.

    String candy? Nothing beats candy buttons, yes the ones where you end up ingesting more paper than candy as you rip them off.

    in reply to: Trendy Fads #2103858

    do i write wrong or do i right wrong? and now back to my silly slammer

    in reply to: Recycling #2094313

    No consequences? Ok next time you take a sip of water from a stream let’s first dump some toxic waste into it and then let us know how you feel after a minute. After all you can’t change anything it’s not up to you so why would it affect you.

    in reply to: Recycling #2094197

    What are some good ideas to clean up the planet or prevent it from constantly getting damaged which affects our food, water and air quality? Is it even possible?

    in reply to: Jewish Brooklyn: End of an Era? #2090591

    Come one choosid we all know you got those stashes of litvishe kugel in your kitchen

    in reply to: Recycling #2090216

    Avirah what you are saying is difficult to understand. Of course Hashem is in charge of everything but how can our recklessness not affect the world? That’s like saying no matter what you eat you will still be healthy so eat all the junk food you want. There is also venishmartem meod, so that proves we do need to do our part to protect our health, and possibly also to protect the plabet we live in wouldn’t you say?
    You do see that our produce is different than what it used to be, and the vitamins and minerals people used to get from food hundreds of years ago had greatly diminished and that is also due to the air quality and soil quality which has become horrible compared to what it used to be.

    Of course I’m Not saying we have to stop living in a normal way with driving cars, taking flights, factories etc. But these things definitely have an impact on the earth and we get affected by it. Just look at L.A. with the traffic issue because everyone drives a car there. It’s not like thw roads get any wider just because there are so many cars. We think by littering or throwing a wrapper on the street has no impact just because it disappeared from our view, but there is a chain reaction and that wrapper keeps existing and can cause issues long after it’s been out of our view.

    in reply to: Recycling #2090135

    Ya but you have to be careful that whatever cans or bottles you throw in don’t stick out or make noise then they might check it. Also I think officially black bags aren’t legal but I’m happy they don’t enforce that.
    Another proof that the recycling law is a scam to make money is that commercial buildings and even apartments just throw all trash in the same bags and recycling isn’t enforced.

    in reply to: Food shortage #2089980

    ujm to be honest , there are some things progressives and liberals get right. And one of those things is eating healthy. They will preach to you to “follow the science” and to trust government and media, but when it comes to what they consume or do for their health, they trust noone. Just like when they advocate for everyone to live together and mingle but they live in some Ivory tower far far away from the inner suburbs and from the people they protest for. Go figure but Chacham Halomed Mikol Adam you can apply to this i guess(as far as personal health goes). Obviously their politics and agendas are horrible.

    Btw Amil does the shipping ruin the produce or is it how they are stored in the process thats the problem? Also beware of any produce from China. The fruits vegetables and fish are very problematic and may not even be real just like the plastic infused rice that was uncovered coming out of China. Theres a reason why the $1 bag of frozen fruits at Key Food are so cheap, they come from CHiiiiiiNNNNAAA!!(Trump voice)

    in reply to: Food shortage #2089887

    yes Gadol, Global warming

    in reply to: Food shortage #2089865

    Do why the media warnings? Is it just to raise prices or is there something to it

    in reply to: Food shortage #2089720

    Global meaning there will be a shortage of food.


    Haimy since it might be a halachic problem to enter Har Habayis I agree that we shouldn’t, but if it wasn’t an issue would you still sustain your opinion that we shouldn’t be able to go to our holiest site in our own land because it upsets the Arab? The Arabs are the ones who shouldn’t be allowed there. If anything no one should be allowed to enter. If Jews can’t go up there then certainly Arabs shouldn’t either!

    in reply to: Dejavu #2081195

    So according to you UJM , you are saying that the same exact scenario played out with the same exact people in a different form?

    in reply to: Shofar #2081196

    Wait if the Judaica stores buy from manufacturer, why would it be risky to buy from the manufacturer directly? Are the Judaica stores filtering out the non kosher ones?

    in reply to: Dejavu #2081162

    Ujm I thought about that but how does that play out when it involves others. Were you seeing their previous gilgul as well all at the same time? Or are you always the same person and life just repeats itself and placed in the same scenarios until you get it right?

    in reply to: Shofar #2081135

    Right so are the judaica stores importing mainly from Israel or what? Is it possible to buy direct from manufacturer?

    in reply to: Dejavu #2081132

    On the point where it’s not just a feeling it can go to the extent of knowing what will happen as it’s happening since you see it as a memory of an event that happened before. Also everything in life is feelings whether physical or mental so what’s your point?

    in reply to: Matz’ o different flavors! #2078902

    Lakewood matzah was great this year

    in reply to: Matz’ o different flavors! #2078623

    Some taste like old cardboard especially those Ukrainian ones

    in reply to: OMNI vs Metrocard #2076322

    Yes and since they don’t do discounts anymore for certain MetroCard amounts it seems there is very little advantage to use them anymore.

    in reply to: OMNI vs Metrocard #2076201

    I don’t blame you, tokens are still a very convenient option to pay for the bus

    in reply to: No Vax needed in NYC – if you’re a pro athlete! #2072533

    exactly. they are following the science. you guys are just a bunch of anti vaxxers

    in reply to: Food and other #2071957

    Where are these farmers markets located? What’s UPICK?

    in reply to: Food and other #2071875

    CT lawyer you are lucky if you can grow your own food and livestock but most cannot and dont even have access to buy real fruits and vegetables or eat meat that isn’t full of antibiotics and many other harmful chemicals.

    in reply to: Democrats cheated, Biden won #2071774

    Trump/Tulsi 2024

    in reply to: Food and other #2071764

    yes Gadol. Do you also agree that there is such a thing as sarcasm?
    Also do you really mean it that the economy is better or even getting better with rising prices by the day?

    in reply to: Food and other #2071698

    Gadol what’s with the positive post have you skipped a dose or something? Usually every word you use in your replies is “negative”.

    Yes we completely agree the world and local economy is better than ever and “BOUNCING BACK” with a rage thanks to Biden of course. And that’s why there are supply shortage and inflation as noone has ever seen with food and supplies prices going up by the day, oh ya and gas is only like 4.29. Yup, we sure are headed towards the right direction. Good thing orange man bad isn’t president anymore.

    Also for your info Ukraine is the number 1 global supplier of wheat but that definitely isnt important and that’s why they keep mentioning that fact.
    It’s rather nice paying an extra 35 percent on everything isn’t it?

    in reply to: Food and other #2071594

    Well I’m glad to help. Also just a piece of advice if these conversations cause you such issues maybe try to take a break from them or just completely avoid them.

    in reply to: Food and other #2071582

    Syag I think you need help maybe a psychologist or psychiatrist I’m not sure which or how bad your condition is but you always seem afraid and pushing your fear on others by your responses to current event discussions. I have no clue on your condition honestly. But please seek help.

    in reply to: Coffee stained tzitzis #2071575

    JFP milk is the price of gold now.

    in reply to: Food and other #2071557

    I just say this since the media is warning of food shortages globally especially due to Ukraine wheat supply and Russian fertilizer. Of course I’m not a fan of the media but it might make a bit of sense especially seeing food prices climbing by the day. And yes pretty much everyone’s economy is ruined due to the local and global COVID lockdowns which ruined individual economies as well as being impacted by the chain effect.

    in reply to: Coffee stained tzitzis #2071424

    I think there are special formula bottles made for tzitzis they sell them at Yiddishe home stores in Williamsburg and probably around boro park. There are a few brands that I heard actually work. Or at least one of the brands.

    in reply to: Best and Worst inventions in the world #2071405


    in reply to: Best and Worst inventions in the world #2069012


    in reply to: Disappeared topic #2067940

    “The comments were erased because you said they were ‘framing you’. I guess some people are just never happy…”

    -erasing the comments frames me even more…anyway i dont care anymore its not worth the energy . As it is my comments didnt go through and they should have.

    in reply to: Disappeared topic #2067716

    Gadol the fact that the Modz have a share in NYC tap water is the only rational explanation for them completely removing my thread and trying to frame me for some sort of scandalous event. They even removed their notes which I responded to and didn’t even publish my responses since they were caught and proved wrong by me. One of their notes mentioned how they “always publish repsonses even if they disagree and that I know that”. Obviously it’s not the case since they completely removed my thread for no reason. Therefore I can only assume that they have some sort of involvement in NYC tap water. What other rational explanation is there for such an irrational move on their part?

    The comments were erased because you said they were ‘framing you’. I guess some people are just never happy…

    in reply to: Disappeared topic #2067467

    Daas i would be curious too since the Modz have taken a scandalous approach. I kkep trying to explain and I proved the mods wrong that they have removed all their bold black “notes” on my replies and on others replies, I also wrote on my response to GadolHadora exactly what I wrote so obviously there is nothing wrong with it, and I also wrote a few replies but the Modz chose not to publish. I told them to please post my original post word for word for everyone to see and judge.
    I think the Modz have a stake in the NYC tap water and they were afraid I was going to ruin their business saying there are Copepods in it and that some have an issue with it. I even inserted a small paragraph from an article that said it caused a stir in the Orthodox Jewish communities.
    The Modz set me up for whatever reason but they know they are at fault which is why they removed their comments and also didnt publish my replies proving them wrong. The Mod wrote a note that they always publish replies even if they disagree. Obviously not since not only they didnt publish, they removed my whole thread which was called “what water do you drink”. Shame on the mods. But allowing threads of hateful bashing of minhagim or types of Yiddishkeit is allowed. Interesting.

    in reply to: Disappeared topic #2067321

    Gadol I’m very relaxed it’s just a bit inconvenient when you write a thoughtful post and they take down the thread they didn’t even shut it down just completely taken off. Also don’t get it twisted even though the mods would like everyone to think I wrote some horrible things about halacha, most of the post was actually concerning the chemicals in unfiltered tap water vs bottle water plastic bottles and the like. The part about copepods was sort of a btw. Someone replied and mentioned something that bothered them regarding kashrus so it wasn’t even my original post.

    Also you claim nyc water is the best. I heard it’s much better than other places but are you aware of the long list of chemicals including chlorine that are in the water? Ya I know fluoride is good for teeth but does that mean you should ingest it? Also there is lead and many other things in the water which obviously you won’t see unless the water is obviously brown from rust or whatever. No it probably won’t kill you when you drink one glass but over time just as anything these chemicals do build up in the body and can cause health issues. Food and drink is so subtle and builds along time that most people can never attribute health issues to food and drink. Since usually there aren’t immediate consequences.

    Then I asked what the solution is, relying on bottled water to actually be filtering the water correctly or buying your own 100 dollar and up filter and changing it every few months which is a fortune. Those who claim that bottled water is worse than tapz how can that be it tastes much more neutral than the bitter acidic tap water and can also be tested.

    in reply to: Disappeared topic #2067232

    Distortion of halachik matter? Hey big Rabbi I asked how it’s allowed to drink tap water which contains micro shrimp called cope pods but it’s not allowed to eat broccoli. It’s called a discussion.

    I am so sorry that you are not able to discern the difference between editing misrepresentation of halachik facts and censoring a discussion. Either you are truly oblivious, or you are using over dramatization to get a response. Regardless, you know very well that discussions go through regardless of how much we like or disagree with them. If you choose to discuss water, feel free. If you are really unaware of the difference between tiny and microscopic… well, I can’t help you there. But thankfully halacha knows which is which.

    in reply to: Disappeared topic #2067249

    I just replied and you censor me that’s so low to try to frame me for nothing. Shame on you

    in reply to: Best and Worst inventions in the world #2066743


    in reply to: Styrofoam hot cup Ban in NY #2065371

    shoko be-sakit

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