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Sanzer Rebbe Shlita Calls to Increase Limud Torah

Speaking on shabbos parshas Pinchos, the Sanzer Rebbe Shlita during seudas רעווא דרעווין addressed the current situation in Eretz Yisroel and the need to increase limudei torah. The rebbe called for around-the-clock limud in the beis medrash as he explained this is the only way to reverse what appears to be an imminent gezeira against the tzibur lomdei torah. As such, the rebbe ordered all mosdos to implement continuous limud to combat the gezeira that would compel avreichim to enter the IDF and abandon their seats in the beis medrash.

The rebbe spoke of Am Yisrael’s trials and tribulations during years of golus, the gezeiros of the goyim and the suffering endured over the generations, and at times, the pain and suffering at the hand of those ממרשיעי הברית פורקי העול, R”L those who simply wish to betray yiddishkheit. The rebbe explained that during the achris hayomim, the last days, the tzoros endured by the Jewish People will be significantly increased as we see today. “עת צרה היא ליעקב וממנה ניוושע בזכות לימוד התורה” explained the rebbe, who emphasized the need for mesirus nefesh by chassidim in their learning for this is the only response to the current situation.

The rebbe spoke of the instructions from Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Leib Shteinman Shlita, derived from the Ramchal, for three days of around the clock limud torah.

The rebbe explained there should be a schedule with arranged shifts, which each shift being four hours and at least a minyan of avreichim learning in each shift. When some avreichim are davening shachris others should be learning the rebbe explained, getting the point across that the learning must be continuous without any interruption even for davening.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Has any rav addressed the question as to why HASHEM repealed the Tal law and threatens to draft charedim?

    The gezeira is from Hashem, not Medinat Yisroel.

    The charedi world must address the real question which is what are we doing wrong which has brought this gezeira from HASHEM.

  2. Yes, they should learn alot.

    It’s a Kal V’choimer, MaDoch that their Learning can protect the whole country from all sorounding enemy countries, Al Achas Kamoh V’kamoh, that their Learning, will protect the Yeshiva-Leit from the draft.

    Thats why the protests and handcuffs and rallies aren’t necessary.

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