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Petira of Dr Yehuda Assouline Z”L

candle75.gifWe regret to inform you of the passing of Dr. Yehuda Assouline Z”L late Monday night, July 28. The Levaya took place in Shomrei Hadaas this morning, July 30 at 9:00AM. His family (mother and siblings) are sitting Shiva at 1940 East 9th Street between Avenue S & T until Tuesday.

Boruch Dayan Emmes….

6 Responses

  1. the assouline children K”ah- there are many of them, prob. 9 or 10, lost their father a number of years ago. now this tragedy. bila Hashem et hamavet lanetzach…

  2. First my favorite Uncle Raphael,( I have memories of Raphael call on my phone saying “Whose Dis?” and how he would bring a box of fruits and vegitables to my Mom becuase pop bailed out.) and now this. Yehuda, we shared the same name from th same grandfather. I was not worthy of his wisdom or love from all his family but you were. I admired you on how you did so well from humble beginings. I’m too busy chasing criminals and you are doing g-ds work. Your bright soul was taked too early. The would is just not as bright with out you. One tear from Ruth’s eye is too much. I have 3 boys. Please watch over them. If they grow to be half the man that you were, I will die happy. We miss you and Love you, Dr. Yehuda

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