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NBC/WSJ Poll: Republicans Poised For ‘Enormous’ Gains

Gaining strength as the campaign draws to a close, Republicans are poised for enormous gains in the 2010 mid-term elections, according to new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

The poll shows that likely voters prefer a Republican-controlled Congress by a solid 49 percent to 43 percent margin. Among all registered voters, Republicans lead 46 percent to 44 percent, reversing the two percentage point edge that Democrats enjoyed earlier this month.

Underlying voters’ desire to jolt a Democratic-controlled Washington is overwhelming unhappiness over near-10 percent unemployment and weak growth after the Great Recession; fully 84 percent of voters call themselves dissatisfied with the economy. The poll results point toward a reshaped post-election landscape with far-reaching implications for President Obama’s agenda, and for his party across the country.

“The Democrats are about to feel the full force of the tidal wave,” said Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who conducts the Journal/NBC survey with Republican counterpart Bill McInturff. “It’s going to change things from the White House to the courthouse.”

Indeed, Mr. McInturff said the poll results augur “a larger election for Republicans than 1994,” when his party gained more than 50 House seats. This year, Republicans need a net gain of 39 seats to recapture control of the House.

Underlying those assessments are a wide disparity in Republicans’ favor in enthusiasm of their partisans and in the views of key swing voter groups. Some 70 percent of Republicans report a high level of enthusiasm about the election, compared to 58 percent of Democrats.

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(Read More: CNBC)

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