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Hebrew Acadamy Of Cleveland’s Kollel Hosts Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky

sb.jpg(Click HERE for additional photos) An overflow crowd of Rabbonim, Mechanchim, parents and friends representing Cleveland’s Jewish community filled the auditorium of the Hebrew Academy Of Cleveland’s Yavne High school auditorium last night to mark the milestone establishment of the Academy’s new Kollel.

The program included introductory remarks by Rabbi Simcha Dessler, Menahel; divrei bracha by Rabbi Chaim Stein, Shlita, Telshe Rosh HaYeshiva and chairman of the Vaad HaChinuch; divrei bracha by Rabbi Nochum Zev Dessler, Shlita, Dean; and a major address by guest speaker, Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky, Shlita, Philadelphia Rosh Yeshiva, member of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah and Vaad Roshei Yeshiva of Torah Umesorah.

Rav Chaim Stein and Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky lauded the Academy for its innovation, commented on the exceptional group of Kollel members and the Kollel’s communal impact, and offered their heartfelt personal brachos for the Kollel’s continued success—l’hagdil Torah u’lhaadira. Rav Dessler spoke of the vibrant ruach haTorah of the Kollel and the exceptional chesed that the yungerleit have already done in extending themselves on behalf of the talmidim of the school.

The program concluded with a presentation by Kollel member, Rabbi Dov Zilber in appreciation to Rabbi Busel, Rosh Kollel, and Rabbi Busel’s response.

While in Cleveland Rav Kamenetsky also visited the Academy’s Sapirstein Campus and addressed the school’s Yeshiva High School and Kollel.

6 Responses

  1. Very remarkable!!! TAIN YAVNOH V’CHACHOMEHOH!!!!!
    May Hashem give Rabbi Dessler and his ditinguished family continued success and Arichus Yomim Vshonim!!!!

  2. i was there. it was inspiring.
    btw, it’s so nice to live in a community where people are nice to each other, including strangers and newcomers. they actually walk over and introduce themselves, and genuinely offer help.
    let’s hope that people from other places come by, and learn some mentschlichkeit…
    (btw, replying to this post with some insult will just prove my point).

  3. re: commonsense

    No insult intended. However, believe it or not, there are also other communities where people are nice to each other, including strangers and newcomers, and actually walk over and introduce themselves, and genuinely offer help.

    (btw, that’s not very logical that replying to your post with an insult proves your point, because it does not that prove that Cleveland is home to mentschen nor that other places are not. It MAY prove that someone insulted you, but certainly does not reflect badly on that person’s community, which could even be Cleveland. Consider that possibility!)

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