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Chanukah Concert At YU Gets Evacuated By NYPD

nypd logo.jpgMore than 1000 people were evacuated at Yeshiva University’s Chanukah concert, after the NYPD received a death threat against the audience. A source tells Yeshivaworld, that YU, or the NYPD (possibly both) received a phone call from someone stating that he is a copy-cat to yesterday’s tragic shooting in Omaha Nebraska [reported HERE on YW] – which left 8 people dead.

He reportedly stated that he will commit the same type of shooting at the Lamport Auditorium (Yeshiva University) – where tonight’s concert is taking place.

Based on this threat, the NYPD responded to the concert hall, and evacuated the more than 1000 people who were there.

Police then searched the entire building, and the audience was allowed to reenter, only after getting frisked by the police – and the concert (starring Yackov Shwekey, Boruch Levine, Neginah Orchestra & others) continued.

A heavy police presence remains on the scene – and a public thank you must be given to the NYPD for their fast response, and for taking this security situation seriously.

(YW News Desk)

13 Responses

  1. not a very good copycat- the omaha wacko didn’t give the cops a heads up. Most probably not at all credible. However as they say better safe than sorry.

  2. I think this deserves an explanation. torahis1’s insinuation that one who allegedly belongs to a group who would abide by the rulings of widely accepted Rabbonim and poskim would nonetheless “call in the threat” gets posted, BUT a comment asking us all to show love and respect for ALL our brethren — including non-Torah observant ones — by saying BORUCH HASHEM nobody was hurt in the aftermath of the plane crash into the reform shul, is not. SOMETHING is wrong here.

  3. YW Editor, the comment by torahis1 is so inflammatory that I’m shocked you put it in. It is the worst sort of vile Motzei Shem Rah on an entire community.

    In that light, let me say, that it is more likely that torahis1 called in the threat to YU so that he can blame it on others!!!

  4. Why would anyone be offended by what torahis1 says? He’s proven time and again to make outrageous statements to get a response. IF YOU WANT HIM TO LEAVE DONT RESPOND.

  5. YW Editor, I completely agree with Eliezer (#8). torahis1’s comments and follow-up are abominable motzei shem ra and don’t belong on a jewish website.

    Editors Response: He was just sent a warning via email……

  6. As a recent new reader, I must say I have been surprised @ some of torahis1 comments. Now I’m not surprised, I’m shocked. I agree with #6 & #8…he’s probably more dangerous to all of us with his comments. Does he call himself a Frum Yid?

    Editor, maybe it’s time to use your powers of censorship. Lively debate is one thing, vicious attacks on people because they have different views or just to get a response is another. And NO, I don’t hate him. He’s irrelevant, but others are certainly getting VERY upset, and that’s not good.

    I suppose I’m adding to the argument. Maybe #9 is the one to listen to!

    Editors Response: He was just sent a warning via email….

  7. I was at the concert. When the police came to lock down YU, i was “stuck” in the main Bais Medrash. the true story was that this guy emailed the entire cabinet of YU from president joel and down, just saying that hes gonna make himself famous by shooting up the concert. so pres. joel called in the police and they came and it was impressive how fast they responded. the concert was delayed for about an hour or so, and i dont know about everyone else, but i had a blast! it was a major hock fest, and people seemed to be enjoying themselves. so yeah, the police did a good job, the guy who emailed in…i dunno what the story is with him, and it was an amazing concert anyway!

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