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MK Ben-Ari Detained by Police for Davening on Har HaBayis

Ichud HaLeumi MK Dr. Michael Ben-Ari was among tens of Jews that visited Har HaBayis on Sunday morning. They are not of the opinion that the ruling by gedolei yisrael is binding on them, acting on contrary piskei halacha from their own rabbonim. As such, they visited the Holy Site on Yom Yerushalayim.

Leading the group was Rabbi Yaakov Ariel, MKs Ben-Ari and Uri Ariel and Yehuda Etzion, a Har HaBayis activist.

Interestingly, Waqf officials did not seem to react when Ben-Ari began davening, but Israeli police moved in and detained him for Jews are forbidden to daven on the Har HaBayis. Police ignored his parliamentary immunity, explaining he was disturbing the peace so they were compelled to react by removing him. Two others were also detained by police for davening.

It must be noted that according to the Poskei Hador one is absolutely forbidden to visit the Temple Mount, and there is an Issur Kares for one that goes there.

Three years ago on Sukkos, Israeli President Shimon Peres paid a visit to the Sukkah of Maran Hagon Rav Elyashiv Shlita, where Rav Elyashiv called on the President to prevent Jews from visiting Har HaBayis, stating it is an act that that is viewed as extremely provocative by the goyim. Maran stated everything possible must be done to avoid a religious war, and the provocateurs are playing with fire.

Maran is quoted as explaining to the president that Halacha forbids going onto Har HaBayis but today, it is more than this, it is an act that may lead to a religious war and bloodshed.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Your wrong acc. To rav goeren rav kahane, rav dov lior, rav haim david halevi, rav shear yashuv cohen, rav yisrael ariel, rav yaakov ariel permit and encourage praying on har habayit.also whever wrote this article lied because michael ben ari is a student and follower of rav meir kahane hyd who clealy encourages jews accesing the temple mount

  2. I think you mistakenly left out the words Op-Ed.

    Seriously? Within this very article you admit that the mispallelim have their own rabbanim, ie that alternative legitimate opinions exist, and then you decide to pasken for all of your readers using a stam mishna?

  3. I think that most of those mentioned including michael ben ari and of course rav yaakov ariel know a little more torahand halacha than you than you (number 2)

  4. What makes “the Poskei Hador” who forbid it greater than “their own rabbonim” who permit it? I’m sure these people regard their rabbonim as the “poskei hador”, and yours as “your own rabbonim”.

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