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WATCH: Media Slams Trump But Praised Obama’s Apology Tour

2 Responses

  1. The “Media” is correct for “blasting” Trump for the fact that he exhibits a lack of basic decency everywhere he goes. This is not “America first” but rather “create fights and destroy alliances first”. Shame on YWN for posting misleading headlines and articles that excuse away his abhorrent behavior. Trump went to Canada and fought with Trudeau and then went to England and fought with May. He didn’t even have the guts to back up what he said to The Sun so he lied and denied saying the things he said even though The Sun produced clear taped evidence of every one of his statements. He then had the gall to call out the media that accurately reported on it as Fake News when he is clearly the one lying once again. Enough is enough! Fighting with allies, reckless statements and cozying up to Kim and Putin is not America first. It is abhorrent, anti-democratic and repulsive. It should disgust any person conservative or liberal. Ronald Reagan and William Buckley must be rolling over in their graves watching how this populist buffoon is destroying the movement that they helped create.

  2. Bravo Ywn keep up your amazing work and to crazy Arnie(konaiy)your name was probably given to you by people who read your comments .America first America first, you wrote all about fake news not worth correcting

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