Message From NYC Mayor: Prepare For Possible Order To Shelter In Place

Mayor Bill de Blasio said New York City residents should be prepared for the possibility of a “shelter in place” order within days. Tuesday was the first St. Patrick’s Day in more than 250 years without a large parade in New York City, but that didn’t stop a few dozen organizers from marching in a makeshift celebration as the city ground to a halt Tuesday. State officials scrambled to bring more hospital beds online as the number of confirmed cases in the state rose above 1,300.

The latest coronavirus developments in New York:


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Tuesday that residents of the nation’s largest city should be prepared for the possibility of a shelter-in-place order within days.

De Blasio stressed that no decision had been made yet, but that he wants city and state officials to make a decision within 48 hours, given the fast spread of the coronavirus.

“New Yorkers should be prepared right now for the possibility of a shelter-in-place order,” de Blasio said at a news briefing.

Such an order would represent a dramatic escalation of restrictions on the city of more than 8 million that has more than 800 coronavirus cases. They would be following the lead of officials in six San Francisco Bay-area counties, who issued a shelter-in-place order that went into effect Tuesday. That order requires nearly 7 million residents to stay inside and venture out only for food, medicine or exercise for three weeks.

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Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office immediately pushed back on the idea of a shelter-in-place order for the city, reiterating that it cannot be done without the state’s permission and that “there is no consideration” of issuing one.

Cuomo had earlier said more restrictions on business would come first and that a quarantine would have to be at least statewide.

De Blasio said he was particularly worried about people who have lost paychecks because businesses are closed.

“A shelter in place begs a lot of questions,” he said “What is going to happen with folks who have no money? How are they going to get food? How are they going to get medicines?”

De Blasio said he would use city police to enforce a “monitoring system that made sense” but didn’t elaborate.

“We have never been here before,” he said. “I have never heard of anything like this in the history of New York City.”



Cuomo said Tuesday that demand for hospital beds in New York state could outstrip current capacity by tens of thousands when cases of the coronavirus reaches an expected peak in 45 days.

Cuomo revealed the projections as confirmed cases of the COVID-19 virus statewide shot up to more than 1,300. There were 264 hospitalizations and 12 deaths.

For most people, the coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia. The vast majority of people recover from the new virus.

State and city officials are taking extraordinary efforts to avoid a worst-case scenario by slowing the spread of the virus. New York has jointly ordered the closings of bars, restaurants, gyms and other businesses with New Jersey and Connecticut, and Cuomo said the states could coordinate on more limitations.

Officials are also scrambling to increase the number of hospital beds in New York from 53,000, with 3,000 ICU beds.

Cuomo said the at the current rate of spread, the state would need 55,000 to 110,000 hospital beds and 18,600 to 37,200 ICU beds

“The numbers are daunting,” he said.

Cuomo said the state also will need more ventilators to help patients breathe.



Organizers of New York’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade gathered Tuesday for a rain-soaked march up Fifth Avenue with a banner and flags at around 7 a.m., led by police cars with flashing lights, according to Facebook and Instagram posts from the organizers’ accounts.

Images were posted of about 30 people posing with a banner in front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan and people marching in the predawn gloom as bagpipe music plays.

Hilary Beirne, chairman of the St. Patrick’s Day Foundation, said about 10 parade committee members marched with an escort from the Fighting 69th regiment to preserve the tradition of “the NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade marching on the streets of New York City every year since 1762.”



A sharp increase in laid-off workers seeking unemployment benefits strained New York state’s online application system.

The surge came after Cuomo announced the state is waiving its seven-day waiting period for workers to claim unemployment insurance if they have been put out of work by the coronavirus.

Labor officials said they received 8,758 calls by noon Monday, compared to 2,542 calls the previous Monday. Some people complained on social media that they had trouble applying online.

(AP / YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. “For most people, the coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness,” — just like the regular flu. Are we going to plan a going crazy every year for several months. People at risk should be encouraged to engage in social isolation, and hospital should be ready for them. Everyone else should rely on over the counter “cold” remedies and chicken soup.

    The politicians have their agendas involving increasing their own power and forcing society to become dependent on their largesse. We should take them with a “grain of salt”. Covid 19 is a super-flu, but it isn’t Ebola or Smallpox or Black Death or Cholera.

  2. @akuperma
    You are a total idiot. I wonder what you would say if the Covid 19 would affect your family c”v. Why do you think you’re smarter than everyone and think everything is a conspiracy > I wonder if you are the greatest conspiracy…

  3. akuperma: you are almost right. For most people, Covid-19 is like the Flu. What you fail to acknowledge is that for ~20% of patients, it is MUCH worse: hospitalization and probably need for ICU-level care.
    “People at risk should be encourage…”
    We are *all* at risk. This is not a disease of the elderly despite their slightly higher fatality rate. We don’t yet know about kids but anybody over 20 is at risk.
    Lastly, we are all at risk because when the hospitals are totally overrun, “regular” things like heart attacks, allergic reactions, surgery for cancer are all going to get less care.

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