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WATCH: Hillary Attacks Republicans at NY Democratic Convention; Hochul Heckled by Crowd

New York Governor Kathy Hochul was in for a surprise when she was heckled by members of her own party at the New York Democratic Convention on Thursday.

As she attempted to speak at the convention, Hochul was nearly shouted down by a number of protesters in the crowd.

“Democrats, it wouldn’t be the same without a lot of ruckus,” Hochul said, as she was being yelled at.

She attempted to begin her speech, but it didn’t go well.

Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton also addressed the attendees, admonishing Republicans and urging the electorate to vote for more Democrats.

“They’ll ban book but do nothing about guns,” Clinton said of Republicans. “They’ll make it harder for people to vote but easier for big corporations to bust unions. They’ll let polluters trash our environment and let Donald Trump trash our democracy.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. “They’ll ban book (“the one that has closed schools for two years without proof that it makes a difference”) but do nothing about guns (“people shooting other people in NYC then getting a get out of jail free card”),” Clinton said of Republicans. “They’ll make it harder for people to vote (“THE DEAD PEOPLE OR DOUBLE”) but easier for big corporations to bust unions (“LIKE THE POLICE UNION IN NYC THAT HAD TO SUPPORT TRUMP BECAUSE DEMOCRATS WOULD NOT ALLOW POLICE TO DO THEIR JOB”). They’ll let polluters trash our environment (“IN CHINA BUT NOT LET PEOPLE IN THE U.S.A. LIVE”) and let Donald Trump trash our democracy (“BY SPYING ON SITTING PRESIDENT AND CREATING A NARRATIVE ABOUT RUSSIA HAUX”).”

    GUESS WHO?????????????????????????????????????????????

  2. Two ugly dogs that deserve each other. Two privileged WHITE narcissistic Karens who don’t give a crap about the taxpaying citizens.

    “New York governor Kathy Hochul said on Wednesday that she will “absolutely stand behind” her support for bail reform, potentially thwarting New York City mayor Eric Adams’s plans to combat gun violence”

    This UNELECTED privileged white, Kathy Hochul, has the blood of innocent BLACK New Yorkers on her hands! The privileged white woke Kathy Hochul is by definition a R A C I S T!!! Even democrats are starting to realize that.

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