MOVING: 11-Year-Old Orphan Gets Bris in Kerestir, Names Self After Reb Shayale [PHOTOS & VIDEO]

The Jewish community of Kyiv, Ukraine, celebrated the bris of an 11-year-old boy named Igor in Kerestir, Hungary, on Wednesday – the yahrtzeit of Reb Shayale ben Reb Moshe.

The boy, from the orphanage in Kyiv led by Rabbi Bleich, fled Ukraine as war broke out and is currently being sheltered in Budapest. Last week, Igor agreed to have a bris performed.

The community brought him to Kerestir, with the bris taking place in the home of the Forshay Rebbe. The rebbe served as sandek in the moving ceremony.

The boy, now a member of the bris shel Avraham Avinue, chose his name to be Avraham Shaya ben Avraham, after his rebbe in Kyiv whose name is Avraham, and after Reb Shayale.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Finally a real good story out of Kerestir!!

    Yashar koach to the Kyiv community in general and Reb Yankel Bleich in particular for making this happen!

  2. His name is actually Avraham Yeshaya.
    (The Chazon Ish was named Avraham Yeshayahu, according to his tombstone and Rav Chaim ZT”L)

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