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LIFE SENTENCE: Fox News Analyst Says Trump Could Be In Prison For Life If Guilty On Even One Charge

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

Renowned Fox News legal analyst Jonathan Turley says former President Donald Trump is facing a life sentence if convicted on even a single count from the extensive list of charges levied against him by the Justice Department last week. Turley’s comments came during his appearance on Fox News, where he discussed the potential consequences of the indictment, which focuses on Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified documents.

The indictment accuses Trump of violating the Espionage Act, with federal prosecutors alleging that his actions jeopardized national security, foreign relations, the safety of the U.S. military, and the integrity of sensitive intelligence collection methods.

Speaking about Trump’s age, Turley stated, “The problem is, he’s got to run the table — he’s 76 years old. All the government has to do is stick the landing on one count, and he could have a terminal sentence. You’re talking about crimes that have a 10- or 20-year period as a maximum.”

Turley further emphasized that the evidence presented in the recently unveiled indictment is compelling. While acknowledging that the defense has yet to present its side, he cautioned that initial indictments tend to be stronger and may be difficult to refute. Turley highlighted the potential impact of damaging statements made by Trump’s former counsel, stating, “Some of the evidence is coming from his former counsel, and these are very damaging statements made against him. It may be hard to move those.”


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. Even more more critical to lock up Hillary over her 33,000 bleached email, and even more critically to lock up hunter biden over his $5M stolen money.
    10-15 years shall IY’H shall see several Republican Presidents who shall undo the corruption of the FBI & Dept of Justice, by pardoning President Donald Trump שליט”א quickly & speedily

    Fox News Analyst Says BIDEN Could Be In Prison For Life If Guilty On Even One Charge
    $5,000,000 from Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings
    a minimum of 10-15 years in prison you talking about a guy who is 80 years!!!!!!

  3. LIFE SENTENCE: Fox News Analyst Says BIDEN Could Be In Prison For Life If Guilty On Even One Charge
    $$$5,000,000 from Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings!!!!

  4. There is a zero percent chance of him going to jail. Not even if he is found guilty on every single charge. At most he will be under some sort of house arrest with limited confinement. How can he do stupid things that help the Democrats from jail? Therefore they won’t stand for it

  5. If you realize the picture is of boxes of classified documents that he used for the toilet and gifts some in the bedroom this is a joke the man was maniac

  6. Two impeachments and two indictments already and counting it’s obvious the establishment is out to get rid of him and that includes republicans. He can feel slightly better cuz he would lose to Biden again big time.

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