A poll conducted by Morning Consult on Friday has shed light on how voters are responding to the historic guilty verdict against Donald Trump for falsifying business records. The poll’s findings indicate that a substantial number of Republicans and Independents believe Trump should withdraw from the presidential race, while a majority of registered voters approve of the jury’s decision.
According to the poll, 54% of registered voters either “strongly” or “somewhat” approve of the guilty verdict, compared to 34% who disapprove. Notably, 49% of Independents and 15% of Republicans think Trump should end his campaign due to the conviction.
In a hypothetical one-on-one matchup with President Biden, the poll found the race to be effectively tied nationally, with Biden at 45% and Trump at 44%.
While a majority of voters agree with the guilty verdict, the poll revealed that 49% believe Trump should receive probation, whereas 44% think he should go to prison. Additionally, 68% of registered voters believe the punishment should be a fine.
The poll also exposed deep-seated distrust in the criminal justice system. 75% of Republican voters reported feeling less confident in the system following the verdict. Moreover, 77% of GOP voters and 43% of Independents believe the conviction was motivated by a desire to harm Trump’s political career.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
14 Responses
Of course, those who support Biden hope that Trump will drop out, and those who support Trump hope that Biden will drop out.
On the contrary those who support Trump hope Biden refuses to drop out, so they can continue to campaign against him and his longstanding criminality and stupidity, and now on top of it his obvious senility.
“Yeshiva” world news should have enough hakaras hatov to president trump to overcome their yitzra d’media to be biased against him
akuperma> How many of those who say that Trump should drop out, are people who plan to vote for Biden, and would never consider voting for Trump
Indeed, presumably about half of independents (that decide to vote) will vote for D and half for R. So, this is not meaningful. The Romney/Haley wing of R party is the one to watch and so far they are on board with Trump.
Reading this “story” once again proves that any fool can make a pole and even a bigger fool will report it as news. After doing a little bit of research on this story, I see that this story was lifted directly from leftist sources. Not a surprise there because we’re used to that already here on YWN.
I’m quite surprised that the poll mentioned was one where so-called independents where saying that the president should drop out, when so many other polls have the president gaining even more momentum in what will hopefully be a trouncing of Democrats in November.
As for the “Independents” in this poll, I would love to ask them, if you are an independent voter, how have you voted over the past 10 years. If they were split or pretty close to split then they might be independent, but if it’s more than that toward the Democrat obviously, then they favorite socialist liberal Democrats and their word on this poll is garbage.
Btw, drugcommish, I’m sure that her life has been better under Obiden. She probably got an increase in her social programs whereas everyone else is putting up with the 40% price increases on goods and services. Unfortunately you can’t reason with a leftist. It takes no brains to be a leftist, which is why they are leftists.
Druggie: Really geshmak how well you read the MAGA talking points. Have you considered taking a position as the virtual spokesperson for Preparation H??
How many of those who say that Trump should drop out, are people who plan to vote for Biden, and would never consider voting for Trump (or a Republican)? Similarly, many voters say that Biden should drop out, but it turns out those voters intend to vote for Trump.
What matters is the number of people who plan to vote for a MAGA-oriented Republican candidate, but who will not do so if Trump is the nominee. Similarly, what matters is the number of people who plan to vote Democrat, but will not do so if Biden is the nominee. It does matter how many Democrats think that Trump is a criminal, just as it doesn’t matter how many Republicans think that Biden is senile.
Of course, those who support Biden hope that Trump will drop out, and those who support Trump hope that Biden will drop out. When it gets interesting is if polls show a significant change if, for example, a pro-MAGA Republican other than Trump, or a Democrat other than Biden, would be a winner whereas Trump/Biden would be a loser. And that isn’t what the poll asked.
To GadolhaDORK,
You seem to want Biden/KamalHair lead our country for the next 4 years. Why do you hate America? Is it too free for you? Do you realize that if Biden Chas V’Sholom gets reelected America will continue on his downward fall into socialism or possibly communism?
We will have no borders hence, no law and order. Criminals will roam the streets because there will be no room in our prisons, they will be filled with political opponents. Our economy will be in shambles. Inflation will go through the roof and a loaf of bread will cost $10.00. Hey, wait, I just paid $10.00 for a Shabbos Challah! Gas for your car will be $8.00 to $10.00 a gallon and that’s if there will be enough gas available.
Wake up Dork. You need to do your homework. Get real. Stop dreaming. You need to support the only person at this moment who can bring America back from the brink. That person is Donald Trump.
Half the independents weren’t voting for him before the fake trial.
Any Jew who votes D is a fool.
There are polls that say just the opposite and that Trump is leading by 51%. On top of that, this was clearly a Kangaroo Court. I’m very suspicious that ALL the jurors were either Democrats or RINOs. I don’t believe that even one juror is a supporter of Trump. If so, I don’t call that a jury of your peers. This trial clearly was for political purposes and not for clear legal reasons. I believe that the vast majority of people that hold that he’s guilty don’t even know what charges he’s guilty of.
I think Bragg needs to be dropped out of the district attorneys office, and I think merchan needs to be dropped out of the judicial bench, and I think these 2 low lives need to be disbarred from being able to practice law or have anything to do with the legal profession. They both also need to be prosecuted for having interfered with a Federal election.
Meanwhile crooked joe must be sent packing to his infamous Delaware basement, and President Donald Trump שליט”א needs to urgently be restored to the Oval office.
The judge made numerous prejudicial, reversible errors. Also, the verdict was supposedly based in part on an alleged violation of federal law. But the defense was not notified of the specific law that was supposedly violated nor was the jury properly instructed as to which particular federal law was involved and what actions would constitute violation of that law. This in itself amounts to a clear violation of due process under the 5th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution. The trial was so badly managed as to make clear that it was not a proper prosecution and trial but instead was a political persecution and a Stalinistic show trial. Also, since when are Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), which everyday are part of litigation settlements, now to be regarded as criminal acts? Trump was unfairly railroaded and the verdict will be reversed on appeal — if need be by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Democratic Party desires that the appeals drag on until after the election in the hope that fearful people will be persuaded to not vote for Trump — a blatant act of election interference.
I am confident that Trump will prevail — his victory is needed to preserve our democracy. If he loses, it will be a devastating loss for our country and for the world.
Another fake leftist poll…
This polling is premature. In a week we will know the impact on the independents
Well, the REALLY bad news is that the other 50% of independent voters believe he should continue to run for President after the conviction.