Baltimore County Police are investigating whether a hate crime has taken place at two synagogues.
On Saturday night, authorities say signs at the Baltimore Hebrew Organization at 7401 Park Heights Avenue and Beth Tfiloh on 3300 Old Court Road were defaced with swastikas and offensive comments with black spray paint.
Police seized the signs as evidence.
Art Abramson, Executive Director of the Baltimore Jewish Council, says vandals are the likely suspects, but because of the recent Jewish High Holy Days, and events in the Middle East, a full investigation is needed. Abramson is meeting with both Baltimore City and County police on Monday to discuss the ongoing investigation.
Anyone with information should call the Baltimore County Police.
(Source: WJZ / 13TV)
2 Responses
I live in Pikesville. We have been seeing an
increase in Gangs in the area. But night be an
an Obama supporter.
although there is alot of crime in Baltimore, there B”H hasn’t been much hate crime. I hope the Baltimore police will catch those responsible for this very soon b’ezras Hashem.