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Sharpton Has a “Top Priority” For Obama Administration

oba shar.jpgTwo wars, economic disaster, unemployment skyrocketing, and terror threats are facing the nation, but Al Sharpton has a top priority for the incoming administration.

The NY Daily News reports the following:

The incoming attorney general in the Obama administration must make investigating police brutality a top priority, the Rev. Al Sharpton said Saturday.

“The minute we get a new attorney general, we must go to that attorney general and deal with the issue of police misconduct,” Sharpton said in a fiery address at his Harlem headquarters.

“We must bring the case of Sean Bell and other cases that haven’t been handled well in the states to the federal level.”

Sharpton said that federal investigations in the Abner Louima and Rodney King cases led to convictions, while state prosecutions in the cases of Bell and Amadou Diallo did not.

“We want a society where the police are not above the law,” Sharpton said.

The president-elect has yet to select an attorney general. Among those under consideration are Eric Holder, former deputy attorney general; Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano; Rep. Artur Davis, D-Ala.; and Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick.

Sharpton also said federal involvement would benefit law enforcement, “so the good cops don’t bear the brunt of the bad cops.”

(Source: NY Daily News)

13 Responses

  1. WHAT A BAFOON!!! If they get acquitted then it wasn’t handled well but if they get convicted then it was handled well??? Basically according to the “Reverend” justice can only be served with a conviction. By the way he still maintains that Tawana B. was assaulted and justice wasn’t served because the white man was acquitted. The truth is meaningless to the “Reverend”

  2. ani omer: its spelled buffoon. come on dont spell like one.
    Sharpton raises legitimate concerns of the black community. Just see what happens when one of our community is mistreated by the police. Its not much different.

  3. Hey Rev Al Slim Shady,
    How about IDIOT misconduct? Like the time you raised all sorts of g’henim about Tawana Brawlly only to find out she lied? In the meantime lives were messed up. Did you ever even bother to apologize for your IDIOCY? Not a snowball’s chance you know where.

    I guess you didnt need any new suits this election cycle so you didnt run??!

    One day you will get your just rewards from HKBH. May we be zoche to see that happen b’korov!

  4. You people are forgetting his worse sin -screaming “Kill or get the jews” in Crown Heights.
    A retarted black listened to him and killed Y. Rosenbaum!

  5. and who is Al Sharpton to a guy from Hawaii who was raised WASP, never lived in a black neighborhood, and was put in office by the Ivy League and Wall Street elites, and embraced by African Americans as an ALTERNATIVE to the type of leaders such as Sharpton, or Jesse Jackson (Sr.)

    Sharpton is a character from the late 20th century who is now in the dustbin of history

  6. #1–He’s not his friend–he doesn’t even have anything to do with him. He’s just a guy who lives in his neighborhood.

  7. Have you all forgotten Freddie’s where he said to burn out the interlopers and several yidden died in the subsequent fire?

  8. I can’t forget when Al Sharpton justified and praised those who murdered that Bochur from Crown Heights, in retaliation, or “Justice” for the black kid that was run over in an accident…

  9. Poor Rev. Al will no longer be viewed as a spokesperson for the black community. He is a man of no substance and very little accomplishment who was sought out by the media for his outrageous comments. For the rest of America, the ecconomy is the #1 issue, not the infrequent istances of police abuse.

    I often wonder why the Rev doesn’t make an real effort to actually help the black community get education and employment.

  10. yaakov doe,

    Rev Al wont do that for the same reason Rev Jesse wont do that either. The reason simply is because they know the day it happens they are completely irrelavant. They are already quaking because Obama (who btw Rev Al called not “authentic”) was elected. His election SHOULD show them that they COULD make something of themselves. Whereas the Revs Al & Jackson keep putting down their own by constantly providing excuses.

  11. this is simply al’s last attempt to stay in the news, now that the blacks have a less militant spokesman. al, you and your insane incitings to violence will not be missed.

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