Buses of Lakewood’s Finest Boys Join Crowd Of Over 500 Who Participated In Camp Govoah’s Extravaganza

sb.jpgMotzoi Shabbos was frigid outside but in one packed auditorium in Flatbush, it felt like a beautiful summer day – at least a typical day at Camp Govoah. 

Trying to capture the feeling in a few words would be impossible.  Let us simply say, Camp Govoah is known for its talented administration, special ruach, yeshivish staff, and the best hand picked kids around.  Put them all together again and there was a feeling of magic in the air.

As the Lakewood/Monsey buses joined, the program started off with master story teller, Rabbi Yitzy Erps who kept the kid spellbound with his incredible voices, sound effects, and timely lesson. 

Rabbis Karmel and Teichman wasted no time as they started highlighted some of the amazing things being done in camp for the summer of 2009 while raffling off some of the big prizes.

As soon as the special guest, Michoel Pruzansky started singing, the oilam was dancing all around the auditorium.  Special Guest, ‘MK’, joined by the campers, staff and of course, the “Minskies” brought the house “all the way down”!

Outsiders were taken aback at the overall ruach but to the hundreds of campers, it was just another ‘normal’ day at CG.

Each child went home with a DVD of the special audio visual presentation which caused memories to flood back of the season of 2008 including the brand new gym, kayaking in our own river, trips and extra-curricular activities.

To learn about the GOVOAH STIMULUS PACKAGE and how you can now save as much as one thousand dollars or for a free DVD, please call 718-252-CAMP.  In Lakewood, call 732-942-0017.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. If hand picked kids enjoy a normal day at this camp, do normal kids go to a hand picked camp?
    This just proves that there are normal camps with normal kids. Camps do not classify their campers as hand picked.

  2. I guess that only the “best hand picked kids” are zocheh to such a spiritual extravaganza. The poor average or even above average, but non “hand picked” kids – I guess will become kids at risk.
    Please be a little more sensitive when you post these foolish messages. What’s wrong with just calling them Yeshiva boys? All Yeshiva boys are “hand picked” by Hakadosh Boruch Hu.

  3. Wow a gathering of the elite. Leave the “average” kids out of this. They don’t really count. They’ll all become “baalei batim”. And end up supporting the elite. I really don’t think that Yissacher looked down at Zevulin as a plain average baal habos. I’m sure that he had tremendous hakoras hatov. Without any fancy plaques.

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