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Out Of The Mailbag – Lakewood Should Be Endorsing Chris Christie

yw_story_logo.jpgTo the chashuvah kehillah of Lakewood,

We are now in the last remaining days before the election. This election is a most important one for New Jersey and the frum community at large. The Lakewood Vaad has endorsed incumbent Governor John Corzine for re-election on the basis of hakoras hatov. However, we will only be hurting ourselves.

The hakoras hatov for the Governor is misplaced.

The Governor has announced that he will raise our outrageous property taxes (already the highest in the nation). He plans on writing into the law the most abhorrent moral laws and he does not believe in school vouchers. Even after he promised money to our community, he can not be trusted to come through as he has shown during the last four years. He has no back bone and can not stand up to the power liberal groups and unions such as the NJEA (teachers union). However most importantly, the White House is watching this election very closely and a Republican win will deliver a heavy blow to the Obama Administration and his frightening plans for our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael.

As yidden, Achdus has always been our strengthening point. We need to stand united in this election. Let us vote Republican on this Election Day. Let’s petition the Vaad to change their endorsement to Republican Chris Christie so we can all vote as one unified voice.

In this zechus, may we merit much siyata dishmaya.

An honest and concerned community member,


P.S. There are rabbanim in this town that do not agree with the Vaad’s endorsement. Ask your Rav if you have any questions.

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.

85 Responses

  1. the Rav gave a big drasha this Shabbos, and made a big Machaa. That’s 100% assur to vote for Corzine. And he said it in the name of his Grandfather R’ Avigdor Miller Zatzal. That you can not vote for someone who supports the biggest toeva.

  2. It’s about time someone else spoke up. The Igud Hamosdos did not endorse Corzine, but the Vaad made everyone think they did. Especially by putting out a fake endorsement earlier in the week.

  3. I hope everyone still goes out in big numbers to vote for our Comittee men. We can’t let Cunliffe even get close. He’s a dangerous guy who is trying to rowdy up the seniors against the frum oylem.

  4. I second Lkwd’s comment. Meir and Menashe really deserve a big showing with huge #s in their favor. Hatzlocha Rabbah to them.

  5. It’s not right that because BMG gained a lot from Corzine, the entire community has to vote for him. WE’RE DROWNING IN TAX BILLS.

  6. Thank you for this letter. The Vaad infuriates me. This letter they sent out endorsing Corzine shows how out of touch they are with the constituents of Lakewood. We don’t all just care about “MOISDOIS”. We have principles too.
    Selling out and voting for Corzine who stands against so many of the moral values that define Yiddishkeit is reprehensible.
    This is a very close race and I urge all of you to go out and vote for Chris Christie.

    Also, SHAME on the Vaad for channelling Rav Shneur zatzal in their zeal to endorse Corzine. How do they know whom he would have approved?? The political and social climate was vastly different when he was alive. Can they say with any degree of certainty that he would say to go vote for Corzine?!!

    Please, get out and vote for Chris Christie on Tuesday!

  7. RABBI Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita slammed the vaad on Shabbos for endorsing Corzine.

    He did it in the name of his shver, Rabbi Avigdor Miller ztzl

  8. Everyone chill out.
    Don’t you realize that Rabbi Aron Kotler knows what is best for all 50,000 frum people living in Lakewood?

  9. #4 Do NOT allow the brain cells to disintergate, disappear and dissolve.
    Corzine as a driver without a selt belt is a DEMO who will raise taxes and forget about you tomorrow (if not today). A Republican will help our community grown in the correct way. Think and then decide.

  10. its hightime someone opened their mouth and voiced their opinon.

    lkwd is being led like sheep to slaughter by the vaad.

    all the local papers are on the payroll too


    proudly chaim kass

  11. I personally called Rabbi Yisroel Schenkelovsky who told me that he does not yet know who he will vote for. He told me that R’ Malkiel asked a Gadol what to do but Rabbi S. refused to divulge the identity of said Gadol until after the election.

    We do know that R’ Malkiel signed onto a petition stating that we are obligated to fight Toevah marriage with all our strength.

    The Va’ad apparently did not take into account R’ Malkiel’s stance against this Toevah.

    At the end of the day the frum community cannot sacrifice our ideals for monetary assistance. Hashem will support those who uphold the law of the Torah not those who place their faith in corrupt politicians.

  12. Chris Christie is getting my vote. The vaad has endorsed the canidate that is better for “them”, but I will vote for the canidate that is better for me & the average taxpayer.
    Remember a vote for Corzine is a vote for Barack Hussein Obama!

  13. I am pleasantly surprised that YWN had the backbone to post this letter. Traditionally, YWN is very institutionally inclined. Please continue to portray all views on these important matters.

    Agav, I have not found yet one of my friends in Lakewood, and I have spoken to many, that is voting for Corzine. The moral issues at hand, in combination with strangling high taxes, are driving voters to the Republican candidate – period.

    In general, the “oilum” is a bit weary of the Vaad’s “just trust us” attitude. After all the protests and kol koreys that are posted regarding NY’s toeva issues, it begs an explanation why it was not even addressed by the Vaad.

    No – money should not be the answer to everything.

  14. I could not believe that any of the frum news sites were bichlal goires Cunliffe and gave him any recognition at all. He’s a bad bad guy who last time around tried to do a lot of damage to the frum community.

  15. I think the fun is over for the 80s and 90s of being a sheep, people are starting to think for themselves and not buying into baloney stories. I am very proud of yeshiva world for this post. It is time to bring back authentic Judiasim!!! Lets get to work my brothers and we will bring the Mashiach!!!!!!!!!

  16. I think it is time the Vaad entered the political arena for themselves. They certainly have the corruption in-house. It amazes me how so few inept people think they run the show.

  17. Rabbosai, I’m afraid that people who aren’t sure who to vote for for Governor may not vote. This could be a big problem for the Twp election. We will not gain a thing by not voting. We have only to lose. As a Lkwd resident I think its an understatement to say that WE MUST GO VOTE FOR MEIR AND MENASHE!!!

  18. I think this thread should remain anti Corzine and not anti Vaad. I believe that it’s important to have a Vaad, and generally I feel although nobody is perfect, the Vaad tries to accomplish what’s best for the community. They just happen to be way off on the governor endorsement.

  19. Rabbosai:
    I am so happy to see that people are engaged in this election and are discussing the issues that are so important to our community. Still, if we are going to debate the issues let us utilize the middah of Emes when doing so and not be taken in by the sheker of Karl Rove and company.
    While it is certainly true that property taxes remain too high in New Jersey, Governor Corzine has made considerable strides in easing the burdens faced by our state’s homeowners. The Governor’s leadership has resulted in the lowest rate of increase in nearly a decade – 3.7 percent. Governor Corzine established major structural reforms to ease the property tax burden in New Jersey. He enacted a 4% cap on local tax levies, increased state spending on education, created incentives for municipalities to share services and consolidate where possible, reformed the pension system and created a new state school funding formula.
    All of this means that under Governor Corzine there has been more direct Property Tax relief than under any other Governor in our history. Period. This means that Governor Corzine has put over $7 billion directly into the pockets of New Jerseyans. While we all agree, the Governor and Senator Weinberg included, that much more needs to be done, these are incredible accomplishments for such a short period of time, and during an economic crisis no less. And let us not forget under whose watch the economy became the mess that it is today.
    To argue that a vote for Governor Corzine is a vote for higher taxes is outright sheker. Do not be fooled or taken in by the sound bites of those who would deceive us. Use Chochmah and Binah to analyze and comprehend the issues on your own.
    Many people, out of frustration and fear are experiencing a knee-jerk reaction and argue that change in our government is necessary to reverse the tide. While this fear is understandable and shared by so many, nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, under Governor Corzine’s leadership, New Jersey was the first state in the nation to pass a comprehensive economic recovery and assistance plan.
    So, here is the real question: Don’t tell me taxes are too high. Rather tell me the answer to the problem. Your taxes are too high? So are mine. Give me the next ten words. How are we going to do it? Give us the ten words after that, and we’ll stop talking. Every once in a while, there’s a day with an absolute right and an absolute wrong, but those days are few and far between. Other than that, there aren’t very many unnuanced moments in leading a state like New Jersey or a country like the United States, which are both just way too big for ten words. Governor Corzine has the ability to find the nuanced answers. Don’t be fooled by the corruption of the liars and shotim.

  20. Can someone tell me who the Lakewood Vaad members are? I’d like to personally pay them a visit, and/or give them a phone call.

    Please post their names and numbers.

    It’s very important that we can reach the members of this vaad who mammish care about our community….. 9not).



  22. Last week there was a statement released that the hanholo of the Cheder endorsed Corzine….

    Agav, it’s a flat out lie….
    Just some bad arm-twisting by the Vaad/Aron K. & co.

    It’s called SHAKE-DOWN (mafia style)

  23. hundreds of yungerleit signed a etition in bmg today bashing the vaad and in reality, their very own roshei yeshiva.

    About time the yungerleit are taking back the mosod from being led down the political toilet by some cronies.

    ayin shom kovetz maamorim what reb elchonon writes about farchanfining politicians.

  24. The writer referenced Obama and his stand on EY howver there is more to that. We trulty need to open our eyes while we still can and derech hateva start swinging the political pendulum back to the right.

    If any sort of healthcare passes in its current form, we are seriously of gehakta tzuris. We dont want to be another EU country with socialized medicine. So many people think this will be free but ask anyone in any country with socialized medicine about their taxes. Most countries pay an additional 15-20 percent in SALES TAX PER ITEM. This is commonly called a “VAT Tax” and if you want to buy something YOU WILL PAY THIS TAX.

    NOTHING in life is free, not healthcare, not food, not apartments, etc. You need to wake up and realize the money will come from someplace and that someplace is YOU no matter what your income is (or isnt).

  25. YWN rocks!
    Finally an independent media outlet where we can voice our opinions.
    Fact, the VAAD is run by AK, and their #1 concern is BMG. If it happens to be convenient and enough people shout, they may do a tiny whisper to help the average yukel.
    Big question, with all the juice AK has in Trenton, why hasn’t anything been done to fix the school funding discrepencies between Lkwd & elsewhere? This is something that will help EVERY homeowner in Lkwd.
    What’s the answer?
    Poshut, BMG stands to gain nothing from it, so why waste precious political capital on the yukels. Let’s save it for BMG projects. I happen to know this for a fact. AK was asked to do this, and he said he didn’t want to waste the political capital on this.
    Let’s all wake up. If Christie wins the Lwkd vote and wins the election because of Lkwd, we will have much more political capital. They’ll see that you cannot just buy off the powerbrokers in Lkwd, you must take care of the average yutz too.

  26. Can we please have alternative leadership that runs itself according to the rules of the Torah and not the rules of ” Give me as much money as possible so we can continue this anti torah philosiphy of milking your parents and in laws of all their money and not g-d forbid work to support the family” . This is what happens when we take leadership away from the Kohanim and give it to people with a anti torah agenda. Dont get me wrong, i know they want those on programs to benefit from corzine – but it is all anti Torah to support a menuval and rasha – so lets get some guts and kishka into our selves and bring back those fearless Kohanim who will lead us in the path of the Torah!!!!!!!!

  27. Rabbosai:
    I beg of you – disagree on politics, hashkafa, etc. Even disagree with how a person does things. But please realize that hiding behind a “screen name” does not reduce the Chilul Hashem when the outside world reads these postings. Nor does it reduce the issurei d’Oraisa caused by Lashon HaRah and Rechilus. If you disagree, please do it respectfully and back it up with facts.

  28. To 48,
    M.Z. Weisberg, Rabbi Blech, Aaron Kotler,
    A.M. Muller & a few others. I personally don’t think that whomever is Governor will change the obscene property taxes. The only way to get change in this state is to throw out our corrupt legislators. Stop supporting the same old assemblymen & senators year after year. We need to support senators and assemblymen who will support our agendas of lower taxes and tuition vouchers. Having candidates giving kickbacks to our Moisdos (Mainly BMG) is not enough!

  29. kudos ywn

    i just left shacharis in my lkwd shul. noone is voting corzine

    this will be a strong statement to the self-appointed lkwd vaad

  30. this comment is to benishchai. You said a beautiful shtikel about Corzine. Some of which may or may not be true. I think the main issue is the disgusting toeva issue, that Corzine is pro. And according to all gedolem I know- INCLUDING THE LAKEWOOD ROSHEI HAYESHIVAI- it is assur to vote for such a person, and definitely a big azuz that a LAkEWOOD VAAD can give him an endorsement.

  31. To # 1 and # 9. I was there at the Shabbos morning drasha and while Rabbi Cohen repeated the long standing pure Daas Torah and shita of his grandfather (not his shver #9) that it is assur to vote for any public official who supports toeiva, he never mentioned the Vaad or Corzine or any candidate by name. I must say how appros that this weeks parsha Vayeira tells of the bitter end that Sodom faced… Vehamavin Yovin. A real chosid of Rabbi Cohen.

  32. this is a good and important conversation. i hope to vote republican myself due to the fact i’m using my own head. but the continues personal bashing of “ak” everyone knows exactly who that is, is very unbecoming to this usually clean site. i’v found it very disturbing the personal tone this thread has taken on. so administrator please do your job!

  33. Rabbi Cohen said this morning after a shuir, that this post is a lie he never slammed the Vad, and you are oyver the issur of richilus, and you should remove it.

    PS his shver is not Rabbi Avigdor Miller!

    Comment #9 “RABBI Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita slammed the vaad on Shabbos for endorsing Corzine.
    He did it in the name of his shver, Rabbi Avigdor Miller ztz”
    Comment by feif un — November 1, 2009 @ 9:20 pm


  34. All this name bashing on AK and the vaad is immature disgusting and probably lashon hora. Just state your opinion to vote fore Christie and be quite.

  35. The atmosphere is becoming a bit too charged. Although I firmly believe that the Vaad made a very serious blunder on this issue, we need not insinuate or accuse them of general wrongdoing. Their’s is a very difficult position and this issue has the potential to break the general “achdus” of the Lakewood Community’s electoral apparatus.

    Keep in mind that in a similar city, Monsey, the community is almost powerless because each of the various factions act on their own and the community in general can never accomplish the things that are needed by all. We certainly do not want to go in that direction.

    The Vaad serves a very important function. They keep tabs on the local politicians. This involves not only ascertaining where they stand on the issues that affect us most, but also following up and making certain they keep their promises.

    Reading through the various Lakewood publications, we are always seeing the constant contact that the Vaad maintains with the local politicians. This is extremely important because politicians have an extremely annoying habit of forgetting their commitments if not constantly reminded.

    Another primary function of the Vaad is overseeing and and providing for the financial needs of our Mosdos Hakedoshim. These include the Yeshiva, the glory of our city, and all the yeshivos and girl’s schools. The reality is that they need to be funded and how they are funded is one of the cental issues of this debate.

    The Vaad has adopted the position that it is usually best to vote for higher taxes because this will assure the solvency of our Mosdos Hakedoshim. If we were to follow the other route which is to vote for lower taxes and not receive stipends or receive less stipends from the government agencies, the very same people who are saving on their taxes would be faced with a shortage of funds in the Mosdos. The money saved would thus need to be put directly back into the Mosdos. In my mind this is a reasonable position.

    I, of course do not have all the numbers, nor do I know exactly how much each Mosad receives, but I believe this is a fair analyssis of the situation. However, this position is not Halacha L’Moshe Misinai. It is possible that someone can suggest a better approach. Many believe that we would be better off with less taxes. This too is a reasonable position and one cannot be faulted for subscribing to it.

    What was done in previous generatios? Almost up till WWII in the Kehilos of Europe, the Tuvei Ha’ir (Vaad) had the responsibility of raising the money to run the Kehila. This included the Rav, Shamash, Chazan, Shul and various schools. It also included the projected Zedaka needs for the poor. The method used: Taxation. There are various formulas about how to divide the tax burden. A perusal of Shulchan Aruch and Shu”t will provide more detailed information.

    Insofar, as the specific toeivah issue facing us in this particular election, I find that some have quoted members of the Vaad as saying R’ Malkiel, Shlit”a, was in favor of their choice for Governor. I find this very difficult to believe, because there is a proclamation of “Daas Torah” signed by R’ Malkiel, Shlit”a which would definitely indicate that he believes it is asur to vote pro “Kesubah L”Zecharim”.
    Somebody mixed up the messages.

    I personally will not vote for Governor Corzine, because I believe this to be the true position of the Roshei Yeshiva, Shlit”a, but all are free to choose their own way. Certainly, all believe that their vote is Lichvod Hashem V’Toraso and are to be respected for that.

    I hope and pray that the negatives of this election will not carry over to future elections because I firmly believe the unity of the community is absolutely essential for the growth of our wonderful city.


  36. FACT: Corzine is another Democrat liberal menuval.

    FACT: Real Daas Torah almost always endorses the Republican. (Rav S. Schwab Rav A.Miller)

  37. Thank you Yeshiva world for letting the truth out of the bag!
    The Vaad is doing there own thing, not sticking up for us the people, who pay taxes, and who believe in Hashem, and don’t vote in Toevah people!

    P.S. What is Mr’s.Miller and Lichtenstien doing to bring down taxes in Lakewood?
    Nothing! Why should we vote for them?
    Its time for new members who will bring down the taxes!!!

    How come the Board of Ed has 7 buildings, running us a bill of over a 115 million dollars a year.
    We have to close some of these half empty buildings, and consolidate, we will save major money, and our taxes will go down hopefully

  38. Dear #62.

    Your ignorance is absolutely fascinating, and you should be ashamed of yourself for writing such utter stupidity.

    Just three pointers.

    “The Vaad has adopted the position that it is usually best to vote for higher taxes because this will assure the solvency of our Mosdos Hakedoshim.”

    What kind of dumb thing to say is that?! Thousands of families are struggling to make ends meet. We have the highest taxes in the nation. Maybe, just maybe, people will use the extra money saved on their staggering taxes to pay extra tuition or donate money to Mosdos, which leads right into your next lunacy:

    “Another primary function of the Vaad is overseeing and and providing for the financial needs of our Mosdos Hakedoshim. These include the Yeshiva, the glory of our city, and all the yeshivos and girl’s schools. The reality is that they need to be funded and how they are funded is one of the cental issues of this debate.”

    How much money did the Vaad give Mosdos…..let’s just say…… the past year. I don’t want to make it too difficult for such a brilliant person like yourself. So just get us the figures for the year of 2008. make sure to include every single Mosod in town, not just the holier-then-thou BMG Inc.

    And finally:

    “The Vaad serves a very important function. They keep tabs on the local politicians. This involves not only ascertaining where they stand on the issues that affect us most, but also following up and making certain they keep their promises.”

    I won’t even bother responding to this big fat lie. I’ll let the other bloggers have the zechus doing that.

  39. #70 well said

    But you forgot to add a few more names


  40. It was just a matter of time before it became public knowledge that SOME members of the political wing of the Vaad in Lakewood, are not acting altruistically, and should be kept in check by someone.

    Also, to comment on some comments, there is a void of communication between BMG and a few members of the political wing of the Vaad of Lakewood. The TRUST BMG puts into some of those individuals is not warranted. This is not just an opinion.

  41. When will the people of Lakewood decide to have a proper election for who should be on the Vaad? They chose themselves to rule over us. Why don’t WE choose who will work in OUR best interest?


  43. I think that this is a disaster waiting to happen. My bet is that Corzine wins. The oilam is clearly very opposed to him & will vote for Christie. Corzine will see the polling data & see that the oilam voted against him. How will this affect Lakewood? Is it better just not to vote b’chlall for a Governor??

  44. Rabbosai:

    Please, I implore you. Stop the attacks. The amount of Chilul Hashem being caused is enough. I beg of you, if you want this galus to end please stop.

  45. Please call R’ Yehudah Levins hot line 212-461-2852
    listen what he has to say based on a mesorah he has from
    R Moshe R Yaakov R Miller THe Debretzine Rebbe
    The Kashove Rebbe LHBCLC THe TOshe rebbe and The SKulenne Rebbe Shlita

  46. Many of you are failing to recognize another vital issue in regard to the election.
    The Ss marriage is the first issue. The second issue is who is the Vaad and who do they represent. It is obvious that they are making sure they remain anonymous. Why would they do that? In the years past we saw all their names on the letterhead. The answer is because they are all scared and trying to mask their agenda. Most Vaad members do business with the Township. Some have gotten and some are still trying to get sweetheart deals. Some even have contracts directly with the township. They almost all own property in the town that requires constant zoning changes for them to be money makers. Some of its members make their money by being askonim and running programs and getting grants for various self interest groups. As for the candidates they endorse and have put into office most have serious real estate holdings and or dealings in town. ( Mishalonu, Unzere) They manage properties on behalf of the largest and most influential askonim and developers in town. How do we allow such conflicts of interest? I don’t believe there is another town in the United States that elects people with such self interests. Many third world countries would not stand for this. It is time to set up a new Vaad as Reb Elyashiv instructed Rav Malkiel. Reb Elyashiv very clearly that it be composed of the 7 Tuvei Hair. So let us ask The Roshei Yeshivah respectfully to see to it that we have a Vaad and Beis Din of the 7 Tuvei Hair.

  47. #80, your broad, sweeping indictment is not fair. Not everyone on the Vaad is cut of the same cloth. There are members who are wonderful individuals and then there are some on the political wing who have no real rabbinical expertise in anything. They need to be watched. Just like a Rabbi responsible for a products hechsher trusts the shochet knows that he is doing, in that case, and that of the political wing of the Vaad and the Yeshiva, there is a communication gap.

  48. Thank you very much #62, Yacovoflkwd. Very well written, and very true.

    Although in our hearts we want nothing more than to strike a blow at Corzine/Obama and ilk, at the end of the day we must have achrayus to do what’s right for our mosdos, for they are our stream of life and nothing else, first and foremost being the great citadel of Torah – Bais Medrash Govoha. And nobody knows all the nuances of the needs of the mosdos like the Chashuve Lakewood Vaad. Have no doubt that they confer every single big and little issue with the Roshei Hayeshiva and the Mashgiach shlit”a. So we should follow them BLINDLY, like I have quoted many a time: afilu omer l’cha al yemin shehu smol v’al smol shehu yemin.

    I am shocked that Harav S. B. Cohen shlit”a, one of the chashuve rabbonim and baalei horaa of Lakewood, would come out publicly AGAINST the endorsement of the roshei hayeshiva. I really refuse to believe he said so. Anyway, if indeed he did, we should only listen to what the roshei hayeshiva say. “Lo Bashamayim Hi”.

    This business with families being taxed too much and all the other empty tainos are all the “hot air” of a few hotheads that have no “raiach hatorah” in them. History has proven that it’s not the “high-tax” Democrats that bring tough economic times (case-in-point: Bill Clinton), and not the “low-taxes” Republicans that bring good economic times (case-in-point: George W. Bush). It’s all ONLY THE RIBONO SHEL OLOAM!!! So the only thing that will help all matters is we do what He wants: listen to what our gedolim say without any hesitation and “chakiros”. “Uvasa el hacohen asher yihyeh bayamim hahem”.

  49. It not for nought that Lakewood is known thought Torah Frum world, as the most corrupt and politicized Frum community in the world. Truth be told, people despise it for those reasons. I’m sure Rav Aaron ZT”L is really proud of his namesake and his croonies.

  50. You people all listen to talk radio for a few hours a day and all of the sudden you think you have a clear understanding of politics. You learn for an hour a day and all the sudden you’re Rav Shach and know what the right thing to do is.
    I know for a fact that Rav Malkiel spoke to Rav Ahron Leib Shteinman shlita who advised him to endorse Governor Corzine.
    Believe it or not The Lakewood Vaad is made up of many members, including people with no affiliation to and Mosad.
    So grow up and take in to account that there are some things that you may not understand.

  51. I just had a very disturbing conversation, with a very active member of the state and national Republican party who lives in Lakewood.

    Mr. K, as we shall call him, told me that he will be holding his nose this election day and voting Democratic for the first time in his life. The reasons he elucidated jolted me as well.

    Mr. K told me he had a two hour face to face meeting with Chris Christie and asked him to come campaign in Lakewood. Christie refused. Christie insinuated that he is totally turned off from the Jewish community of Lakewood.

    Mr. K. met with some of Christie’s biggest contributors to enlist them in getting Christie to come to Lakewood and meet with the Jewish leadership and he refused them as well.

    Based on that rather blunt and brusque meeting, Mr. K was extremely repulsed and disenchanted with Mr. Christie.

    Mr. K believes very strongly that Mr. Christie is NO friend of the Lakewood Orthodox Jewish community.

    You would think that Christie would naturally be inclined to reach out to our community which is fair-minded in moral values and fiscal conservatisms. Opting not to come to the largest town in Ocean County and the fastest growing town in New Jersey has to raise many red flags.

    Actions speak louder than words.

    Mr. K also believes that social services will be reduced as well as social service monies currently available to our kehilla in an effort to “trim” the budget.

    Mr. K believes that, given the opportunity, a “Governor” Christie would initiate tax and oversight investigations that would harm many of the mosdos, shuls and even simple gemachs in our town.

    Mr. K is not a part of the VAAD and never was. Mr. K’s only purpose in reaching out to the public was to convey his feelings and sentiments which he strongly believes are accurate and true.

    Mr. K, like I mentioned earlier, is very involved in state and national politics and is understandably choosing to remain anonymous.

  52. B”H it seems from this discussion that the lakewood oilom is not fooled by corrput politicians cynically parading as rabbonim and co-opting the concept of emunas chachomim for their own putrid goals.

    halevai the oilam in Eretz Yisroel should learn from you.

  53. The “beauty” of these forums is that anybody can write whatever they want without any way for us to verify if it’s true or not. Case in point.#86 writes that he/she knows “for a fact that Rav Malkiel spoke with Rav Shteinman” who said we should endorse Corzine. #87 writes that a “Mr. K” had a 2 hour face to face meeting with Christie who had some very unsavory things to say about Lakewood. There’s no way for anyone to verify the truth of these claims. Would you believe that I met with Rav Eliashiv who told me to endorse Christie and that Mr. P had a 2 hour face to face meeting with Corzine who called us every name in the book? If you did you’d be a fool.

  54. #87:
    What do you think could have caused christie to have that attitude? isn’t everyone looking for exposure and votes? it’s you people who shut out YOUR GOVERNOR, stupid! YOU are sending him the message loud and clear that you don’t want to hear about him! it’s the ENDORSEMENT, STUPID!

  55. FYI: don’t be so naive. Mr. K does NOT exist! He’s a made up story to scare you to vote for the VAADs corzine. Use your seichel Hashem has given you (hanosen lasecvi vina lehavchin…) and don’t be gullible to all these last ditch effort scare tactics.

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