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Bernanke Named Time Magazine’s Person Of The Year

bb.jpgBen Bernanke is the 2009 Time magazine “Person of the Year.”

The magazine announced Wednesday morning the Federal Reserve chairman, 56, had won its top honor.

Bernanke follows on the heels of previous winners President Barack Obama, who took the award as President-elect in 2008. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin won in 2007.

Bernanke has served as chairman of the Fed since 2006.

He was appointed by then President George W. Bush and succeeded Alan Greenspan in the post.

Before taking the post he was an economics professor at Princeton University and a leading scholar on the Great Depression.

(Source: NY Daily News / YWN-112)

5 Responses

  1. Well, he is the most powerful person in the world, isn’t he? We all know about the three branches of government: the judiciary, the elected politicians, and the Federal Reserve Board (oops, I forgot about the bloggers).

  2. Akuperma at his best, thinking he is, as a blogger, the second most powerful person in the world.

    Besides that, this Yiddele Ben (standing for Ben Zion, really!) saved the financial system from assured collapse.
    The gentile world does not even fathom what they owe us.

  3. Look, I am proud, but think this is premature. We are still in a recession, no? Unemployment is still very high and the companies have not yet finished repaying the govt for bailout funds. So we don’t yet know how the story will end.

  4. I’m not criticizing Ben. He’s done a great job, even if the founding father never quite believe a Delaware corporation (albeit with a chairman appointed by the president) would have such powers.

  5. The “Man of the Year” should have been the people of the US who have to put up with Obama!

    Of course included in this would be the:

    47.8 percent of the nation that DIDNT vote for him.

    The 60% of the country that is OPPOSED to the healthcare bill.

    The 55% of the country that doesnt like what the president is doing with the country.

    The 68% who favor offshore oil drilling.

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