WikiLeaks Faux Pas – Mossad Agents Revealed?

International media reports indicate WikiLeaks has accidentally released unedited documents, documents that name names, confidential sources of informants and intelligence community agents, including members of Israel’s Mossad Intelligence Agency.

According to a Der Spiegel report, the cause of the major faux pas is an ongoing dispute between WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and former WikiLeaks employee Daniel Domscheit-Berg. The original report appeared in a German weekly, Der Freitag, listing the names of agents from Israel and other countries, including Iran, Afghanistan and Jordan. It adds that the classified encrypted document has been circulating on the Internet since the beginning of 2011, containing a quarter of a million US Department of State cables that were obtained by WikiLeaks. While the files are password protected, it appears that Assange gave the password to someone, who in turn released it to the public.

The former employee turned opponent, Domscheit-Berg, who heads OpenLeaks, is happily spreading the word, that both the classified documents and password have been obtainable on the Internet for a number of months.

Using Twitter to release its response, WikiLeaks officials’ deny the accuracy of the report, insisting there have been no such leaks.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. If he did leak any real info, I would think he would finally be springing a leak somehow – and it would be his last one too. V’hamayvin yovin.

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