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Schneller Speaks Out Against Anti-Chareidi Party Line

Kadima MK Otniel Schneller has spoken out against his party’s anti-chareidi line which has recently been adopted by Shaul Mofaz, who succeeded in his bid to grab the party leadership position from Tzipi Livni.

Schneller, who is a member of the dati leumi community, expressed his disapproval of the party line, the bashing of an entire sector, in this case the chareidim. He urged party leaders to steer away from such policies and added if Mofaz continues on the path of his predecessor, he will have to find another party.

Today, Wednesday, 5 Nissan 5772, the day after the Kadima election, Mofaz visited the Mt. Herzl tomb of Theodore Herzl where he laid a wreath. From there he plans to head to the Kosel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Tzipi Livni always spoke out loud and clear against the Frum community it’s about time that she got booted out of her position.

  2. “Mofaz visited the Mt. Herzl tomb of Theodore Herzl where he laid a wreath. From there he plans to head to the Kosel.”

    From Herzl to the Kosel, that tells it all about the fake, phoney Kadima Party.

  3. Chessed, that’s a jump from the frying pan into the fire. Mofaz is worse than Livni. Better the devil you know than the (bigger). Devil you don’t!

  4. #2 & 3, maybe for a frum reader in chutz laAretz it may seem strange, but for a reader in eretz yisroel, it is not. Hertzl is seen as the founder of the Jewish state and the kotel is the spiritual center for ALL Jews, not just frum yidden.
    Livni lost cause she would not deal with religious (not just frum) Jews eventhough she won the election. Bibi, who lost the election, was able to put the religious parties together with Libermann, a avowwed secular, and formed a party.
    Bottom Line: being able to work together is more important than ideology. Same is in the gemora. Unity is more important to HK”H than idolitry. One king was rigteous, but lost wars since there was no unity, the other was victorious in war, eventhough there was idolitry since they had unity. (forgive me for not remembering the gemora and the kings)
    Lesson: HaShem wants unity. Mofat knows that too, hence Hertzl and Kotel.

  5. All Haredim gloat at Livni’s downfall……….

    Haredim are very happy to see fall of the evil woman they see as the driving force behind incitement against them.

    May we have Moshiach lead us out of this Golus.

  6. Listening to people like Livni, Mofaz, Peres, Olmert (and others of their ilk) discuss issues regarding the leadership of Israel, is like listening to a group of sanitation men discussing their opinions on different techniques of brain surgery.

    HaSh-m yirachaiym…

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