PA Residents Hail Abbas’s Upcoming Bid to the UN

Before leaving for the United States PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) on Sunday addressed residents of Ramallah, who cheered him on as he explained he remains tenaciously determined to make his bid to the United Nations, seeking non-member observer nation status with the realization is a first and major step towards Palestinian statehood.

Despite mounting Israel threats that the unilateral move will abruptly end the negotiating process, added to strong White House opposition, Abu Mazen is off to New York City and he plans to make the move, well aware he enjoys an easy majority in the international body and the General Assembly will approve the request despite adamant American and Israeli objections.

Seeking to strengthen his waning position in the PA, Abu Mazen is aware that even with America angered, the move will create new facts on the ground that will boost his popularity as well as boxing Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu into a corner.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has announced that if Abu Mazen moves ahead as his indicates he will, “all agreements are off”, signaling whatever has been accomplished between Israel and the PA is null and void as a result.

American fears the move may result in an irreparable breakdown in the so-called Oslo process between Israel and the PA.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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