Miriam Amash of Jasr a-Zarka, died on shabbos 9 Teves 5773 in Hillel Yafeh Hospital. According to Ministry of the Interior records, she was born in 1888, making her 124. She is survived by her ten children, all still alive, and 300 grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great great children and great great great grandchildren. She was laid to rest in the community cemetery.
Muhmad Amash, a great grandchild of Miriam, told reporters that she lived a healthy life and died without suffering from illness. He explains she preached tolerance and love, and was frequently visited by Arabs and Jews alike who sought her advice.
In recent years she became a well known person in the Arab community, attracting many visitors seeking a blessing for long life.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
4 Responses
There have been reports in the media in recent weeks about the world’s oldest person(s) dying. They were considerably younger than 124. Perhaps whoever keeps track of these things doesn’t recognize the validity of this woman’s birth date.
Arabs want long life? A סגולה for longer life is: Don’t blow yourself up.
There are great people of all races and religions. Imagine what this woman saw over the course of her life. A world dramatically and rapidly changing, wars, hate. And she was resolute in her advocacy for love and peace.
The world would be a better place if more people (of ALL kinds) lived by her example.
Zulst leben biz …ah forget it!