Israeli Independence Day: The Israeli Flag At Ponavez

The Israeli flag flown at the Ponavez Yeshiva in Bnei Brak every year on Yom Ha’atzmut.

(Reposted from YWN archives 201220112010200920082007, & 2006)

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Rav Kahanaman zt”l was ONE of a kind with the understanding of Am Yisroel as a global entity combined with heilige limud Hatorah. Those who encountered him on his frequent fund-raising trips will attest b’lev shalem of his unique qualities.
    yehi zichron BARUCH!!!

  2. What about this year???
    Times have changed since Rav Kahanaman’s days. The “Israely” Government has turned against Bnei Torah with a vengence! It is now easier to sit and learn Torah in America than it is in EY! This is terribly disturbing.

  3. B”H this website carries this story each and every year given the extremely vital importance of this story and that it is very big news each and every year.

  4. Hakaras Hatov always applies!!
    With a bit more appreciation of what we get out of the state, the non-frum may respect us more.

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