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Shas MKs Demanding an Apology for Chareidi Character Assassination

yishain2After the gag order on the details of a murder of members of the to’eva community in Tel Aviv was lifted on Tuesday, 3 Tammuz 5773, it became apparent the suspects in custody were not chareidim.

Following the shooting deaths in a to’eva entertainment pub, the collective finger of blame was pointed at the chareidim as the national atmosphere was quite heated over the to’eva lifestyle at the time. At the time, heavy accusations were leveled against Shas Eli Yishai as teens in the club were shot dead.

It is now clear that the suspects are not chareidi and have no connection whatsoever with a chareidi lifestyle or that tzibur.

Eli Yishai released the following statement: “The elected officials and human rights groups accused the religious community, including me as being connected in some way to the murder – apologize. Four years ago, immediately following the murders, before the investigation began, signs were waved to place the guilt on me and the chareidi community for having a hand in the murder one way or another. You did so with unbearable ease, staining the entire community, through no fault of its own, and this requires reflection by the public. The public officials and various organizations who sought political gain to capitalize on the murders must apologize to the public that they sought to tarnish.”

Shas’ MK Nissim Ze’ev released a similar statement on Monday, 2 Tammuz 5773, demanding an apology from all the liberals and secularists who were so smug and quick to blame chareidim for inciting that led to the murders.

Police are reporting the 23-year-old Pardes Katz resident in custody acted out of revenge and the murders of two teens were in no way related to objections to their way of life.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. He probably would have demanded an apology from Streicher. Well, at least it good PR to ask, albeit an exercise in futility.

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