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Government Backs Additional Rights for To’eva Couples

toevaWhile the ministerial committee was opposed to the bill presented by MK (Yesh Atid) Dr. Adi Koll, the cabinet has announced it will approve tax credit points for to’eva couples.

Housing Minister (Bayit Yehudi) Uri Ariel last week opposed the bill, explaining he views it as a challenge to the national norms. Party colleague, Minister of Senior Citizen Affairs Uri Orbach feels it is an effort to introduce same gender marriage via the back door.

Interestingly, the current law discriminates against a husband, who receives less tax credits for children that the mother and while there is discrimination among heterosexual couples, davka with to’eva couples the government will be making an exception to accommodate this unacceptable way of life.

Koll sees things a bit differently, announcing if the bill is passed “It will send a clear message that the State of Israel views same gender couples as parents like all others…The time has come to end the discrimination. ”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Yesh Atid MKs would love to cut out those “discriminating laws” from the Torah once and for all; perhaps even most of Vayikra. Then cut out those old-fashioned laws like honoring parents, brit milah, Shabbat from other Chumashim and wage a full time war with Hashem.

  2. When will the street sweeping Kofer, Dovy Lipman & the back stabbing laugher, Shai Piron, speak out against their Yavan Party’s abomination?!

  3. People here are so concerned with “hardei” civil rights. Rights are not civil unless they are extended to all members of society.

  4. Minister Orbach put it well. That’s how it is with them. When it gets hard for them they push in the back door and end up making a very uncomfortable and sticky situation for the others.

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