Arab Terrorism Targets Electric Supply to Yishuv Itamar

hamasArabs from the Shomron village of Iwarta found yet another way to attack residents of Yishuv Itamar. They threw metallic rods up at the high tension election lines until they created a short, knocking out power to the community. The electricity went out at noon on Tuesday, 6 Shevat 5774.

The residents were recently without power, water and cellular telephone service in last month blizzard, and first thought the latest power outage may be related to winter issues. However, when Israel Electric Company technicians arrived, they were able to determine it was Arab terrorism. Residents of the community are asking Israel Electric to hook them into the national grid via the Jordan Valley communities so the lines providing them with power do not cross over the PA (Palestinian Authority) villages.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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