Chareidi Male Stabbed in his Neck Near Shar Shechem

IMG-20140209-WA0101A chareidi male became the latest victim of Arab terrorism in the capital on Sunday evening, 9 Adar I 5774. He was stabbed in his neck near Shar Shechem, telling police he attacker “appeared Arab”.

The attacked fled the scene according to the Ichud Hatzalah report. The victim was transported to a Jerusalem hospital in light-to-moderate condition.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photos: Chadashot 24)

3 Responses

  1. The article reads in part as follows: “The victim was transported to a Jerusalem hospital in light-to-moderate condition.” I thought “light-to-moderate” was a way of describing snowfall or rainfall, or the amount of salt to put in chicken soup. I never heard of a stabbing victim being in “light” condition. What species of ape runs the YWN Jerusalem desk?

    As for Comment no. 1: You are so right. No other animal (including a “person”) would ever stab anyone in the neck. That is why, in the history of the world, the only people who were ever stabbed in the neck were stabbed by Arabs. You could look it up.

  2. First of all Mr.nfgo3, I love the fact that you called the YWN a species of ape. I find that extremely funny. And second of all can one of our world powers, like the U.S., or france, or any other countries with nuclear weapons, just destrot Iran as well as the othet animal Arab countries. Once they are all gone the word would be such a better place. This is why I should be president.

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