Arrangements Approved for a Minyan at the Tziyun of R’ Shlomke of Zvill ZY”A

hhaIsrael Police have approved arrangements for a minyan of talmidei chachamim, Ziknei Yerushalayim, who will be mispallel at the Har HaZeisim kever of Rav Shlomke of Zvill ZT”L on his yahrzeit, 26 Iyar. While many mispallalim visit the tziyun to be mispallel on the yahrzeit of the tzaddik each year, this year the yahrzeit coincides with the papal visit and the amount of people permitted with be limited as the area will be closed at times to accommodate security arrangements for the pope. Police will be permitting this special minyan access however.

The news that many will not be able to be mispallel is received with pain and in some cases anger, as police were told that since the liberation of the Old City in the Six Day War in 1967, this will be the first year mispallalim will not be able to visit the kever on the yahrzeit.

Egged reports that on the yahrzeit it will be running a number 51 bus at a regular local fare to take people to and from Har HaZeisim. It appears a limited number of mispallalim will be able to get to the tziyun by bus. The bus to Har HaZeisim will run every 10 minutes between 13:00-19:00. The route is Yirmiyahu (under the bridge), Aperion Jct., Bar Ilan the corner of Rabbeinu Gershon, Shmuel HaNavi along the #3 route to Zvill. Return buses from Har HaZeisim run from 14:00-20:00.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Until Moshiach comes we will have to tolerate the pope, the Arabs the US government and anyone else who has an opinion to boss us around and tell us what to do in our country golus. How sad is it that we are in golus in our own homeland?

  2. Reply to WIY:
    What you really mean to say is, “How sad it is that we are still in GOLUS and don’t believe we can make a change to bring Geulah!”

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