Body of Drowning Victim Flown To Eretz Yisrael From Uman

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The body of 24-year-old Shlomo Zalman Kuzlovsky Z”L, who drowned in the river as he toiveled erev Shavuos during his visit to the tziyun of Rav Nachman in Uman ZY”A was flown to Eretz Yisrael for Kvura. The meis arrived in Ben-Gurion International Airport on erev Shabbos 8 Sivan 5774. The levaya is scheduled to take place at 16:00 in the Shamgar Funeral Home in Yerushalayim. The meis will then pass Yeshivas Toras Chacham on Ohelei Yosef Street and kvura will be in Har Menuchos. The niftar’s father received the news in Argentina and hopes to arrive in time to take part in the levaya.

Due to the efforts of askanim and officials of Hatzalah in the Ukraine the body of the niftar was released. The niftar was brought to the tziyun prior to departure for Eretz Yisrael. A levaya was then held in Uman.

According to the head of Hatzalah in the Ukraine Rav Hillel Cohen, the victim toiveled in the river but did not know how to swim. He added the water is very dangerous, all the more so for one who cannot swim.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photos: News 24)


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