Maran Hagon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZATZAL On Independence Day: This is a Day of Torah Learning

ovaThe following is a combination of two articles which YWN published in the past:

In 2012, YWN reported that Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZATZAL announced after shachris on Independence Day, that if one wishes to honor the day one should immerse oneself in Torah study “for Torah protects us from those wishing to harm us”.

Rav Ovadia added that Baruch Hashem today, the center of Torah study is in Eretz Yisrael, where there is simply more Yiras Shomayim, and more baalei tshuva.

There are batei medrashim that hold a “Yom Shekulo Torah” today, on Independence Day.

In 2010, YWN reported that Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZATZAL announced that one is permitted to recite Hallel on Independence Day without a bracha. Rav Ovadia adds it is preferable to push off the recitation of Hallel until completing the davening, since one should not insert tefillos into the prescribed text.

He explaied that gedolim have voiced various opinions regarding the recitation of Hallel, since Chazal did not insert it into the tefilla for this day we are not accustomed to do so but one cannot discard the miracles resulting in the establishment of the country and the ability of Jews to return to their Homeland.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. If one were inclined to say Hallel, would it be preferable on an occasion like this year when the celebration is moved up to say it today or on the actual day (tomorrow)? Anybody know?

  2. I enjoy how someone like Maran could rise above petty politics, and violent demonstrations , and infuse a National holiday with kedusha.

  3. I like this. I will try to spread the word. On the one hand we know that by halacha a holiday for Jews can no longer be established – it had to be done by a consensus of huge leaders way before our times; on the other hand, we can always make a Seudas Hoda’ah, right? Individuals and entire communities do so. That is the way I had found I could look at a kosher framework to celebrate this day. Seudas Hoda’ah. i recently heard that more than one true gadol has said that to ignore the huge nissim and confluence of events that led to the independent State of Israel, and the opportunities it has offered our downtrodden exiled nation, is to be blind and deaf (and may I add ungrateful) to the hashgacha of Hakadosh Baruch Hu and his love for us. Too bad it had to occur under secular auspices. It has caused terrible rifts and a sad yeridas hadoros for the uneducated Israeli Youth. But it us still galus, after all, and at least we have been blessed with innumerable miracles as well, and can live where we can keep more mitzvos and be mekarev our brothers and sisters with kindness, as well as bring Moshiach closer. Ki miTzion Tetzei Torah!

  4. The Bostoner Rebbe zt”l said this is a day [5th Iyar] we should not say tachanun although he did not go so as to say Hallel should be said. Since he died his son the Bostoner Rebbe-Har Nof Shlita says tachanun.

  5. It is not true that we can’t make new holidays. The Chasam sofer talks about how he kept frankfurt purim just because he was born there. As far as hallel on a nidche, there are varying opinions. Rav goren said to say on 5 iyar regardless of when celebrations a r e held. However most Rabonim in rabanut said to say it when celebrations are held.

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