UNREAL: Zoabi Compares Israel to the Nazis And Serves in Knesset – Kahane However was Outlawed

kzTo the amazement of many, some of Israel’s lawmakers are nothing less than the enemy from within, but in a misguided attempt to show the world the integrity of the Israeli democratic system, they are permitted to remain, salaried by the public to spew their anti-Israeli rhetoric to all who willing to hear their message.

One such example is MK Hanin Zoabi, who has participated in terrorist flotillas trying to break the Israeli marine embargo on Gaza, compared IDF soldiers to Hamas, and works tenaciously towards the destruction of the State of Israel. she has assaulted police and security personnel, and regularly speaks against the State of Israel.

In her latest act, in an address delivered on Saturday, November 7, 2015 in the Netherlands, the Arab MK equated Kristallnacht to the violence perpetrate against Palestinians in Israel.

The late MK Rabbi Meir Kahane HY”D was outlawed by the Israel Supreme Court after declaring his party platform is the Tanach. Zoabi however continues her anti-Israel activities, funded by the Israeli taxpayer. When the Central Election Committee banned her from running in national elections for the 19th and 20th Knessets, the High Court of Justice overturned the decision, permitting her to run both times.

Zoabi was a guest in Amsterdam at an event commemorating Kristallnacht hosted by the radical left-wing Dutch organization, Platform to Stop Racism & Exclusion.

Kristallnacht, Zoabi said, “did not come out of nowhere, it was the result of a development over time” drawing an analogy to events taking place in Israel today.

She explained that thousands of Jewish businesses and shuls were destroyed by the Germans on Kristallnacht and even if most Germans did not approve, they remained silent. She acknowledged that hundreds of Jews were murdered and 30,000 expelled, some to extermination camps and as the murder continued after Kristallnacht, another 1,400 people were killed.

She compared this to attacks against churches and during soccer matches when fans shouted “Death to Arabs”. She then spoke of the Arson attack in the Shomron that claimed the lives of members of an Arab family. She failed to mention that it is yet to be established the arson attack was perpetrated by Jews and not the result of a rival feud in the PA (Palestinian Authority) village as the evidence seems to indicate may have been the case.

She then turned her statements to a call from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who during the ongoing wave of Islamic terror attacks encouraged citizens to carry their licensed handguns and use them against attackers. She pointed an accusing finger at the Israeli public for remaining quiet to all of this, which she feels is analogous to Kristallnacht.

Her remarks became so inflammatory that they were met with shouts of protests and her microphone was cut off for a period of time, albeit not too long. She proudly boasted she is one of 120,000 Arabs who were not expelled by Israel in 1948. (Point of interest – according to the Knesset website she was born in 1969, 21 years later).

“Eighty-five percent of my people were expelled, in an ethnic cleansing and colonialist plan,” she added.

Perhaps the more worrisome matter is not her lies and fabrications, but the public’s willingness to grant her an audience.

Concluding, she called on the Dutch nation not to remain silent, reminding her audience that during Operation Protective Edge, 1,700 of her people were killed by Israel, including 500 children. Once again, no mention of the years of rocket fire into southern Israel that preceded the military offensive or the fact that Hamas uses civilians, including children, as human shields.

While Kahane is illegal, as is wearing a Kahane tee-shirt , Zoabi continues to spread her message to the world at the expense of the Jewish People. Her worst punishment to date has been expulsion from the Knesset plenum for periods of time or being rebuked by the Knesset Ethics Committee.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Rav Kahane Tzadak. We didn’t follow him and now we got the Zoabis and Tibis instead. Where was the “Religious” parties when they were banning Kach? I include all of them that claim to be Religious parties. Only Rav Kahane ZTL HYD stood for Torah in the Knesset. All the others are a joke and sectarian.

  2. Kahane was a remarkable fascinating fellow.

    He loved his fellow Jews and the holy land

    He was very unapologetically frum ,and also unfazed by all the bigshots and hotshots of the world

    On the other hand ,he was always overly sure of himself and convinced that he understood that bigger whole picture better than others.

  3. ‘The late MK Rabbi Meir Kahane HY”D was outlawed by the Israel Supreme Court after declaring his party platform is the Tanach’ – that is a flat out lie. It ill behooves YWN to print it.

    The legal test in Israel was and remains that set out in the ‘Basic Law: The Knesset’ which allows disqualifying a party that through words or actions either denies either of the two basic principles of megillat haatzmaut, i.e. (1) that Israel is a democracy and (2) that Israel is the state of the Jewish people, or (3) that it incites to racism.

    The Central Elections Committee found, and the Supreme Court concurred, that the Ka”ch party clearly incited to racism and that it denied that Israel should be a democracy.

    MK Zouabi has most certainly skated close to the legal border of denying that Israel is the state of the Jewish people. The Central Elections Committee came close to disqualifying her before the last elections but decided that her case was not yet clear enough to warrant it. Perhaps her additional words and actions will be sufficient to warrant her disqualification before the next elections.

    In any event (1) MK Zouabi cannot be disqualified now and (2) there is no justification for YWN printing the blatant lie that Ka”ch was disqualified for having stated that the party platform was the Tanach.

  4. YWN — Why would you put a picture of this rasha on your website? No one needs to see this blatant liar and rabble rouser

  5. The reason is simple, Kahane stood for the truth and was a believer in the One Above which goes against the foundations of Zionism-which believes the Tanach is backwards while Zoabi is “just another voice” in this “vibrant democracy” sort of like Dems. vs. Republicans. It is all bec. Zionism is an empty suit only the Torah matters.

  6. Zoabi is not a threat to the state. R. Kahane was, as are his supporters. The goal of zionism is to establish a secular non-Jewish state where Jews are free to throw off the yoke of Torah. Zoabi isn’t a problem. It was Kahane, and is followers today, who “aren’t with the program”.

  7. What else to expect from the State of Sodom? Only in the State of Sodom the same judges issue orders to spare houses of Jew-murdering terrorists and demolish Yerushalaim Synagogues.

  8. Why the sudden outrage?!?! You have Chareidim in Israel screaming and yelling at police all day “NAZIS” and no one seems a bit fazed. Some lunatic arab MK now alludes to it and the yeshivaworld is so surprised?!?!? Go figure !

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