Chareidi And Dati Leumi Mispallalim Ousted from Egalitarian Prayer Area At Kosel

koselChareidim wishing to visit the new egalitarian prayer area near the Kosel on motzei Shabbos the eve of 19 Adar-I were ousted from the area by security. They explained to the guards the area is intended for anyone and everyone, but it appears not for them.

According to a Kikar Shabbos News report, dati leumi and chareidi mispallalim that have visited the area have been prohibited from doing so by security personnel.

According to another report, two weeks ago, on a Shabbos, a group of dati leumi visitors requested to daven there and they too were ousted, informed that may not enter. One guard explained there is a mechanism in place that counts the number of people entering, hence if they enter it will result in chilul Shabbos.

Jerusalem Councilman Aryeh King was a member of that group and he explains he checked into the situation and indeed, there is a mechanism in place that is mechalel Shabbos as it counts the people entering.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. To be fair, do we know whether these people trying to enter wanted to join the minyan, or even to just watch, or were they just coming to make trouble. If the latter, then it sounds reasonable that they would not be allowed to come. Even the most uber-welcoming shuls eventually kick out the uber-annoying trouble-makers.

  2. What an ingenious (if odious) means of preventing shomrei Shabbos from entering an area on Shabbos. Just install a mechalel Shabbos device triggered by the targeted person(s).

    They could make all of har habayis assur on Shabbos if they had the inclination, r”l.

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