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Court Accepts Meah Shearim Mom’s Plea Bargain Agreement

Jerusalem District Court Justice Yosef Shapira on Monday accepted the plea bargain agreement reached between the state and the so-called Meah Shearim mom. As per the agreement, she pleaded guilty to abusing her children.

While Y.E. will not serve prison time, she will be distanced from her children for a period of five years. If she adheres to the terms of the agreement, after two years, she will be permitted daily supervised visits with her children.

She will remain under house arrest for three years and has agreed to undergo treatment for her illness.

The defense team, attorneys Dvora Atia, Dr. Aviad HaCohen and Attorney Shachar Eldar called the deal a good one, signaling that after the smoke cleared from the violent Eida Chareidit protests they came to the realization that the state has a solid case, opting to accept the harsh terms of the agreement and thereby avoiding a prison sentence.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. See people, they ( the leaders of the protest )realized that all things that they shouted against the hospital (name calling: nazis, mengele, ect…) and all the burning public property in the name of this accused mother were for nothing since they realized that they were WRONG!!! now instead of jail time she needs to get some necesary medical help in order to be with her kids again, I think that HaShem had mercy on her by allowing her to be out of jail. Let’s pray that her kids do better now.

  2. UMMM …HELLO? Did you miss the word “bargain” in the article above? Just because she “plead guilty” to what they offered to plead to, a.k.a “the bargain” doesnt mean she did anything wrong. Often relinquishing to the oppressor’s snare “bargain” is of more benefit long term to the victim and the family. Of course its a bargain for the hospital and gov’t because they are released from any malpractice and liability.

  3. To# 2
    Did you wear your glasses when reading??? Did you see this part of the piece: ” after the smoke cleared from the violent Eida Chareidit protests, they (the eidah and the attorneys)) came to the realization that the state has a solid case, opting to accept the harsh terms of the agreement and thereby avoiding a prison sentence”. So, yes it was a “Bargain” for her not to go to jail. You need to read everything first.

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