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Two Days After Scolding Congress, Obama Heads To Presidential Retreat For Holiday Weekend

President Barack Obama will be taking a break for the Independence Day holiday weekend.

He’ll travel to Camp David in western Maryland Friday afternoon, following some morning meetings.

Daughter Malia has a holiday birthday. She’ll turn 13 on Monday.


7 Responses

  1. I guess he thinks the budget issue is not his concern. He just doesn’t care about America or the American people.
    Congress is still in session and the president goes on vacations.

  2. I love the way the headlines can read on YWN and then you look at the pictures. Thank you for sometimes very funny “photo journalism”. The uplifting is appreciated. 😀

  3. As I have grown older I have drifted solidly to the center of politics – I no longer have any patience for ideologs on either the left or right. Neither of those groups focuses much on facts without filtering them through ideological preconceptions.

    I must be doing something right, I tell myself, becauise I get it from both ends – so many of you here decry me as an “out of touch pathetic Liberal”…while ex-cronies of mine from the Democrat Party decry me as having “lost it, selling out” to a politically conservative religion.

    Last night I listened to a 45 minute interview with Fareed Zacharia, the host of CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS, an editor at large for Time magazine, and a columnist for the Washington Post. The reason for the interview was publication of his book The Post-American World: Release 2.0, but much of it dealt with domestic economic issues.

    I challenge YWN bloggers to listen to the entire interview, with particular focus on his comments about the deficit, the debt ceiling negotiations and international reaction to the nature of those negotiations. His is a calm, centrist position, and one that comes from recognized expertise in the issues being addressed.

    You can listen to the interview at:

  4. Obama cannot do anything right.

    If he ‘meddles’ with the budget process, then pundits would say that his “regime” is usurping the Congressional obligations! (US Const Art I, Sec 7, 8)

    If he doesn’t “involve himself” the the budget process (and even leaves town!) then the pundits would say that he “shows no leadership.”

    Obama cannot do anything right.

  5. well all you condeming obama dont forget that pres. bush was almost a third of his first term on vacation! (dont worry im republican but stop these non sense comments)

  6. Sure he will play 18 holes of golf, I hear in 2012 when he is out of office he plans to give tiger woods a run for his money!

  7. B”H Obama takes a 3 day getaway, which for the president isnt a getaway since he is constantly working.

    Also BH that he told the Congress to stay around and not go on their Summer 2 month recess

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