Urgent Letter From Achiezer Regarding Hurricane Sandy

Three weeks post-Sandy. Far Rockaway, the Five Towns, Long Beach, Belle Harbor, Bayswater and surrounding Long Island communities are still awash in the agony of families whose homes are unlivable. The telling strain of living as daily guests in the homes of others is beginning to erode their very foundations. Displaced children are far from their own schools. They are not able to take even the most fundamental steps needed to pick up the pieces of their lives as they must come to grips with the “new normal” they face.

To date, Achiezer has given out over $1,300,000 during Phase I in which emergency funds have been disbursed to nearly 530 families in the aftermath of the first weeks. The $2,000-$3,000 disbursed to families only covered the basics like food and generators despite tremendous losses of homes, belongings and pay checks. The critical task three weeks after the devastation is to get these families back home before the fabric of their lives unravels further. They face the daunting challenge of getting their homes and lives operational again. In order to facilitate this goal in the most expedient manner possible, Achiezer has begun Phase II.

Operation Coming Home is a community assistance program that helps to repair homes and gives immediate cash assistance of up to $10,000. Consequently, Achiezer needs $5,000,000 to address the rebuilding efforts of as many as 500 families so that, at the very least, families can take the difficult first steps of replacing boilers, removing pervasive mold, and replacing sheet rock. Even with contractors providing work at cost, the expenses are overwhelming.

Go to www.achiezer.org to see a heart-rending video demonstrating the challenges Achiezer is helping these families overcome. Your ongoing monetary support is vital to help these families get back on their feet.

Please respond by donating in any amount or calling our hotline (516) 791-4444. May your participation be a zechus for you and all of Klal Yisroel.



Boruch B. Bender
Founder, Achiezer

Rabbi Yaakov Bender – Rosh HaYeshiva, Yeshiva Darchei Torah

Rabbi Zvi Bloom – Executive Director, Torah Umesorah

Rabbi David Greenblatt – Davis Memorial Fund

Rabbi Yehiel Kalish – National Director of Government Affairs, Agudath Israel of America

Lloyd Keilson

Ben Lowinger

Ronald Lowinger

Morris Wolfson

(YWN Desk – NYC)

One Response

  1. Yasher Koach to Achiezer for an incredible job!

    The article mentions reimbursing people for paychecks. Please note that individuals who lost wages, including small business owners, may be eligible for disaster unemployment. The DEADLINE IS DEC. 3, 2012. NY # is 1-888-209-8124.


    Over 50% of disaster victims have not applied for assistance. People should call 1-800-621-FEMA and register immediately, whether or not you have insurance.

    CURRENTLY, FEMA’s deadline for housing assistance is DEC 30,2012 unless it’s changed since yesterday.

    Currently SBA’s deadline is DEC 31,2012.

    Also very important. Many times people are given an SBA low interest loan packet but throw it away because they don’t want a long. It is critical to return it because not doing so may exclude you from further grant assistance. You may be declined the SBA loan or may wish to decline it. But you must complete the disaster assistance process to be considered for the full amount of help available.

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