One family instructed by their rav to inspect their mezuzahs has led police to the realization that someone in Kiryat Gat has been stealing the parshas.
When the woman removed the first mezuzah to take out the parsha she was surprised to learn the case was empty. She then asked a neighbor to inspect, and she found the same. The other neighbors in the apartment building checked and they too had been robbed of the klaf.
Police report that they have received “a number” of complaints of stolen mezuzahs. Police are calling on sofrim and stores selling mezuzahs not to buy from anyone who is not know to them.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
3 Responses
What kind of creep would steel and then sell mezuzahs
It’s amazing how low people will stoop!
and I thought we were ma’aminim.