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Boycott Against Shefa Shuk Continues

ampm.jpgShefa Shuk supermarkets in chareidi areas are indeed feeling the crunch of the boycott which was implemented by Gedolei Yisroel Shlita in opposition to ongoing chilul Shabbos.

Newspapers report that as a result of the sharp drop in business, Shefa Shuk stores in chareidi areas have drastically cut their manpower, cut the hours of other employees, with stores reporting significant reductions in profits.

The problem stems from the fact that AM:PM stores, Blue Square Co-Op supermarkets and Shefa Shuk are all owned by the Alon Group. The frum community has targeted the Alon Group, particularly for the AM:PM stores, which continue to desecrate the Shabbos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. It should be noted, that the mall Rav Shefa isn’t included in the boycott and there have been signs that it is a mitzvah to support frum yidden (see Brochos- Dovid HaMelech “l’chu v’hisparnisu zeh mizeh!”) Just Shefa Shuk is not allowed. Maybe someone wants to open up some alternative in Beitar.

  2. #2, I agree, Alef is horrible. At least Alef in Givat Shaul, where I live (corner of Nagara / Givat Shaul Streets). You stand in line for HOURS and the bread nor the vegetables and fruits are with the hechsher of the Edah.

    Also, that Alef store attracts non-religious people, including women wearing pants and other non-tznua clothing to our neighborhood.

    I only buy in the makolet – usually Sinai/Tzion (opposite Zupnik) and sometimes Zol Tov. It might be a little bit more expensive, but 1) they have the hechsher of the Edah, 2) I know – for Sinai/Tzion – who the owner is, 3) they always have the same people working there, and it’s ok if you’re a shekel short once (you’ll just give it to them tomorrow – try that at Alef).

    The makolet has everything we normally need, and when you don’t have a family of 10 nefashos, the difference in cost isn’t all that dramatic.

  3. Keep the boycott going, let ALON feel the dip in profits and realize that shabbos is important for Frum Jews.

  4. It is typical of the anti religious zionist mentality. Any other business on the face of the earth tries to satisfy it’s customers. Here, the will lose money and continue to antagonize the chareidim rather than close Shabbos and respect the wishes of their frum customers. I believe the boycott isn’t nation wide, just against the stores in chareidi areas. The press will no doubt scream kafiyah datit (Kafiyah because I don’t want to shop in a place that spits on my religious beliefs?) While ignoring the Civil courts intervention in the giyur controversy.

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