Mazal Tov! Netanyahu’s Chareidi Daughter Gives Birth To 5th Child

Opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu, seen here with Israeli Ambassador to the UK Tzipi Hotovely and British MPs, heard about his new grandchild's birth in London.

Opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu, who is currently on a working vacation in London, was informed on Tuesday that his daughter gave birth to her fifth child, Netanyahu’s fifth grandchild.

Netanyahu’s daughter Noa, 42, from his first marriage, is a ba’ales teshuvah. She and her husband, businessman Daniel Roth, belong to the Breslover community and live in Mea Shearim.

“Mazal Tov to Noa my daughter and her husband Danny on their birth of a son,” Netanyahu wrote on Twitter. “You should be zocheh to raise him to Torah, mitzvos, happiness and health.”

Netanyahu held meetings in London with British Home Secretary Priti Patel, Chancellor of the Exchequer Nadhim Zahawi, and other members of parliament from the Conservative Party. The meetings were also attended by Israeli Ambassador to the UK Tzipi Hotovely.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. @coffee addict
    You are nitpicking… שתזכו לגדלו לתורה ולמצוות doesn’t include מעשים טובים????

  2. Nitpicker, doesn’t למצוות include מעשים טובים???

    Indeed, for the secular society of Israel, if he would use the undefined term מעשים טובים, it would mean “good acts” done by all. even the irreligious, but מצוות is clearly a value of the religious.

    Admire the careful choice of words!

    If you are inclined to nitpick, you should ask about לחופה !!

  3. I agree with Rebbitzen, it’s funny that everyone noticed him substituting מעשים טובים for מצוות, but no one noticed the absence of חופה, which is also part of the traditional blessing.

  4. The brocha of לחופה is only listed when מעשים טובים is wished, but once he used the term למצות, then חופה is included as one of the many מצות.

    The meaning of מעשים טובים are specific to AFTER חופה, therefore said after,, while מצות include all from בת מצוה onwards.

    As such למצות includes חופה, and no need to itemize it. ודו”ק.

  5. Does anyone know which group within Breslov they’re affiliated with? In any case may he grow up big in Torah and even bigger in yiras Shamayim. Zeh ha-koton gadol yehye.

  6. והשיב לב אבות על בנים ולב בנים על אבותם
    IYH he will himself grow in Torah and Mitzvos (and Maasim Tovim)

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