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Lieberman Causes a Diplomatic Row

During his address in Knesset on Wednesday, Yisrael Beitenu Party leader Avigdor Lieberman caused a diplomatic row when he stated “Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak should go to hell”.

In his remarks at the seventh memorial for Tourism Minister Rechavam Ze’evi, who was assassinated by an Arab terrorist, he decried Israel’s policy of bowing down to Mubarak, stating that the Egyptian leader has not ever set foot in Israel, despite the peace agreement signed 30 years ago. Lieberman questioned Israel’s policy and lack of self respect.

President Shimon Peres was quick to express regret over the MKs remarks, calling his words “impolite”. The president went on to praise Mubarak, who he says is yearning for regional peace. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and a Foreign Ministry spokesman joined in, apologizing to Egypt for the comments.

Other MKs affiliated with the left-center and left also joined in and condemned the remarks, which some said could have caused a rift in relations between Israel and Egypt.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel

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