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Olmert: We Will Restore Peace to Southern Israel

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told ministers at the Sunday morning weekly cabinet meeting that the continuous violations of the Gaza ceasefire will not be tolerated, explaining Israel’s response will be a firm one. Speaking to ministers with the media present, the prime minister stated that Israel was apprehensive regarding the ceasefire with Hamas from the onset, but held to the conditions, but will not sit by and permit the continued violations, rocket attacks against the southern area.

He explained the cabinet was approving the NIS 695 million fortification plan, which is intended to provide area residents with increased protection against attacks from Hamas-controlled Gaza.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. does anyone give this idiot one ounce of credibility? when is the last time he told the truth about anything? he ought to be put in a room with all of his cronies right in the line of fire and then we will see if he “talks tough” or does something practical

  2. To #1,
    Yes, when he says he gonna get the Jews in Chevron for making a Progrom, he means it. Don’t try to defend yourself against arabs in Israel, you have no right. They are fools for giving themselves up. They don’t stand a chance in Israeli courts for justice.

  3. The empty suit is talking again. He is as big an idiot as barak. Two jerks running this country.
    We should pray that they should live as long as sharon – in the same fashion!

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